China athlete flees London cold weather

Media reports quoted Liu Xiang’s coach as saying that he is to avoid London’s “wet and cold” weather until he competes at the Olympic Games.

Sun Haiping said Liu, one of China’s top sporting heroes, would train in Leverkusen in Germany. He had arranged to train at St Mary’s University College in Twickenham.

Liu won gold in Athens in 2004, but pulled out of the 2008 Beijing Games ahead of his much anticipated race, an action which shocked China.

“Other Chinese teams have also chosen to move their base thanks to London’s cold weather, so Liu Xiang is not the only one,” Sun was quoted as saying by the China Daily.

Liu Xiang left London for Leverkusen after pulling out of the Diamond League London Grand Prix final on 13 July – his 29th birthday – due to muscle pain.

The men’s 110m hurdles events will be held on 7 and 8 August. Sun said Liu Xiang would not move into the London Olympic Village until early August.


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