CelebBoutique Misguided Aurora Tweet Sparks Twitter Outrage

CelebBoutique, an online store that lets people fashion themselves after their favorite celebrities, learned an important social media lesson the hard way today — always check the reason for a Twitter Trend before making a joke about it.

The tweet above was in response to the Twitter hashtag #Aurora, which was trending because of a mass shooting that occurred at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colo.

CelebBoutique, which is based in the United Kingdom, left the Tweet up for about an hour, during which time it was retweeted hundreds of times. A Facebook group calling for a boycott of the company has already sprung up.

The incident has a great deal in common with the Kenneth Cole mishap from February 2011, where the company tweeted that riots occuring in Cairo, Egypt were because of their Spring fashion line, not Arab Spring.

CelebBoutique has deleted the tweet, and has responded to the criticisms with the Tweets below:

Update: As of 4:24 p.m. EST, police have reported that 71 people were shot, 12 of whom died and 59 of whom were injured.

Mashable’s Coverage of the Colorado Theater Shooting

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