Conservatory Tax? It was bonkers, insists Cameron as he pledges to veto plans that would cost homeowners hundreds

Tim Shipman and Kirsty Walker

18:16 EST, 16 April 2012


18:17 EST, 16 April 2012

'Ridiculous': Sources close to David Cameron say he doesn't understand how the tax plan even got into the Green Deal

‘Ridiculous’: Sources close to David Cameron say he doesn’t understand how the tax plan even got into the Green Deal

David Cameron denounced plans for a ‘conservatory tax’ as bonkers yesterday.

He pledged to veto the proposals that would have forced homeowners to spend hundreds of pounds extra on energy efficiency when they build an extension or fit a new boiler.

The Mail revealed yesterday that Tory ministers were in revolt over the plan – an element of the so-called Green Deal.

Former Energy Secretary Chris Huhne, the original architect, hit back yesterday accusing senior Tories of ‘posturing’ against the guidelines which are meant to encourage homeowners to invest in insulation and other energy-saving measures.

Senior Lib Dems initially suggested they would back Mr Huhne and would continue to fight for the plans.

But No10 made clear that the Premier will kill the guidelines stone dead.

A source close to Mr Cameron said: ‘This is a bonkers proposal and the Prime Minister frankly doesn’t understand how it got into the consultation document in the first place.

‘He is not going to allow a situation where someone who wants to do a bit of home improvement, replace a boiler or even a conservatory, is forced to pay another 10 per cent on top.

‘We’re all for going green but this is a ridiculous idea.’

Currently, the rules mean that developments of more than 1,000 square metres must include environmental measures costing 10 per cent of the main investment.

Under the ‘mandatory’ scheme outlined in the consultation document anyone wanting to build a conservatory, replace a broken boiler or install new windows would have to seek permission from the council.

It could then require them to improve the energy efficiency of their homes by investing in measures such as loft and wall insulation and draught-proofing.

The measure is included in a consultation issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government. Sources said it had been included at Mr Huhne’s behest as a result of Coalition ‘horse-trading’.

Costly: Guidelines included in the Green Deal would mean anyone wanting to build a conservatory would need permission from the council and could be forced to install energy efficiency measures

Costly: Guidelines included in the Green Deal would mean anyone wanting to build a conservatory would need permission from the council and could be forced to install energy efficiency measures

He has promoted the Government’s Green Deal, whereby homeowners can get a grant to fund the upfront costs of loft or cavity wall insulation and repay the cash from savings in their energy bills.

Mr Huhne has, however, been forced to step down to fight criminal charges over claims he asked his former wife Vicky Pryce to take speeding points on his behalf.

He said: ‘The Green Deal means that home insulation is funded from the savings in home energy bills so people are better off, not worse off. Top Tories should stop posturing on green plans that help hard-hit households.’

The source close to Mr Cameron said the Green Deal would still go ahead – but homeowners would not be compelled to join it if they want to do home improvements.

‘We are all behind the Green Deal but the key thing is that it has to be voluntary. We’re all for being greener but compelling people to fork out more at a time like this is unreasonable.

‘This is not a U-turn. Compulsion should never have been in the consultation.’ Aides of Mr Huhne’s successor as energy secretary, Ed Davey, were also angry at the Tory position, saying the average cost of the Green Deal to householders would be £500 and that would be recovered quickly in lower energy bills.

But aides of Nick Clegg admitted that the Lib Dems will have to listen to Mr Cameron.

Coalition of U-turns

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“I think I’ll wear a blue tie today…no, a red tie… no blue…errr…Nick…what colour tie should I wear?” “Doesn’t matter, Dave. Just keep on pulling it tighter…”.

Much of the fuss made is orchestrated by the left and of course the fifth columnists in government, the Liberal Democrats. You had a chance to dump them a long time ago and now its too late. Besides judging by what im told by people on the street the next election should show a sizable UKIP vote, so I guess Cameron will be making another u turn by trying to woo UKIP into a coelition government then too.

Well said B J Braveheart, Edinburgh. – “Dave and Nick now Laural and Hardy ” Great, Love it.

Remember the old Chinese proverb… Man who sits in middle of road, is hit by chariots going both ways……… (U-turns can make it even more dangerous) Dave..It’s time to Dump the Dumbo.

Come on Cameron admit it, your the party of tax hikes for the hard working lower classes and tax breaks for the upper and middle classes.

We HAVE to vote U.K.I.P., just read their manifesto and watch Nigel Farage on Youtube. He is an inspiration!

Cameron must be getting giddy – he’s constantly running round in circles and doing daily U turns.
There are three today alone, as stated in the DM.
Doesn’t he know what his own government’s policies are?

Is there no one capable of dealing with the real issues that face the UK a population of native Brits who feel ignored, a use of taxpayers money on dis-credited social welfare and aid packages. The attack on the incomes of the most at risk in Society, pensioners. The attacks on the working population by increasing tax on essentials fuel,food, and housing. I am afraid that any coalition will always fail and one with the Lib/Dems a pure disaster. Like a fish on the hook this Government thrashes about from policy to policy whilst still being pulled onto the rocks. Incompetence of the highest order and a real dis-appointment.

These clowns now surround themselves with an army of overpaid advisor’s. Surely one of them must have been able to see that the measures the Chancellor was going to bring in would result in what we see now or are they all simply frightened yes men ?
We saw the exact same thing with Brown the clown when he doubled the tax rate for the lowest paid. Not a peep from any of his many special advisor,s.

One disaster after another! And let us not forget as the local elections draw near that every political party elected to power have refused to let us have a referendum on the EU, they basically lied to us all and continue to insult our intelligence on a daily basis. Vote for change Britain!

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