Chinese businessman grows world’s most expensive tea using PANDA POO (and he promises ‘a mature and nutty taste’)

  • An Yanshi bought 11 tons of excrement from a panda breeding centre in Sichuan province
  • He uses it to grow tea leaves costing £22k per pound

Sadie Whitelocks and Graham Smith

Last updated at 6:54 PM on 9th January 2012

It’s not just the extortionate price tag of the world’s most expensive tea that might leave a bitter taste.

A Chinese entrepreneur has revealed that panda poo is the key ingredient to a new luxury brew.

An Yanshi, 41, bought 11 tons of excrement from a panda breeding centre in Sichuan province in south-west China.

He then uses it to grow tea leaves that costs a staggering £22,000 per pound. The same amount of Tetley tea leaves would costs around £3.

Unusual brew: Chinese entrepreneur An Yanshi (pictured in suitable attire) has turned panda poo into tea that costs a staggering £22,000 per pound

Unusual brew: Chinese entrepreneur An Yanshi (pictured in suitable attire) has turned panda poo into tea that costs a staggering £22,000 per pound

One lump or two? Mr Yanshi has been busy collecting tons of panda droppings to make his product

One lump or two? Mr Yanshi has been busy collecting tons of panda droppings to make his product

So far there have been no takers for
the unusual product that comes accompanied by a special panda-shaped tea
set and two wildlife paintings.

Mr Yanshi, a university lecturer at Sichuan University, has been busy collecting tons of droppings to make his product.

His method remains a closely guarded secret, but he promises drinkers they can expect ‘a mature and nutty taste’.

The tea is also being heralded for
its health properties as the excrement is enriched with nutrients from
bamboo which is a major food source for the bear.

Mr Yanshi said: ‘Pandas have a very poor digestive system and only absorb about 30 per cent of everything they eat.

‘That means their excrement is rich in fibres and nutrients.

‘Just like green tea, bamboo contains an element that can prevent cancer.’

Mad professor? Mr Yanshi shows off a glass jar of fresh-looking panda faeces at his studio in Chengdu

Mad professor? Mr Yanshi shows off a glass jar of fresh-looking panda faeces at his studio in Chengdu

Mr Yanshi claims his panda poo tea has a 'mature and nutty' taste

Mr Yanshi claims his panda poo tea has a ‘mature and nutty’ taste

He is now hoping to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records for developing the most expensive tea.

For a taste of the first harvest –
expected to go on sale this spring – customers will be expected to pay
£22,000 per pound, and less for subsequent batches.

Mr Yanshi, who has patented his bizarre idea, said he is hoping to target nature lovers and wealthy foodies.

Last year, a coffee shop in
Birmingham started serving up coffee made from the beans of coffee
berries which have been eaten by an Asian Toddy cat and passed through
its digestive tract.

The Kopi Luwak, or Civet coffee, which costs between £200 and £300 per pound, has been a big hit in Japan and the U.S.

Pandas create some 20kg of droppings a
day and many people have tried to come up with innovative ways of using
the waste product from bio-fuel to clay for making sculptures.

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Sounds a bit of a nutty idea to me !!

I wont even touch any thing Chinease..Untill they stop stuffing our beloved cats down there throats!!!!

Why a panda? Because they’re cute maybe. I might try marketing squirrel s… Tea.

This story is a load of C**p.

They used to sell tea that was made from the first leave of every tee leave tree ( not sure how they could manage to identify that fist leave), that was about £5,000 a kilo.
I wonder how long this 11 tons panda poo will be exhausted. Perhaps the pandas in Scotland can produce a handsom profit soon too.

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