Biden to Students: You’ll See ‘Solar Energy as Cheap as Gas–Uh, Coal, Excuse Me, as Coal’

Eric Scheiner
May 11, 2012

Vice President Joe Biden told a group of college-age Americans at the White House on Thursday that they are the generation that will see solar energy as cheap as gas which now costs over $4.00 per gallon in many parts of the country.

“Your generation is in the cusp of the most incredible change in world history, not because of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, because of the time in which you live. Your generation is going to live through us being able to make solar energy as cheap as gas uh, coal, excuse me, as coal,” Biden said on Thursday.

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33 Responses to “Biden to Students: You’ll See ‘Solar Energy as Cheap as Gas–Uh, Coal, Excuse Me, as Coal’”

  1. i hope the college kids today can see through that douche..OMG.

  2. Worst part about being vice prez: having to kiss the ass of thousands of 18-22 year olds during election season

    Best part about being vice prez: Free speech lessons from Bill Clinton’s vocal coach!

  3. God help us with Aholes like him, our nation is doomed.

  4. Has anyone commented on his shapeshifting eyes? His eyes shapeshift numerous times.

    • I know that over half of the commentors here are retarded racist indoctrinated freaks, but, wow, you really take the cake.


    • Anybody seeing this sorry scumbag talking this condescending crap in front of him should either insult him (minimum penalty) or take a gun and shoot him (maximum penalty)

  6. I am an American living in Japan…know how much they pay per liter here in Tokyo? 115 Yen… About $1.50 X 3.8=$5.70 per gallon

    It has been this way for years.

    I travel to poorer parts of asia as well, countries where the median income is well below that of the US(Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia). They pay more than US citizens for fuel.
    You understand that America? They make 10K per anum and they pay 5-6 dollars per gallon.

    You know what they do?
    They use mass transportation, mopeds, run their vehicles on natural gas which is in abundance and much cheaper, they….RIDE BIKES. They drive much smaller vehicles. They ride share.
    Hey America..the world has moved on…MOVE ON.

    The entire suburban commuting culture of America has to change. It has to go away. It is completely unsustainable in our current, let alone future global marketplace. The mitigating factors for this change are debatable but the facts are there is a change here. America needs to adapt..these prices are the markets telling us we need to do just that.
    Now, whether those markets are artificially manipulated or doctored to reflect agendas really is moot. America is NOT adapting.

    • Cambodia is as big as some of the States in the US. It is a pimple on the ass of the world.

    • Indonesians paying more for gasoline than the Americans……… on what substance are you tonight?? I lived 8 years in Indonesia, they have one of the CHEAPEST GASOLINE in the world as they get massive subsidies from the government………. I also know Thailand and Cambodia and in my opinion you smoked too much pot before writing this message!!

    • That’s nice. So, are you glowing in the dark yet?

      • Haha thought the same thing. Well, I guess it’s not really funny. It’s possible for the U.S. to have a real interstate train system, but not when we have to borrow money. If we actually created money ourselves, developing a national rail and transportation system would generate real growth. Of course, the money supply is too big at the moment as well. We used to have trolleys and transportation by train all over my state, that was until the oil companies and some car companies, like GM, bought the rails and had the cars and tracks destroyed. They made us dependent on their automobiles and oil/fossil fuels. I know that sounds super conspiracy but the information and documents are out there.

  7. WOW – I’ve never heard such a disingenuous bunch of malarkey ever before in my entire life and I was in the military and heard a lot of HUA, HUA malarkey daily for a very long time.

  8. My area was going to get a Hydro-Electric dam built which burns nothing, just free electric. Environmentalists drove in from everywhere saying too many bugs would die, so now we burn coal.
    The reason so many people join the Military, Biden, is because there’s no other jobs out there.

    • There are real environmentalists like me, who would have supported that dam project whole-heartedly, and then there are asshole pussified environmentalists who care more about birds and ants than humans. It’s like when infowars did the windmill story about it causing global warming, which was a bogus story anyway. Who cares about birds it kills, it doesn’t well it was a propaganda talking point the nuclear industry created, and the “global warming” they cause, which is actually only local at the ground and not globally with only a degree or two difference and was only studied at one single location. There are douchebags in every movement. I bet they were hipsters or some other douchey sub-culture.

      • Oh yeah, the nuke propagandists also came up with windmills disrupting radar, which is not true with current tech. A military spokesman said it was a totally bogus claim.

