Blues settle for 1-1 draw against Shahin

The Blues, who were seeking a victory away from home, had to settle for the tie at Boushehr’s Shahid Beheshti stadium and did not manage to reach the league pacesetter Sepahan.

Amjad Shokouh-Maqam opened the scoring for Shahin in the dying minutes of the first half but Goran Jerkovic leveled the game after the hour mark.

In other matches of the day, Sepahan made closer to this season’s trophy by beating Foulad 2-1, Rah Ahan lost to Teraktorsazi 1-0, and Zob Ahan and Damash drew 0-0.

Sepahan tops the standings with 62 points, followed by Esteqlal and Teraktorsazi both with 59 points.

The three are hopeful for the championship with three weeks remaining to the end of the current season of the IPL.


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