Computer ‘whiz kid’ who broke into the website of Britain¿s biggest abortion provider is jailed

Rebecca Camber

13:58 EST, 13 April 2012


19:36 EST, 13 April 2012

A computer hacker who broke into the website of Britain’s largest abortion provider to steal the details of 10,000 women was jailed yesterday.

James Jeffery, 27, threatened to reveal the identities of patients who had terminations registered with the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.

The former Wolverhampton University student planned to publish the information as part of an ‘anti-abortion campaign’.

Hacker: James Jeffery, 27, broke into the website of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) because he 'disagreed' with abortion

Hacker: James Jeffery, 27, broke into the website of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) because he ‘disagreed’ with abortion

Southwark Crown Court heard how Jeffery defaced the BPAS website, branding the organisation ‘murderers’, then boasted about it on Twitter.

The court heard he
stole around 10,000 records from the service’s database containing the
personal details of women he later intended to publish.

But he was traced through the internet provider he used.

Officers swooped on his house in Wednesbury, West Midlands, during the early hours of March 9 this year and found him trying to delete the contents of his computer.

Prosecutor Daniel Higgins told the
court that Jeffery also ‘defaced’ the website’s homepage with the logo
of the hacking group Anonymous and posted an anti-abortion sentiment.

Jeffery wrote on the BPAS website: ‘An unborn child does not have an opinion, a choice or any rights.

‘Who gave you the right to murder an unborn child and profit from that murder?

‘The product abortion is skilfully marketed and sold to the woman at a crisis time in their life.

‘She buys the product, finds it defective and wants to return it for a refund but it is too late.’

The court heard Jeffrey signed off using his online alias Pablo Escobar – named after the Colombian drug lord.

Jeffery admitted two offences under the Computer Misuse Act. He was jailed for two years and eight months.

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“He was jailed for two years and eight months.” — Computer hacking must be a more serious offence than murder then.

Why an earth would he do that? Is nothing private anymore… Idiot troll

Why are these hackers always referred to in the media as whizz kids, geniuses, etc? If they were actually that smart, they wouldn’t have been caught.

Who the he does he think he is!!!!!!

Hardly a whiz ‘kid’ at 27.

Nasty little slimeball!!

Stupid man deserves every punishment going.

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