Chipmaker ASML sees Q2 profit drop on sales fall

AMSTERDAM (AP) — ASML Holding NV, the largest supplier of manufacturing equipment to computer chip makers, says its net profit fell to €292 million ($359 million) in the second quarter from €432 million in the same period a year ago.

The company announced Wednesday that its sales for the quarter dropped to €1.2 billion ($1.47 billion) from €1.5 billion in the second quarter of 2011.

President and CEO Eric Meurice says he expects sales to remain steady in the second half of the year at €2.2 billion-€2.4 billion.

Veldhoven, Netherlands-based ASML makes machines that map out the circuitry of semiconductor chips.

Intel Corp announced last week intends to take a 15 percent stake in ASML for around $3.07 billion, and will help fund its research into new technologies.

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