CNN sorry over graphic blunder that uprooted London to Norfolk

Users lambasted the network, which broadcasts to 212 countries, for its gaffe.

One quipped: “Hilarious, Norfolk the new London”. Another wrote: “Special
relationship? CNN thinks London is in Norfolk…”

, posted the image on her Facebook page, with the phrase: “I
am truly speechless”.

In a message posted on its official twitter feed, CNN executives said an
inquiry had been launched to pin-point how the gaffe occurred.

“#CNN apologises for a map error which shifted London from its correct
location! We have corrected this are looking into how this occurred,”
it read.

Matthew Chance,
CNN’s senior international correspondent, who was delivering the news added
in Twitter: “We’ve corrected it and are looking into how it happened.”

It is not the first time such blunders have been made by US networks. CNN
placed Cannes in north-west Spain last November when it broadcast a story
about the G20 summit in the French-Riveria.

A few weeks ago Fox News managed to delete Croatia completely from its map of

The U.S National Assessment of Education Progress recently found that only one
in four American schoolchildren were “proficient” in geography.

A similar survey found one in 10 young people aged between 18 and 24 could not
find America on a map with half being able to find New York.

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