  9. Pal Joey: “2.2 million of you have volunteered to be human targets making me and my buddies in the defense industry, oil industry…uh, oh yeah, plus the banking sector – rich! You guys really fell for that 911 story, didn’t you? Now will you believe that the price of rare earths will fall below the price of oil…er gas…I mean coal… so the silicon used in those those panels you put up on your roof…if you ever get a job in this economy…or a house, will help make you a useful consumer? All you gotta do is strap on those boots and march through the sands of the mid east to get those solar panels. Really, you guys are great!”

  10. Coal instead of the planet poisoning nukes!

    DUH! If you can get solar to 1/2 the price of coal, or less, it will be worth considering … and that is speaking about the price of coal WITHOUT ALL THE TAXES, FEES, FINES AND PENALTIES!

    • coal is super cheap man. Costs me $400 a year to heat the house 6 months straight and I still have a little left over this year.

  11. That is unacceptable, it must be cheaper than that!

  12. Solar energy as cheap as coal?


    Just keep adding rules, regulations and penalties to coal producers until a bucket of coal costs $100. In other words, keep trying to ‘bankrupt’ the coal industry, just like your boss has said he intends to do.

    • I know it’s bullshit, especially as they just approved two new nuclear reactors. AFTER FUKUSHIMA. WTF are these people thinking? Keep coal and apply new technology to cut down emissions, since that is a real problem, and start competitively contracting for new solar plants and wind farms along with other renewable energies like geothermal or hydro or a number of other technologies. The renewable market could explode if we created our own debt-free money and would be a boon to the economy. Government spending, when applied frugally and precisely, can grow the economy for real, but not when we have to borrow money from the fucking fed.

  13. Notice how they use 9/11 as a historical placemark in order to describe pre and post historical significance, just like BC and AD. They do everything except blatantly admit that 9/11 is the end of the old world order and the beginning of the new world order.

    • It’s so true. I was in 9th grade during 9/11 and I noticed a HUGE change afterward. The religious freaks, like hardcore fundamentalists, wanted to kill all muslims and everyone else was also on this super nationalistic patriot bandwagon. They were all so paranoid after 9/11 the government could have said dildos up your ass make terrorists cry and I bet half the country would do it. lol Bush and his cronies had this all planned out, but the biggest assholes and cowards were the American people that bought into this patriotic bullshit. Remember, how no one could appear on tv without a fucking American flag pin? Congressman who didn’t have one on were literally critiqued for it. All the Republicans had them on, though. lol Democrats were hit or miss. People actually bought that. Pathetic. I know exactly what you are talking about. Forgot to mention the police, who became so militarized and almost every cop you meet was an asshole whereas before most I met were nice people who didn’t think they owned me. Now, if someone came to rob me, I would rather shoot them in their leg than finish them off so I don’t have to call the cops. Hell, I wouldn’t call them anyway. They would try and pin something on you no matter that a burglar tried breaking into your home at night.

      • everything you said, so true. I can’t imagine having to be in school after 911 and the BS that must have been going on but glad to know at least one of you saw through it.

  14. He is wrong. Solar energy is actually cheaper than the actual oil price.

  15. How do they plan on charging people for solar power anyway? Most people would produce their own gasoline if they knew how and had the right connections. Fortunately, solar energy isn’t as complicated.

    • you can build solar panels in your garage???

      • You can actually, but you can’t sell them because the processes are patented. I’ve seen a nice method for good throughput using a t-shirt screening press. That method seems to be the most efficient for output and fairly decent at conversion something like 5-8% I think. Not amazing power, but you can make large arrays fairly cheap. The thing is that it’s now cheaper to just buy the cells and make your own enclosure than it is to make them. There is really no point in making your own when mass produced versions are cheaper, or the same price, and of much, much, much higher quality than what you could produce in your shop.

  16. It is knowable, how much energy goes into the making of these machines vs. how much they will produce, over their productive lifetime.

    And, I don’t believe they would appear credible, without redistributionist Ponzi schemes.

    I suppose my line of reasoning begins with asking where it came from. Where did these parts and money come from.

    I believe my generation is going to live through a realization, that the maintenance of a technology for every living person is not nearly as efficient as drawing upon a labor surplus.

  17. Give the guy a break. It’s hard to speak without a teleprompter. His boss should know.

    • No his brain could not keep up with his lying mouth. These people just spit things out of there mouth to make you think they know it all and what is best for you and make you fill good.

      • They literally have advertisers or PR dickheads working for them that custom write speeches tailored to each individual crowd. They also pick the crowds as best they can. It’s like reality TV. It may seem somewhat real, but in reality it’s just as scripted as Law and Order.

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