Center For Disease Control: 1 In Every 16 Black Men Are HIV Carriers!

CDC: 1 in 16 Black Men will be Diagnosed with AIDS

Larry Sinclair And Barry Soetoro

Warning Breaking NWO Gang Moved A Dark Communist Into Washington D.C. As Mayor: Gay Intruders Sex Assaults Up 50% While Roman Catholic Church Was Forced Out! Gay Death Style – Population Control.

A report from the CDC published in August of 2009 says that blacks exceeded 46% of all new HIV/AIDS cases in 2007. The percentage is probably even higher now. Blacks account for 13% of the US population.

Overall, black men are over 7 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS than white men. Black women are over 18 times more likely than white women.

Among non-homosexual males, this disparity skyrockets. With black men who claim to have had no homosexual past nearly 20 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS than white heterosexual men.

Obama’s ring has slipped to his knuckles, a sure sign that his ring is too large and needs to be resized – before the ring is lost forever. Since America knows that the ring once fit, this is a strong indicator Obama is losing weight Continue reading on Obama’s bony fingers: Losing weight – wedding ring is missing – Dallas Political Buzz |

Obamacare Decides To Withhold Medicine For Cancer Patients. Obama Also Withdraws $6.6 Billion For HIV Medicine.

The leading cause of AIDS among both white and black men is homosexuality. However large numbers of black men contract the disease in prison and then pass it to woman after they are released, and do not admit to homosexuality in medical surveys.

The leading causes of AIDs in both black and white women are intravenous drug use and heterosexual sex with black men from prisons.

AIDS and femicide, the murder of a woman by a husband or boyfriend, are two of the leading causes of death for young black women.

By race/ethnicity, African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV in the United States (US). At the end of 2007, blacks accounted for almost half (46%) of people living with a diagnosis of HIV infection in the 37 states and 5 US dependent areas with long-term, confidential, name-based HIV reporting. In 2006, blacks accounted for nearly half (45%) of new infections in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Even though new HIV infections among blacks overall have been roughly stable since the early 1990s, compared with members of other races and ethnicities they continue to account for a higher proportion of cases at all stages of HIV—from new infections to deaths.

The Numbers

New HIV Infections1

  • In 2006, black men accounted for two-thirds of new infections (65%) among all blacks. The rate of new HIV infection for black men was 6 times as high as that of white men, nearly 3 times that of Hispanic/Latino men, and twice that of black women.
  • In 2006, black men who have sex with men (MSM) represented 63% of new infections among all black men, and 35% among all MSM. HIV infection rates are higher among black MSM compared to other MSM. More new HIV infections occurred among young black MSM (aged 13–29) than among any other age and racial group of MSM.
  • In 2006, the rate of new HIV infection for black women was nearly 15 times as high as that of white women and nearly 4 times that of Hispanic/Latina women.

HIV and AIDS Diagnoses3 and Deaths

  • Although new HIV infections have remained fairly stable among blacks, from 2005–2008 estimated HIV diagnoses increased approximately 12%. This may be due to increased testing or diagnosis earlier in the course of HIV infection; it may also be due to uncertainty in statistical models.
  • At some point in their lifetimes, 1 in 16 black men will be diagnosed with HIV infection, as will 1 in 30 black women.
  • From 2005–2008, the rate of HIV diagnoses among blacks increased from 68/100,000 persons to 74/100,000. This increase reflectsthe largest increase in rates of HIV diagnoses by race or ethnicity.
  • In 2008, an estimated 18,328 blacks received an AIDS diagnosis, a number that has remained relatively stable since 2005.
  • By the end of 2007, an estimated 233,624 blacks with a diagnosis of AIDS had died in the US and 5 dependent areas. In 2006, HIV was the ninth leading cause of death for all blacks and the third leading cause of death for both black men and black women aged 35–44.
  • VIDEO GRIGGS Whistleblower: Homosexuality Used By New World Order Gang For Blackmail: Lindsey Graham, Congress,  Military

Prevention Challenges

Like other communities, African Americans face a number of challenges that contribute to the higher rates of HIV infection.

Sexual risk behaviors, such as unprotected sex with multiple partners, with a partner who also has other sex partners, or with persons at high risk for HIV infection can be common in some communities.

Injection drug use can facilitate HIV transmission through the sharing of unclean needles. Casual and chronic substance users may be more likely to engage in unprotected sex under the influence of drugsand/or alcohol.

African Americans continue to experience higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) than any other race/ethnicity in the US. The presence of certain STDs can significantly increase the chance ofcontracting HIV infection. A person who has both HIV infection and certain STDs has a greater chance of infecting others with HIV.

The socioeconomic issues associated with poverty, including limited access to quality health care, housing, and HIV prevention education, directly and indirectly increase the risk for HIV infection and affect the health of people living with HIV.

