(NaturalNews) Freedom isn’t really freedom unless it applies to everyone. And the recent push to eliminate vaccine exemptions across the country and force every child who attends public school to be vaccinated is a perfect example of freedom shrugged, as it violates not only the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Code of Medical Ethics, but also the basic human right of every person to accept or reject medical treatment at will.
The fact of the matter is that vaccines aren’t 100% safe and effective, no matter what anyone says. Vaccine package inserts openly admit this; the federal government quietly admits this in its vaccine safety data sheets; and every doctor, if shown the data and pressed on the issue, would also be forced to admit this. But for some reason, the mainstream media, “angry moms” and others have chosen to deny the facts, rejecting sound science, lying to the public and ultimately putting public health at risk.
To combat this wave of tyranny sweeping the once-free states of our republic, natural living advocate Larry Cook, founder and director of the Stop Mandatory Vaccination Project, has issued an immediate call to action. Right now in places like California and Oklahoma, legislators are pushing to eliminate vaccine exemptions for personal, philosophical and religious reasons, allowing only doctors to decide whether or not a child should be vaccinated. This is unacceptable, and it needs to be stopped.
“[W]e are being lied to about vaccine need, vaccine safety and vaccination efficacy,” wrote Cook on his website, linking to clear data affirming each of these points. “The mainstream media is pretty much owned by the pharmaceutical industry via billions of advertising dollars so you won’t be getting the truth from them; and many politicians are paid off (e.g. campaign contributions) by the industry who are simply doing what they’re told, so you won’t hear them bucking the system.”
“So what we really have going on here is an edict created by the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC to increase the vaccination rate beyond its already super high rate and to do that by proposing and passing laws which would not allow us to opt-out of their program.”
The way this is being accomplished is through the direct manufacture of crises like the contrived Disneyland measles outbreak. Nobody died or was seriously injured as a result of contracting the generally benign childhood disease, and both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals contracted it! And yet the response has been this: Everyone needs to vaccinate right away to protect the children!
The nonsense inherent to this “argument” is astounding, especially considering that disease outbreaks regularly occur among mostly or completely vaccinated populations. The real threat isn’t not being vaccinated, but rather having an immune system that’s incapable of fending off disease. Ironically, vaccines have been shown to weaken immunity, as well as expose both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals to live viruses present in the vaccines.
“The unvaccinated are not a threat,” said Cook. “Forcing us to be vaccinated against our will is an absolute violation of our personal sovereignty in every possible way and is nothing short of medical tyranny and a path to enslavement. Vaccines to not save lives – healthy immune systems do!”
Cook has created a “Take Action” page on his website to combat the forced vaccination agenda that threatens all of us. His recommendations include educating yourself, your friends, your family members and your coworkers on the dangers of vaccines. He also recommends contacting your legislators and demanding that they vote NO on any and all bills that threaten our collective freedom to reject vaccines for whatever reasons we deem appropriate.
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