British MPs warned over child abuse

Acting on the report, Deputy Children’s Commissioner Sue Berelowitz was giving evidence to the House of Commons home affairs committee, where she said that girls as young as 11 expect to have to perform sex acts on rows of boys for up to two hours at a time in parts of London, British media reported.

Sue Berelowitz said there ‘isn’t a town, village or hamlet in the UK in which children are not being sexually exploited’.

She added that easy access to ‘extreme’ internet porn was to blame as it ‘affected children’s thresholds of what they think is normal’.

British MPs are being told to “lay aside denial” about child abuse as Sue Berelowitz addressed how common it is for girls as young as 11 to be sexually abused.

“We’ve had boys say to us – some of the boys I’ve spoken to who’ve been involved in sexual exploitation – “it was like being in a porn movie”, she explained.

“They have watched things and then they’ve enacted them. It has definitely affected children’s thresholds of what they think is normal”, Miss Berelowitz said.

Last month in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, nine men were convicted of sexually abusing 13-year-old girls after sedating them with drink and drugs.

The Deputy Commissioner said “what I am uncovering is that sexual exploitation of children is happening all over the country”. She also told the MPs that people should stop denying the facts that these sexual abuses are actually happening; otherwise victims could be at risk to be disbelieved.

“In urban, rural and metropolitan areas, I have hard evidence of children being sexually exploited. That is part of what is going on in some parts of our country. It is very sadistic. It is very violent. It is very ugly.” Ms Berelowitz stressed.

One incident involved boys aged between 14 and 15 to be invited to a gang rape of an underage girl via Blackberry Messenger. The abuse lasted for several days.

Another case included two boys forced to perform sexual activity in front of a mobile camera, which was organized by older, mature males as a “front line” in a wider abuse network.


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