Lack of awareness of HIV status. In a recent study of men who have sex with men (MSM) in five cities, 67% of the HIV infected black MSM were unaware of their infection.

Stigma also puts too many African Americans at higher risk. Many at risk for HIV infection fear stigma more than knowing their status, choosing instead to hide their high-risk behavior rather than seek counseling and testing.

What CDC is doing

CDC has initiated a wide range of activities to (1) better understand those factors that drive the HIV and AIDS epidemic among African Americans in the US, (2) expand HIV testing and access to medical care, (3) develop new interventions and scale up the availability of effective interventions, and (4) mobilize African American communities to combat the HIV crisis. Some examples of CDC activities:

  • CDC works closely with state and local health departments and community-based organizations (CBOs) to effectively utilize current HIV prevention interventions proven to be most effective for African Americans.
  • CDC research has led to new interventions that reduce HIV risk in African Americans. CDC continues to identify, develop, and evaluate new behavioral and biomedical interventions for individuals at greatest risk and those living with HIV.
  • CDC is conducting research to better understand and plan interventions to address the social, community, financial,and structural factors that place many African Americans at risk and hinder access to prevention and care.
  • CDC is working with African American leaders from every sector to mobilize communities of color against HIV and deliver culturally appropriate campaigns and messages, including the Act Against AIDS campaign. For more information, visit
  • In 2010, CDC announced a second 3-year expanded HIV testing program that supplements an initiative started in 2007 to increase HIV testing among African Americans. CDC is expanding the program to an additional five state, territorial, andmetropolitan health departments. It also broadens the target population to include African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos, as well as MSM and injection drug users of any race/ethnicity. Funding for the program was increased from $36 million to approximately $62 million.

1 New HIV Infections refers to HIV incidence, or the number of people that are newly infected with HIV.

2 The term men who have sex with men (MSM) is used in CDC surveillance systems. It indicates the behaviors that transmit HIV infection, rather than how individuals self-identify in terms of their sexuality.

3 HIV and AIDS Diagnoses indicates when a person is diagnosed with HIV infection or AIDS but does not indicate when the person was infected.

Last Modified: September 9, 2010
Last Reviewed: September 9, 2010
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention

Dr. David Duke

A new campaign seeks to eliminate disclosure laws which require HIV positive individuals to inform their sex partners of their potentially deadly infection.

The campaign is led by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and UNAIDS, an umbrella group of UN agencies. Notably absent from this campaign is any recognition of the danger posed for the possible victims of a willful refusal to disclose HIV status.

As part of the campaign, IPPF released a collection of interviews entitled “Behind Bars”, which implies that such criminal laws fuel stigma against HIV persons.  Proponents of criminal laws assert they are designed to help protect and prevent sexual partners from contracting a potentially deadly virus.

Some of the testimony of the interviewees in “Behind Bars” directly contradicts the assertions made by IPPF.  An Egyptian doctor states that irresponsible behavior which results in a car accident deserves punishment just like the failure to disclose one’s HIV status before engaging in sexual activity deserves punishment: “In the same way, if someone who knows that he is HIV positive is careless and just allows my son or my daughter to become HIV infected I would feel the same.”

“Behind Bars” is part of a larger IPPF campaign, “Criminalize Hate Not HIV”, launched at the International Aids Conference in Vienna in July. IPPF describes laws that make willful transmission of HIV to another person as too-costly, hindrances to prevention, and stigmatizing. The video promo [WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT] for the

campaign depicts various sexual scenes.  The video appears to promote homosexual sex, drug use, and prostitution, which are listed by the Center for Disease Control as three of the most high risk behaviors responsible for the transmission of HIV.

“This clearly shows that IPPF believes that illicit sex is more important that life itself – and they are willing to risk other people’s lives to advance their sexual agenda,” said Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America.

UNAIDS and the World Health Organization sponsored this year’s International Aids Conference.  IPPF and UNAIDS collaborated in sponsoring the “Stigma Index”, whose website contains a major section calling for the decriminalization of HIV transmission.

IPPF contends, “The drive for criminalization of willful transmission of HIV is proving a costly intervention – in terms of time and money spent on investigating individual’s private lives and determining the burden of proof – and seems to have had limited impact on HIV prevention.”

However, Wendy Wright told the Friday Fax that the costs of enforcing the laws are dwarfed in comparison to the costs associated with HIV/AIDS.

In March, IPPF made available their sex guide  [EXPLICIT], “Healthy, Happy, and Hot” at a UN event sponsored by the Girl Scouts.  The brochure states, “Some countries have laws that violate the right of young people living with HIV to decide whether to disclose…These laws violate the rights of people living with HIV by forcing them to disclose or face the possibility of criminal charges.” Note: Terrence McKeegan writes for the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. This article originally appeared in the pro-life group’s Friday Fax publication and is used with permission.

