Carole Waugh missing: Businesswoman who had worked in Libya was threatened by someone ‘close to Gaddafi’

Daily Mail Reporter

07:27 EST, 29 July 2012


08:29 EST, 29 July 2012

Carole Waugh told a friend that she was threatened by someone very close to the late Colonel Gaddafi

Carole Waugh told a friend that she was threatened by someone very close to the late Colonel Gaddafi

Missing businesswoman Carole Waugh is thought to have fled Libya after being threatened by senior member’s of the late Colonel Gaddafi’s regime.

It is thought Miss Waugh, who has become the focus of a police hunt after she went missing more than two months ago, originally left the country because she was looking for love.

The 50-year-old had worked in the Libyan oil industry since 2000 as a financial manager but left suddenly three years ago.

Police are investigating various theories into her disappearance which include that she may have been a high class hooker.

However her former boss Stuart Anderson, who described Miss Waugh as wealthy, dismissed the allegations and said she left because she was threatened by someone ‘very close to Gaddafi’.

Mr Anderson, who ran MSL Services in Libya, said he and his wife Leigh counted Miss Waugh as a close friend and became concerned when she left the country without an explanation.

‘Later she sent me a letter explaining and apologising. She wrote to say that she had been threatened by one of our Libyan business partners who was very close to Gaddafi. She said she was very frightened,’ he said to the Sunday Times.

Mr Anderson said the idea that his friend was a hooker is ‘fanciful’ and added that he had spoken to police.

He also said that Miss Waugh had previously been involved with a long-term partner and boyfriend, both of whom had died.

The last time he saw her in London, in April, he said she had started seeing an American who was from the Middle East.

Miss Waugh said she was threatened by someone close to the late Colonel Gaddafi which is why she left Libya

Miss Waugh said she was threatened by someone close to the late Colonel Gaddafi which is why she left Libya

Police are keen to speak with this man over the disappearance of Miss Waugh, who was last seen leaving her flat in Marylebone in May

Police are keen to speak with this man over the disappearance of Miss Waugh, who was last seen leaving her flat in Marylebone in May

Miss Waugh was last seen out shopping in early May after leaving her £650,000 Marylebone apartment in central London.

Recent CCTV footage taken outside Sainsbury’s in Crown Road, Enfield at 2.55pm on July 10, show a man using a bank card belonging to Miss Waugh.

Since her disappearance her bank accounts have been plundered and police are keen to trace the man involved.

Miss Waugh’s brother, Chris, 53, has appealed for information to help trace his sister.

‘We are all very proud of my sister. We are from a mining community in the north east and Carole wanted to improve herself and take any opportunities that life offered her,’ he said.

‘She is very focussed, strong and driven and her big break came when she got a job in an oil company working in Libya, which she loved, returning to London in 2008.

‘There was nothing to suggest she would go missing. It was all very strange and completely out of character because my sister rings my mother every other day and suddenly, within days of getting together at Easter, the phone calls just stopped.

Miss Waugh, who has been described as wealthy by friends, has not been seen and money is regularly being taken from her bank accounts

Miss Waugh, who has been described as wealthy by friends, has not been seen and money is regularly being taken from her bank accounts

‘We are all very concerned about Carole. Her disappearance is completely out of character and we are extremely anxious and afraid for her welfare.

‘I appeal to anybody that has worked with Carole, socialised with Carole; has met or knows of her, to come forward with any small bit of information they may have and assist our family – as that information may fit into the jigsaw that could help us to locate Carole sooner rather than later.’

DCI John McFarlane of the Met’s Homicide and Serious Command is leading the missing person investigation said he was still building a picture of Carole’s life and needed to speak to more people who knew her.

He recently said: ‘Ms Waugh is a successful businesswoman and her disappearance is completely out of character.

‘There have been a number of sightings of her but I have not been able to confirm them at this stage. The last time she had any contact with her family was on April 17.

‘I’m very concerned for her safety and I appeal to anyone who has known her since she returned from Libya in 2008 to get in touch with us as soon as possible.

‘Ms Waugh had a circle of friends and I have spoken to a number of them; however, I need to speak to more so that I can build a complete picture of Carole’s life, that includes anyone who has met her socially or personally.’

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Does anyone know how she made her millions of ££

While DCI McFarlane is building a picture of this lady, has he checked Airports, Ferry Terminals etc to see if she left the Country?

I hope she is found safe and well. She seems a very decent person and I too feel upset that her name is being dragged through the mud. A hard-working, successful woman on her own still has wild accusations made about her character- even in this country.

It’s a terrible thing that this ladies name is being sullied without proof of any kind, it’s good that a friend has stepped forward to put the record straight. I am so sorry for this ladies poor Mother and Brother who has to hear that.

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