Britain considering ‘non-lethal’ help for Syria rebels

Asked at the Senate Armed Services Committee if the US was ready to deliver
communications equipment to Syrian rebels, Panetta said: “I’d prefer to
discuss that in a closed session but I can tell you that we’re considering
an array of non-lethal assistance.”

Mr Hague said a violent overthrow of Bashar al-Assad’s regime would have “unknowable
consequences” for the region and that a peaceful political transition
was the most desirable outcome.

He added that Britain, a permanent member of the United Nations Security
Council, was continuing to negotiate with Russia and China on how to bring
an end to the bloodshed in Syria.

But he warned that Russia and China, which have twice vetoed UN resolutions on
Syria, are “paying a diplomatic price for the position they have taken”.

“They should be concerned about their ultimate national interests in
Syria,” said Hague, arguing that if the Assad regime falls “then
it is actually in the national interests of Russia and China to support a
political transition.”

The Syrian army meanwhile sent more troops to the northwest province of Idlib.
Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights, said the troop build-up appeared to indicate a major military
operation was imminent given reports in the official press of “armed
terrorist groups” in the region.

The group added that six people, including a chili, were killed across the
country on Thursday.

Kofi Annan, the UN-Arab League envoy to Syria, said on Thursday he would urge
Assad and his foes to stop fighting and seek a political solution.

“The killing has to stop and we need to find a way of putting in the
appropriate reforms and moving forward,” Mr Annan, who is due in Damascus on
Saturday, said in Cairo.

Source: AFP

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