Caller Jim Reveals Martial Law Drill in St. Louis, MO

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A man identifying himself as a police officer named ‘Jim’ called in to report some startling information.

We have been told that in October we need to be prepared for an event that will require us to use air and ground support, in conjunction with the military here.”

During the call Jim comes across as passionate, sincere and very shaken by the information he tries to share. After the commercial break, Jim gets choked up as he tries to convey his appreciation for what Alex Jones has tried to do in terms of waking people up in the effort to save the Republic from the clutches of the forces seeking to destroy it. Now, nearly in tears, Jim concludes by saying “This country’s dead Alex. It’s gone” before unexpectedly hanging up.

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15 Responses to “Caller Jim Reveals Martial Law Drill in St. Louis, MO”

  1. They are preparing for WW3, and have been everyday now for many years.

    The time is now, 2012 for the official shots to be fired.

    I guess this is planned for October; they start bombing Iran and there is a MASSIVE cia-queda terrorist backlash unleashed upon the public — dirty bombs, chemical weapons, the whole 9 yards.

    America becomes one big internment camp overnight, as the war expands globally and the Russian/Chinese block unveils its’ fangs, joined by what eventually will become “the Allies” of the Third World War coming together to “save humanity” from the “Evil Empire of the West”, the Nazi Germany of the modern era, the mercilessly irrational bully of the world.

    This is WHY 911 was intentionally carried out so sloppily and in a manner which would eventually, and quite predictably, be exposed and used by the NWO as a justification to switch sides and fund “The Allies” in their effort to militarily destroy the USA, which eventually will mean foreign NWO troops on these shores, kicking in your doors and rounding you up for detention in a concentration camp.

    Not many here have asked the question: why was 911 so deliberately sloppy in the way it was carried out ? Could a “motive” have pre-existed to deliberately create a modern day “Reichstag event” which would later be described in elaborate detail in the NWO’s future history books.


  2. This again? Christ, this site is almost becoming like my cable company. Keep playing the same tired movies over and over again. Is Jim a government spook, or for real? Hell ain’t nothing you can do but watch and wait. If shit breaks out in Missouri like Jim says, you’re going to do one of two things:
    1: Pick up your rifle and go help the patriots.
    2: Do nothing.
    It’s a simple as that. No need to lose sleep over this “the sky is falling” barage of info. If you’ve prepped as necessary, you’re ahaed of the curve. Good Luck.

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 7:05 am



    I am calling St Louis today to find out who this guy is! TODAY. He said he was a soldier last week! Now he is a cop? He accusing us of being rapists!!!

    Stay tuned, I WILL find out who this guy who is talking about how he “can’t wait to kick down our doors”. Dude!! This is fake, no officer talks like that!! “These people don’t have guns, there the same people who get on their hands and knees when i pull them over” Ya, and people WITH guns don’t???

    This guy is either mentally ill, a shill for the Jews or a staged caller. This is unbelievable. Any of you that believe this can just take this call down to the pigs and watch them laugh. They will tell you that “getting down on their hands and knees” is not a sign that someone is not armed.

    Thks Jew makes me so mad, he clearly knows this is fake. He says “oh the trolls don’t matter” yet, he talks about trolls (people who know this is fake) for the entire video!! Haha. If it were true he would be focused on the caller, instead it is troll this and troll that.

    Losing lots of respect for this fat clown. Anyway, trust me, I will find out who this guy is in the next few days,.hopefully today. Let’s see him come kick down our doors (if he really is a pig). Disrespectful goof, I will kill him then about it

    If he is a cop he is done,.gone,.off the force.for talking like this and threatening citizens. Baiting them into getting guns? He is going to get someone hurt. He needs to be jailed or killed ASAP. I’ll find out, trust me.

    I am calling people right this minute….

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 7:36 am

    St Louis PD. Assures me none of its officers have plans to kick down doors. That’s all I could get right now. I lost it during the phone call a little bit because they obviously have attitude problems and are unprofessional. When i call back to this detective. He better watch this video, each supervisor throughout the city of St Louis will be listening to this goofs voice, he will be found if he is a cop. Even if he isn’t,.he is in a world of shit for all of this.

    I would love to have the honor of driving a few rounds through the back of his head.

    As I’m listening to this again I can’t help but notice that this fake call is about pretty much nothing, no info or anything. This clown also talks like a security guard .”the place I’m guarding” cops and military DO NOT talk like that. I would bet $ he is one of those deranged security guards.

    bkr360 Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 7:42 am

    Where is your Proof?
    We all like to spout off in here, but you create bull shit. Every time I have to get my waders out and my eyes are watering form the stench of your words.

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 7:54 am

    If you believe this call than you have no intuition or a low IQ. Period.

    Call this number for yourself. (314) 444-5555 that is the downtown metro station on Clarke in the heart of St Louis.
    You must like deranged cops threatening to kick down your door or like being duped by fake phone calls.
    Guy is a security guard, I just know it. He needs to be put away one way or another.

    Houston Wayne Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 9:42 am

    CNsay is correct.If it happens, it happens. If you are prepared, you’re good. If not, you are going to be in a world of hurt. I sleep very well at night knowing that me, my family, and many of my friends are ready for that day.

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 9:56 am

    Why would anyone worry when we have soldier/officer/insider ‘caller Jim’ to come rescue us? Everyone can just relax while constable ‘Jim’ goes around kicking down doors…

  3. Cnsay is correct. We all can’t all keep dealing with this sh*t constantly because if we did the economy would fail. Alex should set up some sort of “oh sh*t” button alert system (OSBAS) to alert the ones that have done everything they can to prepare for the upcoming shtf scenarios. That way I and many others don’t have to keep coming here to figure out when exactly this is all supposed to happen. Yes, it is time consumimg and stressful but I don’t need to be thinking about this when I dealing with customers trying to decide if the want a full fledged DHCP server or go with a simple file server instead. Create an OSBAS already. Android app would be nice.

    wildcat Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 7:11 am

    There’s an office game called bull****bingo. You create some bingo cards with all the different buzzwords in kittle boxes. Then tick them off one-by-one as they are mentioned during the events of the day.

  4. ‘We have been told that in October we need to be prepared for an event that will require us to use air and ground support, in conjunction with the military here.’

    An October “event?” My guess is that it is a planned false flag attack, again, kind of like OK City.

    Vic Reply:
    July 3rd, 2012 at 5:32 am

    these mad minds love numerology. dates to suit there sacrificial ceremonies

    9/11 was one of them. now follow the illuminati devil worshipers and what dates could be illuminati numerology????

  5. the pressure cooker is trembling, the Elite fear for there security. with reason. They are trators of the human race.murderers war mongrers who love making money by murdering humans

  6. Art Bell uses this type of call ro enhance his radio program, His were very good and sometimes exciting.

  7. They’re blocking my posts now.

    Here, call this number (314) 444-5555. This is the number to the downtown station on Clarke in downtown St Louis. The “cop” threatened to kick down doors.

    I’ve already called and lost my temper, but if more people call we can find this.guy,.even if he is not a cop (which I’m sure he isn’t) he will be in even worse of a mess. I want a piece of this guy, and if Jones set this up he is also going to be getting it, big time.

    Call that number and get this pig. I personally think he is a deranged security guard. He has talked about “guarding the place” twice now. No cop.or military talk like that.

    And if anyone knows who this individual is please post it here,.thanks.

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