Best Twitpics Of Celebrities Without Makeup (PHOTOS)

Here at HuffPost Style we love keeping track of when our fave celebs grace the covers of magazines. Whether for Vogue, W Magazine or GQ, the covergirls always look AMAZING!

It’s no secret why they look so great: Photoshop and airbrushing madness. The thing is, although we know that Kate Upton and Anne Hathaway may not look exactly like they do in magazines as they do in real life, it’s always nice to have a reminder.

Enter celebs who Twitpic them selves sans-makeup! Last week Kelly Osbourne Tweeted a pic of herself in pajamas, and we were reminded of the fact that sometimes celebs look just like us!

Here are some more celebs who have Tweeted pics of themselves without the magic of makeup or computers.

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  • Lady Gaga

    “Have a beautiful day!!”
    a href=”″ target=”_hplink”

  • Rihanna

    “Just realized how dumb u look takin self pix on iPhone thanx to @leandra246″

    a href=”” target=”_hplink”

  • AnnaLynne McCord

    “I woke up this morning and decided I’m over Hollywood’s perfection requirement. To all my girls(and boys) who have ever been embarrassed by their skin! I salute you! I’m not perfect – and that’s okay with me!”
    a href=”″ target=”_hplink”

  • Katy Perry by Russell Brand


  • Snooki

    “No make up day 🙂 and IDC :)”
    a href=”” target=”_hplink”

  • Katy Perry

    “Reunited and it feels so good… Me Kitty Purry havin a kip.”
    a href=”″ target=”_hplink”

  • Jennifer Love Hewitt

    “The no make up look… Glam look to follow”
    a href=” ” target=”_hplink” /a

  • Nicole Scherzinger

    “Uhh…Does anyone know how to work this twisty towel thing? Haha!”
    a href=” ” target=”_hplink” /a

  • Kelly Osbourne

    “Just found my favorite pj’s! Got to be up at 5am for @e_fashionpolice thank god for my jet lag comfy bed night night #tweethearts”
    a href=”” target=”_hplink”

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