Bonnie Fuller: Tom Cruise: Will He Forced to Choose Between Scientology and Suri

Will Tom Cruise decide that it’s more important to be a devoted dad or a disciple of Scientology? Katie Holmes may force him to choose.

Tom Cruise — do you love Scientology more than your six-year-old daughter Suri? That is the question you may be forced to decide in your increasingly bitter divorce and custody battle with estranged wife Katie Holmes.

Katie has filed to get sole custody of Suri in NYC and if many reports are to be believed she is determined to keep Suri out of Scientology school, where she would be indoctrinated into your religion.

She reportedly feels so strongly about this, that she filed to divorce you. And she’s been playing hardball with you by blindsiding you with divorce papers and then filing an “emergent application” to have both of you appear before a matrimonial judge in NYC on July 17 to rule on child custody and support issues.

You, of course, are shocked, hurt and furious.

You have been in control of your relationship with Katie since the moment you began to woo her in April 2005. And up until now, you no doubt planned to raise Suri as a Scientologist just like your two older children, Isabella, 19, and Connor, 17.

But now Katie has drawn a line in the sand and she may already have the legal upper hand since she filed for custody first in New York — a state which more frequently awards sole custody to one parent, than does California.

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