Banking Cartel Using RINO Tom Coburn To Polarize America In Blaming Republicans For Cuts. Guess What? Obama And The Democratic Socialists Actually Already Achieved This Honor.

Tommy Coburn Does Want Us To Cut All The Good Things About America Out, So The Money Can Be Centralized To Pay Taxes On The Bailout For The Too Big To Fail Banking Cartel.

  1. The Sophistry Of Tommy Coburn: It’s Time Tommy Coburn Told The Truth About Our Debt. 

The plan from Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., includes a mix of tax increases and cuts in entitlement and discretionary spending programs. It calls for a lot of sacrifice, such as a three-year salary freeze for federal workers that excludes the military, and a change in how retiree cost-of-living adjustments are calculated that would affect military pensions.

Navy Times

The Democratic-controlled 2010 Congress voted to strip $11.9 billion in long-term food stamp financing in a Peter-to-Paul stunt to pay for emergency aid for state budgets. And the Senate has been aiming to cut another $2.2 billion in stamps to finance child nutrition reform.
New York Times

According to statistics released by the US Department of Agriculture, 44.2 million Americans, 14.3 percent of the population, are regularly receiving food stamps. This figure is up 11.6 percent from 2010

The Wall Street Journal published the figures with state-by-state breakdowns on Tuesday. The latest figures are from last February and show both monthly and yearly comparisons. What is starkly revealed is that the most densely populated areas have the highest increases in food stamp usage over the last year.

  1. Measures of State Economic Distress: Housing Foreclosures and Changes in Unemployment and Food Stamp Participation

States that have been particularly hard hit in the last year are New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Florida—all with an increase in food stamp usage of more than 20 percent between February 2010 and February 2011. These states have all had recent spikes in the unemployment rate. In Florida, with more than 2.5 million food stamp recipients, the state Senate has responded by passing a bill to reduce unemployment benefits.

  1. Oath Keepers Warn Americans To Prepare For Economic Collapse!

States with the highest rates of food stamp usage are Mississippi, Oregon, Tennessee, New Mexico, Michigan and Louisiana—all with more than 19 percent of the population on federal food assistance. Unemployment rates in these states have been higher for a longer period than in other states.

  1. Obama’s Economy Added 54,000 Jobs: 30,000 Of Those Jobs Came From McDonalds For Summer Staff!

In Michigan, an onslaught on the wages and benefits of auto workers in the name of “saving the auto industry” has been touted by the Obama administration as its great success. The new figures reveal that 19.4 percent of Michigan’s population, or 1.75 million people, are receiving food assistance.

  1. Obama Destroys Middle Class: 9.1% Currently Receiving Unemployment Insurance ~ While +22% Currently Have No Unemployment Insurance ~ So You’re Given Food Stamps! Productivity Falls, Government Debt Goes Up ~ Perfect Socialism!

These figures belie what is widely reported in the media as an economic recovery. They constitute an indictment of the policies of the Obama administration.

What is behind the record number of people driven to seek regular food assistance is the fact that nothing has been done to alleviate chronic mass unemployment. On the contrary, the rise in unemployment has been used as a bludgeon against the working class as wages, benefits, health care and pensions have been slashed.

  1. Republican Traitor Tom Coburn Votes For MASSIVE Tax Hikes: Increasing Tax Burden Upon Social Security, Gasoline, Capital Gains, Totaling $1.3 Trillion!

The so-called “recovery” represents an increase in the wealth of those at the top at the expense of the living conditions of the vast majority. The two-party system is the means by which the working class is prevented from having any democratic say in policy decisions.

In the face of the soaring need for food assistance as expressed in these figures, both Republican and Democratic congressmen are proposing cuts to the federal food stamp program, now called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s plan is to eliminate the program altogether and replace it with a state block grant program.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Paul Ryan’s budget plan would cut the SNAP program by $127 billion—almost 20 percent—which could throw millions of low-income families off the rolls, cut benefits by thousands of dollars a year, or some combination of the two. …

“Whether he intends for Congress to impose these cuts or for states to do so as they redesign the program under a much smaller block grant program, policymakers could not possibly achieve cuts of this magnitude without scaling back SNAP eligibility or reducing benefits deeply, with serious effects on families and individuals.”

  1. Obama Bails Out World’s Richest 1% As USA Goes Under! Then In-Debts USA Further, By Giving $Billions In Foreign Aid To World’s Richest Countries – Then Asks To Borrow It Back!

In roughly the same period covered by the USDA food assistance report, US grocery (food at home) prices have increased by 3.6 percent, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), while all items averaged a 2.9 percent increase. Gasoline was up 27.5 percent, but since the latest CPI report gas prices have increased another 15 percent and are still skyrocketing.


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