Bob Beckel Tells Tucker Carlson: Giving Daily Caller a White House Pass ‘Craziest Idea I’ve Ever Heard’

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Liberal Fox News political commentator Bob Beckel had a heated exchange with Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson on Hannity Monday evening.

With the topic Neil Munro’s interruption of President Obama Friday, Beckel said, “The idea that they gave the Daily Caller a White House pass is the craziest idea I’ve ever heard” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BOB BECKEL: Did you spend the whole afternoon at Starbucks? I’m just curious. Can you answer me, is this guy, is this guy an American citizen?

TUCKER CARLSON, DAILY CALLER: Is Neil Munro American? Look, I’m not going to stand here and let you throw out your anti-Irish bigotry again. If I have to stand up and defend immigrants from you I will.

Carlson was obviously referring to comments Beckel made on Monday’s The Five concerning Munro.

“His mother and father didn’t raise him very well to have manners like that,” Beckel said. “Look at this dude. Is he Irish — Scottish or Irish or something?”

When co-host Greg Gutfeld asked, “What are you talking about,” Beckel responded, “He’s an immigrant.”

But I digress:

BECKEL: Okay, I appreciate that, but I still want an answer to my question. Is he an American citizen?

CARLSON: Of course he’s an American.

BECKEL: Okay, I didn’t know.

CARLSON: And a proud one.

BECKEL: I’m glad to hear that, but is he, if I were the White House, here’s the White House mistake. The idea that they gave the Daily Caller a White House pass is the craziest idea I’ve ever heard.

CARLSON: Why? We’re bigger than the Chicago Tribune.

BECKEL: I know you are. That’s another reason why…

CARLSON: We’re bigger than the Boston Globe. They can’t not give us a pass.

BECKEL: Another reason I wouldn’t put, sure they can. All you got to do is not give it to you.

CARLSON: Let them. Bob, good luck with that.

As you can see, Beckel really isn’t somebody that should be criticizing anyone else’s manners.

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