Briton Alan Daulby jailed for 19 years for stabbing ex-girlfriend to death

Forensic experts said Flanagan, from Swords, Co Dublin, died after she had
been stabbed 47 times.

Judge Gracia Serrano, one of the three judges tasked with sentencing after the
jury verdict, said in an 18-page ruling released on Monday: “The number
of stab wounds Avril received was very high.

“The majority of them weren’t either fatal or necessary for Alan Daulby
to fulfil his intention of killing Avril

“He did not therefore just commit an evil crime.

“He also committed other equally intentioned wrongdoing by taking
pleasure in causing Avril additional suffering.”

She added: “We have no doubt that Daulby acted with the intention of
killing a woman who up until a week earlier had been his girlfriend.

“It’s clear to us from the way in which he murdered Avril that his attack
was premeditated and deliberately designed to end her life.”

Judges also ordered Daulby, who turned 27 last month in jail following his
murder conviction, to pay Flanagan’s parents Gerry and Barbara 40,000 euros
each for the loss of their daughter

The three years Daulby spent on remand in jail before his trial will be taken
off the time he serves behind bars.

He is expected to be moved from maximum-security Foncalent Prison in Alicante
in the next few weeks.

Flanagan’s father, Gerry, said: “Nothing will bring Avril back so this
sentence doesn’t actually mean much to our daily lives.

“But it is a relief to know my daughter’s killer will be punished for his
horrendous crime and it enables us to get some closure on a chapter of our
lives we wish we had never had to deal with in the first place.”

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