Congressman Calls For “Tougher” TSA

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More groping needed to prevent terror attack

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Despite the fact that the TSA attracts more bad publicity than any other federal agency in existence for its routine harassment of the traveling public and its penchant for hiring criminals, Congressman Mike Rogers has called for the TSA to get even “tougher” in the name of preventing the next terrorist attack.

Congressman Calls For Tougher TSA

“TSA likes to talk about their successes and I’m proud of their successes — we haven’t had another successful attack in 10 years. The problem is, we have only have to miss one and it’s a disaster,” Rogers (R-Ala.) said on CNN’s “Starting Point.” “We want TSA to become smarter, leaner and tougher.”

It’s somewhat difficult to grasp precisely how the TSA should heed Rogers’ call to get “tougher” with people traveling through airports and other transportation hubs which are now festooned with TSA agents.

Perhaps Rogers is “proud” of such “successes” as the TSA’s mistreatment of young girls with cerebral palsy.

Maybe it was the clip of a three-year-old boy with a broken leg in a wheelchair being groped by a TSA goon that impressed Rogers.

Or possibly the strip-searching of 85-year-old grandmothers so TSA workers can inspect colostomy bags.

Maybe it was the harassment of a double amputee Afghanistan war veteran that helped protect us from Al-Qaeda.

Or are we talking about success stories like how wheelchair-bound 95-year-old veteran Omer Petti and his 85-year-old partner Madge Woodward were treated like terrorists by TSA agents at San Diego International airport, ostensibly so TSA workers could separate them from $300 dollars in cash which subsequently went missing.

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How any of these incidents have helped prevent a terrorist attack is anyone’s guess. If anything, the TSA’s clear targeting of the elderly, children and disabled people has taken resources away from detecting genuine threats.

Maybe Rogers is referring to the TSA’s penchant for hiring criminals who abuse the position to fulfil their sexual perversions, deal drugs, or steal other people’s money and possessions.

Rogers’s call for a more aggressive TSA follows similar rhetoric by Democrat Senator from California Diane Feinstein, who chairs the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Appearing on Fox News last week, Feinstein addressed increasing widespread condemnation of the TSA in noting that the “public has not been terribly sympathetic” to the federal agency’s behavior, adding “it’s very important that TSA keeps up its efforts.”

Yes, it’s very important that TSA workers keep up their “efforts” to grope the elderly, children, and amputees while stealing, molesting and drug dealing in the process.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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21 Responses to “Congressman Calls For “Tougher” TSA”

  1. This creep has no business being a Congressman, and those who voted this clown in office should have their heads examined.

    Not a Drill! Reply:
    May 17th, 2012 at 7:12 am

    This is one of the guys that should be decorating fence-posts along with all his other fellow travelers.

    LibertyHound Reply:
    May 17th, 2012 at 7:33 am

    This mangina is just 1 of 150 million American pussies who cower in fear of the US Gov’s false flag scams!

    He thinks TSA has actually prevented more 911′s, what a moron! You can’t stop people who are willing to die to get you! If the US Gov lies were true there would have been many 911′s already!

    If I was willing to die I could get a bomb on any plane I want and blow it up in flight. That would be easy. In fact I could probably get it on the plane and sneak off before take off. It wouldn’t be that difficult.

    This ass probably insists that his wife do him with a strap-on!

    Menzoberranzandweller Reply:
    May 17th, 2012 at 7:43 am

    Yet another fucking idiot, bought off, sell out, corrupt politician.

    Vic Reply:
    May 17th, 2012 at 7:57 am

    yep! no need to kill a idiot like that. what should happen is the next time he steps onto the streets, kick his ass real good to the next corner street. when 100 people will have put there boots to his ass, he might get the message? along with his criminal friends?

    people scanning, get the hell out of our country scum, we don’t need evil minds like you here.Enough is enough.

    who knows?????????/

  2. DHS-TSA was built on the LIE about what happened on 9-11-2001.

    right before, the state of our (sabotaged!) economy and financial fraud was front page news.

    financial fraud investigations by the SEC in WTC-7 never hit by a plane,
    were NEVER a threat to some “sand ghost bin laden”.
    DC, Wall Street, big banks, and her majestys corporate nickames, is another story!

    they burned the paperwork (office fires)
    dropped the building to scatter the ashes (pull it!)
    carted computer hard-drives away with the rubble ASAP,
    Giuliani made sure of it for all his criminal buddies.

    a pending financial audit of the pentagon for 2.3 trillion “missing”,
    was NEVER a threat to some “sand ghost bin laden” either..
    so how did he know exactly where the accounting department was?
    why the hell would he care? aint like it was gonna put HIM behind bars.

    who says a “TERRORIST” is only gonna hit friggin airplanes? idiots in DC maybe?

