Cherie Blair and Euan Blair investigated over claims they breached planning rules by sub-letting basement of £1.3m Marylebone home

Emma Reynolds and Neil Sears

05:37 EST, 16 June 2012


13:11 EST, 16 June 2012

Cherie Blair and her son Euan are being investigated over claims they have been sub-letting the basement of his £1.3million bachelor pad.

The 28-year-old and his mother have been accused of breaching planning rules to divide the Marylebone home in two.

A neighbour complained to Westminster Council that the pair had not got planning permission to make the lower half of the Georgian house a separate flat.

Property portfolio: Euan Blair, pictured with mother Cherie and father Tony, faces questions over whether he is illegally renting out the lower half of his Georgian townhouse

Property portfolio: Euan Blair, pictured with mother Cherie and father Tony, faces questions over whether he is illegally renting out the lower half of his Georgian townhouse

The Blairs bought the Grade II-listed home two years ago but by this February, according to the neighbour, the door to the basement had its own letterbox and separate number and appeared to have a tenant.

‘Someone was living there, who we assumed to be a tenant,’ said the unnamed neighbour. ‘After the council were told, the new number came off rapido.

‘But I saw someone else coming out of the basement door the other day. It looked though it was still being sub-let.’

Westminster Council confirmed that it had begun an investigation ‘following a complaint of unauthorised change of use at this property’.

Mrs Blair and her eldest son paid for the property with the help of a mortgage from Lloyds TSB in May 2010, Land Registry documents show.

Mr Blair, who works for investment bank Morgan Stanley, could be forced to submit a retrospective planning
application if the basement is being used as a separate flat – but it would probably be rejected.

He would then have to restore his home to a single dwelling and he and his mother would face prosecution if they were then to refuse.

If the basement
is being used as a separate flat it could earn the Blairs around £1,500 per
month in rent.

Marylebone home


Renting? The Blairs bought the Grade II-listed home two years ago but by this February, according to the neighbour, the door to the basement had its own letterbox and separate number and appeared to have a tenant

It is the latest in a string
of controversies surrounding the Blair family’s ever-growing property
portfolio, now worth more than £15m.

Foremost among their purchases was a £5.75m listed country residence in Buckinghamshire – where the council intervened in 2008 when they tried to install a swimming pool without permission.

Mrs Blair paid almost £1m in cash for a two-storey house for daughter Kathryn and £1.13m for son Nicky’s ‘lad’s pad’, both of which are within a stone’s throw of their parents’ £3.65m mansion in Connaught Square.

The couple bought their property in 2004, before three years later snapping up the mews house to the rear for £1.275m more.

Neighbours there complained in 2009 they had started using a rented mews house next door as an office without planning permission to switch from residential use, which can attract a £20,000 fine.

Westminster council said this stopped after officers intervened.

Euan Blair, an investment banker at Morgan Stanley, could be forced to submit a retrospective planning application and even be prosecuted if the claims are true

Euan Blair, an investment banker at Morgan Stanley, could be forced to submit a retrospective planning application and even be prosecuted if the claims are true

On the very day the £1.29million was handed over, the council logged a planning application to build steps down to the basement from the street and to divide it off into a separate flat.

Three neighbours complained, fearing greater pressure on parking, rubbish collection and other services. After advice from the council, the plan to create a separate flat was scrapped.

In drawings submitted a month after the purchase, revised plans show a ‘guest room’ and ‘guest WC’ in the basement, which retained its new external entrance – and own kitchen.

Separating an existing single dwelling into two requires gaining prior consent from the council for ‘change of use’, according to planning law.

The revised plans showed a ‘guest room’ and ‘guest WC’ in the basement, along with a kitchen.

The plan was approved, with a council officer noting: ‘You are advised this permission does not authorise the use of the basement as a separate self-contained flat.’

In May last year, the council received a
complaint about ‘internal works at basement level’. Following an
intervention by the council, a section of basement wall was removed and a
door was reinstated.

Mr Blair’s housing also caused controversy in 2002 while he was at Bristol University, when it emerged that Mrs Blair had bought two luxury flats with the help of Australian fraudster Peter Foster – one for her son to live in with student friends, and another to let out.

Mrs Blair ended up making an embarrassing confession of her foolishness on television.

In 2009 Mrs Blair was investigated by planning officers after complaints she was running an office from a residential property in a street behind the family’s Connaught Square home.

A spokeswoman for the family said: ‘The Blairs are happy for the Council to check, they’re confident that everything will be in order.’

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Do we have another `Super` Tony Blair in the making? Let`s hope to God we don`t.

Just another “don’t you know who I am moment”, of which this family have had more than their fair share. There was a rumour that she was a lawyer, but surely a lawyer would not make this sort of error, would they ?

What a greedy,grasping dispicable harridan!

Depends on how long it has been a seperate flat – over four years it should be OK as exisitng use in Planning Terms?

Money, money, money, money, money,money…….give me more money.

No surprises there, then.

This family is a blight on the country, I wish Blair would be arrested for war crimes, but we all know that rich people don’t ever go to jail and the victory are never charged with war crimes

Planning permission is for the little people. This must surely be the most horrid and hated woman in the UK. her utter greed like her other half knows no bounds. I can guarantee absolutely nothing will come of this and it will be quietly forgotten unlike if it was you or I,

Gosh here is one lad who fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down !!!! I do agree that they are the most loathed family in Britain as they just don’t understand the words integrity, honesty and common decency. I do hope someone has the guts to take them to task as would happen to any other person who broke the plannng laws. If they were really clever, they would make sure that they were squeaky clean and never put a foot out of place – too greedy for that though.

It’s never enough is it.

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