Blair¿s shameful war and a wall of silence

Daily Mail Comment

17:03 EST, 17 July 2012


17:03 EST, 17 July 2012

Tony Blair stands accused, by this paper among many other observers, of one of the most serious abuses of power a prime minister can commit.

The charge is that he made a private agreement with George Bush to join the US in an offensive war against Iraq.

Then, with the aid of spin doctor Alastair Campbell, he wildly exaggerated evidence that Saddam Hussein posed a deadly threat to this country, so as to persuade the Cabinet, Parliament and the British people that the invasion was justified.

Delay: Sir John Chilcot has still not published his report into the Iraq War

Delay: Sir John Chilcot still has not published his report into the Iraq War

In a nutshell, he led his country into a bloody and illegal war on a lie.

This is the accusation at the heart of Sir John Chilcot’s inquiry, which spent 18 months hearing evidence until early last year. Since then, the panel has produced a million words of a draft report, almost twice as long as War and Peace.

Yet, incredibly, Sir John now says his findings must be delayed for a year – more than a decade after the invasion – because officials are seemingly refusing to let him publish Blair’s private messages to Mr Bush, on which his conclusions are based.

Evidence: Sir John has been prevented from publishing private messages between Tony Blair and George W Bush

Evidence: Sir John has been prevented from publishing private messages between Tony Blair and George W Bush

This is, frankly, appalling.

We understand why some politicians and members of the security services may be reluctant for the full facts to emerge. Yet Blair, Campbell and other interested parties have all been allowed to publish self-serving accounts of the war – and to make money out of them.

We also note that Lord Justice Leveson, in his inquiry into the disreputable but hardly life-and-death matter of voicemail hacking, shows no qualms about publishing every scrap of private correspondence that may be relevant.

So how sickening that, where political crimes are concerned, a wall of secrecy comes slamming down to deny the public their right to know what offences have been committed in their name.

Coincidentally, the delay comes as Blair, now a multi-millionaire, slithers back into public life as a Labour adviser.

If the party had any ethical core, it would suspend him until the Chilcot Report is published – complete with the evidence that could damn him for ever.

The taxing question

For Kirsty Wark, presenter of the BBC’s Newsnight, it was a lucky break to have the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee on Monday’s programme.

So what a missed opportunity it was, when she failed to ask Margaret Hodge about the scandal uncovered by her committee that very day, which the  ex-minister had described as shocking.

This was that 148 BBC presenters – almost a third – reduce their tax bills by being paid through private companies, with the corporation’s connivance.

Instead of asking Mrs Hodge about this possibly illegal practice, Ms Wark grilled her only about the Olympics’ budget.

How exquisite!

Safe in their secure jobs, with handsome pay and pensions, BBC presenters are always the first to attack spending cuts, aimed at saving money for the millions who pay full taxes and the licence fee.

Now we learn scores of them avoid their fair share. No wonder they and their colleagues don’t want to talk about it.

The public pay their inflated salaries. The least we can expect is to be told who is avoiding tax in this way.

Plumbing new depths

Destroying the economy… rigging interest rates… selling bogus insurance… Just when you thought the City couldn’t be guilty of any worse infamy, it emerges that HSBC faces a $1billion fine for laundering illegal drugs money and perhaps also assisting terrorism.

And the Government still thinks voicemail hacking is a worthier subject for a judicial inquiry?

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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when are the troops going into syria?
or don’t they have any oil?

The odious man that is Tony Blair should be on trial for war crimes.

The wide respect that this country and its people once had is greatly diminished not least in the USA. We are regarded as America’s lickspittle and it’s largely thanks to BLAIR.

Bliar sold his soul to the devil, along with most politicians, bankers, and crooks. The devil is in charge of the N.W.O. so we are stuffed and can only blame ourselves for allowing it to happen.

“Blair’s shameful war and a wall of silence
The Daily Mail did not oppose the war at any time!!

Come on Guys. He did it because he was promised personal money. Look at him now, the game paid off.

I totally agree with the comments expressed by Withnail Extreme and somewhere another planet only the click to rate on both does not appear to be working

There is only one thing I need to know about the War Monger BLIAR, and that is WHEN is he up in front of the HAGUE for war crimes??????????????

I think the British electorate know exactly what Blair said and did prior to and during the Iraq war , It has been widely reported.
Ultimately though it was the British electorate that put Blair in the position to conduct such a campaign !.

The reason it is being delayed is because those meetings with Bush included London 7/7.. They wouldn’t want the truth to come out about that would they ?? There would be the biggest riot the UK has ever seen.

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