Archive for the ‘Natural News’ Category

Outrage! Oxitec’s GM Moths are Released in New York

Biotech company Oxitec has released genetically engineered (GE) diamondback moths at Cornell’s agricultural experiment station in Geneva, New York as part of an outdoor trial, and New Yorkers are more than just miffed. Organic farmers, environmental groups, and New York citizens have sent a letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Agriculture Commissioner Richard Ball along […]

Guess How Many Calories Are in a Typical Fast Food Meal

Not much has changed in how ‘fast’ food is made in America. Since 1996, the number of calories in a typical fast food meal are about the same as they are today. Can you guess just how many calories that mega food makers like to put in their mass-consumed food – aside from harmful ingredients […]

“Smart” Villages Incorporate High-Tech and Sustainable Agriculture

After seeing this news, I decided this is the type of town I want to live in! You may feel the same, too. The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network has pioneered a new footprint for eco-villages that makes housing more affordable, and organic food more accessible for people in Malaysia. Utilizing high-tech construction to create […]

It’s already too late to save humanity… our mass extinction is inescapable, says prominent scientist… population out of control

(NaturalNews) Professor Frank Fenner says humanity is finished. It’s already too late to save ourselves from the suicidal future we’ve created where the ecosystem can no longer support human life. “We’re going to become extinct,” the scientist says. “Whatever we do now is too late.” (SOURCE) Frank Fenner, now 95 years old, is […]

Barbaric practice of vaccination is modern-day version of bloodletting

(NaturalNews) Throughout history, there have been plenty of examples of quack medicine that after being accepted and institutionalized for a time was later exposed as a fraud. A perfect example of this is the heinous practice of bloodletting, one of the longest running traditions in medicine that was initially founded upon the belief […]

Oregon govt. extorts grass-fed ranchers after stealing their livestock in attempt to kill local agriculture

(NaturalNews) Welcome to America, where freedoms exist… so long as they fall under the accusations and demands set forth by the government. Question it, and you’re treated like a criminal. Summerville, Oregon, ranchers Ava Denton and Ross Painter know all too well about this. The owners of Paradise Ranch, where they produce grass-fed […]

Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

(NaturalNews) Most Americans are probably not familiar with the industry term astroturfing – the practice of hiding or masking the sponsors of a particular message, be it in public relations, political or in advertising – to give the appearance that it is supported by, and originates from, a grassroots sponsor. That’s a shame, […]

Studies show diet soda is linked to belly fat, type 2 diabetes and obesity

(NaturalNews) While most people who drink diet soda probably know it isn’t the healthiest choice, they still may be under the mistaken impression that it will keep their weight down. Scientific studies emphasize this is not true. This was made clear in a recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics […]

Natural Society Launches Organic Non-GMO Cookbook & Shopping Guide

There’s absolutely zero reason that you shouldn’t be able to live a true disease-conquering organic lifestyle while also eating meals that actually taste… downright good. In fact, to do so would be going against your goals – because we all know we won’t be very committed to ‘eating better’ if it tastes like old notepad […]

150 Food Companies, Restaurants, Hospitals, and Drug Companies to Phase out Antibiotics

Three-hundred and fifty federal government cafeterias will enjoy ‘low-antibiotic’ food starting at the beginning of 2016, and during a White House summit on antibiotic use last week, voluntary pledges from 150 food processors, restaurant chains, hospitals, and drug companies vowing to phase out the use of meat from animals treated regularly with antibiotics will change the […]

French Minister Asks Stores to Stop Selling Round Up

French Environment and Energy Minister Ségolène Royal is sending a clear message to Monsanto – biotech maker responsible for Round Up chemicals, and the target of a class action lawsuit in California, soon to be the taken to the US Federal Court. Royal made the pronouncement this past Sunday that the weed killer Round Up should not […]

FDA Phasing Out Trans Fats Due to Health Concerns

While the Food and Drug Administration ignores some of the biggest health threats faced by the nation, we can at least be reminded that the organization is finally paying attention to consumer complaints about trans fats. In an uncommon show of good sense, the FDA is requiring that companies phase out the artery-clogging, heart disease-igniting ingredient. As reported by CNN: […]

Black church shooting in Charleston kills nine; has every sign of a deliberate plot to ignite a race war across America

(NaturalNews) At every turn these days, there seems to be a deliberate effort to ignite a violent race war in America, turning blacks against whites, citizens against police and neighbors against each other in a wave of media-reinforced racial hatred. When I saw the breaking news of a white man carrying out a […]

Stores in Europe stop selling Roundup over cancer concerns; why won’t Lowe’s and Home Depot do the same?

