Chicago Alderman Moves to Ban Business for Politically Incorrect View on Gays

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Kurt Nimmo
July 26, 2012

Chicago Alderman Moves to Ban Business for Politically Incorrect View on Gays Dan Cathy Chick fil AChick-fil-A President Dan Cathy.

In Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago, the Alderman controlling Logan Square wants to block Chick-fil-A from opening a store because its CEO opposes gay marriage.

Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy said last week he believes in the biblical definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

“I think we’re inviting God’s judgment when we shake our fist at him, you know, [saying], ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ And I pray on God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to try and redefine what marriage is all about,” Cathy said.

“Same sex marriage, same-sex couples — that’s the civil rights fight of our time. To have those discriminatory policies from the top down is just not something that we’re open to,” said Moreno. “We want responsible businesses.”

In other words, business that does not tote the political agenda of government – and the United Nations – will not be allowed to operate. Like the former Soviet Union, Chicago will only permit business (called “enterprises” in the Soviet Union) to exist if it follows the political dictates of government.

If an alderman (essentially a Mafia don) disagrees with the personal opinion espoused by a business owner, he will be run out of town after a self-righteous tongue lashing.

“If he’s in the business of selling chicken in Chicago, he should be in the business of having equal rights for everyone. Period,” Moreno told the Sun-Times. “If it looks like a chicken, talks like a chicken, walks like a chicken, it’s a chicken. If you’re saying you don’t respect the values and rights of same-sex couples, that trickles down through the organization. … That’s paramount to the way the company behaves.”

Chick-fil-A had received zoning approval for the restaurant in the 2500 block of North Elston on Chicago’s westside. The company still needs City Council approval. This may not be forthcoming thanks to Moreno and Chicago mayor Emanuel.

Chicago’s godfather agrees with the alderman. “Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values,” Emanuel said Wednesday.

“What the CEO has said as it relates to gay marriage and gay couples is not what I believe, but more importantly, it’s not what the people of Chicago believe. We just passed legislation as it relates to civil union and my goal and my hope … is that we now move on recognizing gay marriage. I do not believe that the CEO’s comments … reflects who we are as a city.”

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4 Responses to “Chicago Alderman Moves to Ban Business for Politically Incorrect View on Gays”

  1. Sodomites are the most dangerous devils on the face of earth.

    Someone who commits sodomy, will commit any other sin and crime.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 26th, 2012 at 8:43 am

    not ALL of em, but most I’ve known ARE out to sodomize everyone,
    one way or another, with their passive aggressive political BS.

  2. Thats BS. I dont agree with what they do but thats their own business, I dont have to think about it.

  3. gay-nazi-paedo-perv wanting MORE POWER to DIC-TATE with?
    gee what a surprise, NOT.

    I’d like to see a big STRAIGHT PRIDE parade for this BS,
    would THAT be “politically incorrect” ya dang fudgepackers?
    are ya gonna be “offended” at a bunch of guys marching,
    carrying big signs that say “REAL MEN LIKE POON-TANG!!”
    is that gonna be declared “illegal” by ya fascist fudgies?

    are ya gonna call me “homophobe” for this rant?
    I’m not the one with the deep rooted gender confusion issues,
    phobia means irrational fear, I’m not afraid of fudgepackers,
    the idea of it is friggin repulsive so dont push it on me,
    because I just might fearlessly break yer friggin beak!!
    deal with it.

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