    TSA in airports cant stop a heatseeker up an aircrafts tailpipe from 1-2 miles away.
    TSA in train stations cant stop sabotage of tracks in the middle of nowhere.
    this is ALL “security theater BS”.

    mikee chertoff had the contract for kiddie porno scanners a year before mister fizzlepants.
    they PUT him on the plane as propaganda justification for installing the scanners.
    mikee chertoff quit his job, makes millions selling these friggin scanners..
    insider trading, fraud, AND unAmerican activity.

    heres another “congressman” talking MORE support for these NAZI-SOB’s !!!
    if people knew the TRUTH, azzhats like him would be Christmas tree decorations.

    THE ONLY peaceful solution I can think of anymore,

    if you’re a landlord, put their rent throught the roof and make em homeless!
    if you own a grocery store or restaurant, NO SALE, let em friggin starve!
    if you own a gas station, make em late for “work”.
    doctor? dentist? lawyer? auto mechanic? whatever!!

    THEY are gonna deny YOU services at whim with “no-fly lists”,
    you’re only gonna know if you TRY to fly, and ya cant get yourself OFF their list.
    SO FUGGEM.. deny THEM services at whim, WITH GOOD REASONS!!

    they molest children, the elderly.
    they steal, harrass, put cuties through the scanners several times just to see.
    they’ve been caught wackin off in the scanner screening booth,
    some been caught trying to RAPE, impersonating an officer, and more!

    FUGGEM! if they pitch a fit for being denied services, call a sherriff!
    lets see how long they have fuggen “jobs” with recent arest records,
    for “trespassing”, disturbing the peace”, menacing, threatening,
    or any other BS they’re gonna try to do after being told “get the hell out!”

  3. Bags I check out this assholes Sigmoid Colon, see if he like it. Augh shit, maybe he will ! Mmmmmmm.

  4. OK, got another idea. 2pints of Picolax !!! And lock him in his car !!

    wiggins Reply:
    May 17th, 2012 at 7:24 am

    ….after he had been force fed humungous amounts of bean curry.

    rootboy Reply:
    May 17th, 2012 at 7:34 am

    LOL Hook’m at the end of the Human Centipede”………

  5. how can the Tsa get any worse they basically do whatever they want already
    I know they will start “screening” people in their own homes places of work …

  6. Well, there are a few people who visit the dentist for a proctology exam, this fellow just happens to be one of them.

  7. give him a load of laxo in his coffee then have securuity lock-down all the toilets hahaha 🙂

  8. When they strip search you, America, will you scream then? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!

    Oh that’s right, they do that virtually. Make her go in again. And again.

  9. Grope Mike Rogers….and detain him until he proves he ain’t a terrorist

  10. Shouldn’t someone come along and put this cocksucker out of his misery….. didn’t i just solved the whole problem?

  11. who is the idiot congressman?

    he should be talking about respecting the constitution not making TSA worst.

    Is this another twisted trator within government wanting more diactatorship?

    what’s his problem? is he sick in the head?

  12. Perhaps the Flying public should be harder on Flying and stop doing it! I have to say i flew last week and TSA was great but if they had singled me out that would have been it! I would have taken a train,bus or driven myself from then on. We need to stop the BS and profile passengers why are we terrorizing American citizens? Have we had an attempted bomber who was a citizen? I cant recall any but i could be wrong. Its become an indistry eactly who is profiting from TSA?
    Not to be aConspiracy freak but why arent we using police officers for this rather than slackers who dont even under go a rudimentary back ground check before being hired to keep us SAFE? Whos keepinng us safe from them? Vote with your dollars and take alternate transportation if the put them on the train take a bus if they put them on a bus drive youreself. Im telling you one thing for sure theres no TSA agent hiding in my car! And above all let your elected repersentatives knowhow you feel about this you might have noticed every time soneone is interviewed on any news program they are always in favor of TSA now thats a conspiracy for you! Has anyone ever interviewed you on the topic?

  13. Somebody get a broom handle.

  14. IS this dude a Nasi?

  15. This guy reminds me of the Bond Woman tells one reporter the she thinks the TSA is doing a good job and she feels safer.
    Congressman, I refuse to fly until the Homeland Security and TSA are Abolished. They have been nothing but a $50 Billion Dollar bill to the American Tax Payer.

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