(NaturalNews) It’s no secret that, compared to many parts of Europe, the United States is seriously lacking when it comes to protecting people from encountering harmful chemicals on a daily basis. For example, the synthetic chemical known as brominated vegetable oil (BVO) continues to show up in citrusy soft drinks such as Mountain […]

Black minister leads powerful rally to oppose CA’s genocidal mandatory vaccination bill – Video

(NaturalNews) Another influential group has joined the pushback to stop forced vaccinations in California: the black community. Speaking on behalf of Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, Minister Tony Muhammad, the group’s Western Regional Representative, gave a rousing speech in front of the capitol building in Sacramento earlier this week urging unification in […]

Vaccines are inherently risky; mandatory vaccination violates human rights and medical ethics

(NaturalNews) Freedom isn’t really freedom unless it applies to everyone. And the recent push to eliminate vaccine exemptions across the country and force every child who attends public school to be vaccinated is a perfect example of freedom shrugged, as it violates not only the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Code of Medical Ethics, […]

Uber-PC University of California: Saying America is the "land of opportunity" is now verboten

(NaturalNews) In a recent piece at The Atlantic, writer Joe Pinsker wrote a short piece that summed up the fears, frustrations and attitudes of many of America’s teenagers who opined in a recent survey that, frankly, they don’t see much of a future in the land of their birth. According to the piece: […]

Pope Francis Denounces GMOs and Pesticides

In a major environmental paper draft leaked a few days ago, Pope Francis brings attention to genetically modified organisms and the pesticides used to grow them, calling them both environmentally and socially ‘significant’ problems. While he doesn’t call for an outright ban, and even states that they may have been helpful economically in some parts […]

Why People in these 5 Countries Live Longer

Did you know that there are certain parts of the world where individuals have been found to live particularly long lives? These areas are called “blue zones,” and they may contain more than just people that practice active, healthy lifestyles. “Have you heard of ‘Blue Zones’? They are regions of the world — five of them, […]

15 Million Americans Suffer from Food Allergies: Could GMOs be to Blame?

Food allergies already affect more than 15 million Americans while things like gluten sensitivity hits a whopping 18 million individuals. What’s more, the cost for treating children’s food allergies is expected to rise to $25 billion per year. But biotech companies like Monsanto continue to claim they have no culpability. Why are food allergies on […]

California property values collapse as water shut-offs begin… wealthy community to go dry in days… real estate implosion now inevitable

(NaturalNews) Water shut-offs have now begun in California, where government-ordered restrictions are starting to leave large communities high and dry. As CBS News is now reporting, the Mountain House community of 15,000 residents will run out of water in just a matter of days. “The community’s sole source of water, the Byron-Bethany Irrigation […]

‘Transabled’ people are cutting off their own limbs to become disabled in disturbing trend

(NaturalNews) Olympic champion Bruce Jenner’s announcement to transition into a female has sparked a movement in which it is now considered trendy to reveal inner secretive desires to be something you’re not, desires that before Jenner’s coming out would’ve been considered completely outlandish and not taken seriously. While state and local governments anxiously […]

Vaccine herd immunity debunked

(NaturalNews) “Herd immunity” is not sufficient rationale to mandate widespread vaccination, says renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock, in an article published on the website Indeed, he says, the very concept itself does not hold water. Blaylock was among the developers of a groundbreaking neurosurgical technique for removing intraventricular tumors that is still […]

Massive radiation plume from Fukushima continues drifting to U.S. West Coast

(NaturalNews) By 2016, nearly as much radiation from the Fukushima disaster will have reached the North American West Coast as was initially scattered over Japan during the nuclear explosions, according to professor Michio Aoyama of Japan’s Fukushima University Institute of Environmental Radioactivity. In March 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami triggered multiple nuclear […]

Monsanto tops the list of top 10 homicidal corporations

(NaturalNews) Over the several centuries since corporations have been around, there have been many that could be accused of using homicidal tactics in securing their profits. One of the first true modern corporations was the Dutch West India Company which, centuries ago, was granted a charter that allowed it to monopolize the African […]

HOAX: If you think Monsanto just patented GMO pot, you might be smoking crack

(NaturalNews) There’s a viral meme running around the ‘net today that says Monsanto just patented GMO pot. I looked into it, and this turns out to be a hoax started by a parody website. (You gotta love ’em.) What makes this hoax so viral is that it seems like precisely the kind of […]

8 Common Kitchen Spices that Are Healing Superfoods

Anyone who cooks on occasion usually has a pantry full of spices, but they can do more than flavor our food. Some might be more exotic, like Pasilla de Oacaca Chile or Ajwain, but many common spices have incredible healing properties. And there are simply some healing herbs and spices everyone should have in the […]

90% Of All Tobacco Is Full of Pesticides, Herbicides, and GMOs

Tobacco has been cultivated as a cash crop in the USA for many decades. Because of its high revenue potential, tobacco growers often went the extra mile to ensure a good harvest. Toward that end, the growers eagerly embraced the latest and ‘greatest’ farming methods which kept pests and weeds at bay. This is where […]

The Average American Woman Now Weighs As Much As 1960s Man

Here’s a disturbing reality: the average woman in America now weighs as much as the average American male weighed in 1960. What’s more, the average weight of a male is ballooning as well. But don’t worry, mega food corporations like Monsanto and soda lobbying groups say we’re doing just fine. There’s no way there could […]

Black imposter Rachel Dolezal resigns from NAACP; previously filed lawsuit against university for race discrimination

(NaturalNews) Three days ago, in a wildly viral article on Natural News, I asked whether society can accept while people impersonating black people by claiming to be “trans-race.” That article, one of the most heavily-commented articles of the year, also dared to ask whether humans can decide to be “trans-species” who declare themselves […]

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