Britain brings out the bunting: Retail sales boom as £823m splashed on food, drink and decoration for Jubilee celebrations

Sadie Whitelocks

10:44 EST, 31 May 2012


13:08 EST, 31 May 2012

The extended bank holiday weekend is almost here and Diamond Jubilee fever is reaching new heights.

According to research Brits will spend a total of £823million celebrating the Queen’s 60-year anniversary, each forking out an average of £83 on food, drink and Union Flag-inspired decoration.

Waitrose reported sales of Pimm’s were up by more than 260 per cent on
last year while DIY retailer BQ said it had sold 100,000 metres of bunting.

Bunting lines the streets in Winchester, Hampshire as locals prepare to celebrate

Bunting lines the streets in Winchester, Hampshire as locals prepare to celebrate

An estimated 40 per cent of the
population plans to mark the event in some way found and supermarkets expect the four-day break to be one of the busiest weekends of the year.

reported sales of Union
Jack cake stands were up by 2,783 per cent week on week while themed teacups and saucers were also flying off the shelves.

General merchandise director Robbie Feather said: ‘Record sales of
flags and bunting were seen in 2011 thanks to the royal wedding but
current indications show that the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is set to far
outstrip last year’s demand.

Waitrose reported sales of Pimm's were up by more than 260 per cent on last year

Waitrose reported sales of Pimm’s were up by more than 260 per cent on last year

Jubilee celebrations look set to be the most exciting royal occasion
yet with more people than ever before snapping up memorabilia, themed
products and party food and drink.’

The survey found 21 per cent plan to
buy extra food and snacks and 17 per cent will buy extra drinks, while 7
per cent will buy decorations and 8 per cent will purchase souvenirs.

those planning to watch the celebrations, 25 per cent will stay at
home, 8 per cent are expecting to party with family and friends and 6
per cent will attend a street party with 3 per cent planning a trip to London.

predicted spending of £823million compares to the £480million 34 per
cent of Britons said they planned to spend celebrating the Royal wedding
last year.

MoneySupermarket spokeswoman Clare
Francis said: ‘While it
can be tempting to splash out on celebrating such a big event, you
should still make sure you’re making the most of your money and not
paying a queen’s ransom.’

British Retail
Consortium economist Richard Lim said: ‘After a battering from bad
weather and household finances squeezed by low wage growth and high
inflation, retailers are looking for a much-needed boost.

Jubilee has the potential to create a feel good factor that lifts
consumer confidence and persuades people to put their concerns to one
side, even if only temporarily.

A study by Santander Insurance, which questioned 2,012 people, found that on average people are spending £83 on Jubilee-related goods.

the Association of Train Operating Companies has said around half a
million revellers would be travelling to the capital by rail.

Another 30,000 are expected to make the journey with coach operator National Express.

have said that showers could dampen some street celebrations over the
weekend, but the Queen’s Thames river pageant on Sunday is set to be

Monday, Buckingham Palace will host an
evening concert while on Tuesday, the Queen and members of the Royal
Family will take part in a carriage procession through central London.

wetter and windier weather is bringing the heatwave of the last week to
an end, and experts are predicting a mixed outlook for the bank holiday

The best places to be outside for a street party on Sunday will be in Scotland, northern England, and East Anglia.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not
debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Boycott Tesco! Buy all your goodies at Aldi or Lidl.

Any excuse for you British binge-drinking lager louts. Vive la Republique!

Times like this I enjoy reading the comments of the miserable republican gits who despise monarchy but assume would have no problem with money robbing, self gratifying Presidents on the basis that they are elected, but only in it for what they can get out of it until death, and no real sense of public duty excepting enjoying massive salaries, and all their wealthy privileges. Posters talk negatively about forelock tuggers… these same people have no respect for anyone, and wonder why they are life’s failures which makes them even more bitter and twisted, and haters of family doing well, employers, and royalty. It’s sad that people grow up despising everyone, but do not refuse advice from say a specialist if it kept them or family living a tad longer… or are these haters the same ones who abuse health staff too. You self afflicted miserable ever complaining people just need to chill and smell roses, not bad eggs your whole lives. You’d be a lot happier and live longer.

Pathetic trashy drunkards Brits
– William, London, 31/5/2012 20:49

“Pathetic trashy drunkards Brits” – William, London
I agree with William london, nothing worse than forelock tuggers.

I find this VERY hard to believe – an extra £83.00 per person? Rubbish – that would add £330 to the week’s food ./ drink bill. I certainly can’t afford an extra £83.00 – I’m a pensioner. Why should I spend money to celebrate an unelected queen? She’s richer then me. If people get into debt over this Jubilee, they are quite mad.

I’m glad to see that we’re all behind celebrating our Monarch! It’s not necessarily about spending money because as a nation that has celebrated in war times we all know that we can have fun without spending loads but it is good to see from the sales figures that everyone seems to be preparing for a very happy long weekend! I hope everyone reading this has an excellent and safe time and long live our Queen!

I’m a republican and I shall be ignoring the whole thing. I MIGHT have an extra bottle of wine or two to aid me as the event will unfortunately result in media saturation. Don’t believe all the hype, folks – the royals are not as popular as the Palace and the media would have us all believe. Many people are only joining in as the line of least resistance, NOT because they adore the royals as a whole. After all, we had no say in the Jubilee just as we have had no say on who our Head of State has been for the last 60 years – or will have any say in who the next one will be.

An average of £83 – really? We must have spent at least 4 times that in our Diamond Jubilee preparations! Emptied half of Tesco and MS getting ready for this jamboree. Tomorrow the serious cooking and baking begins. Everyonel have a fantastic Jubilee weekend. God Save the Queen and Long Live the Union. Great Britain has so, so much to be proud of!

An average of £83 – really? We must have spent at least 4 times that in our Diamond Jubilee preparations! Emptied half of Tesco and MS getting ready for this jamboree. Tomorrow the serious cooking and baking begins. Everyonel have a fantastic Jubilee weekend. God Save the Queen and Long Live the Union. Great Britain has so, so much to be proud of!

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