Bombing, shootings kill 11 in Iraq

The car bomb attack was carried out at a marketplace in the central town of Zubaidiya, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) southeast of the capital, Baghdad, at around 9:15 a.m. local time (0615 GMT) on Wednesday, Iraqi security and medical officials said.

Eight people, including a child, were killed in Zubaidiya, and two police officers and a parliament official were killed in shooting attacks in Baghdad.

The Wednesday violence in Iraq comes a day after at least 25 people were killed in a truck bombing at a marketplace in the city of Diwaniya, about 212 kilometers (131 miles) south of the capital.

The number of bomb attacks carried out in Iraq has increased over the past few weeks.

On June 29, at least eight people, including an Iraqi soldier, were killed in bombings in the city of Balad, about 80 kilometers north of Baghdad, and the city of Baqouba, about 50 kilometers northeast of the capital.

In the city of Khan Bani Sa’ad, about 30 kilometers northeast of Baghdad, gunmen attacked a checkpoint, killing four people and injuring four others on the same day.


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