Big Brother talks back — Is 1984 here?

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June 23, 2012

The city of Chicago is the most watched city in the U.S., with a network of tens of thousands of security cameras. But Big Brother won’t stop at that — new street lights with a twist about to be put in place in Chicago and several other cities — are able to speak to people, as well as record conversations. RT’s Anastasia Churkina reports.

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4 Responses to “Big Brother talks back — Is 1984 here?”

  1. The true purpose of all the camera’s and microphones is this. Anytime the general public gets outraged at what our incumbant politicians are doing then decide to protest in the streets, these camera’s will identify you, record your conversation, and then the police will come out and hall you away to jail, especially if you are a leader of a political unrest protest. Examples are war protesters, occupy wall street protesters, protesting the banks, protesting the incumbant mayor, or governor or president. This is what those camera’s are really for. Because think about it, if the camera’s were for crime, and stopping crime, why is Chicago the most fucked up violent city in America right now?

  2. In the USA… look at the font of new levels of world state fascism:
    NYC, NJ, Chicago… and these have something in common… .

  3. Read “SUPERMOB.”

  4. Take back America ! Vote Ron Paul 2012 !

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