Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Ron Paul by Ignoring Him

Kurt Nimmo
August 15, 2011

Following the Iowa Straw Poll that was a tie between the establishment’s Tea Party diva, Michele Bachmann, and Ron Paul, Roger Simon of Politico went on CNN and said the reason the corporate media is ignoring Paul is because they don’t think he can win.

Simon – who claims to be a Paul supporter – should know better.

Ron Paul scares the dickens out of the establishment and its lapdog propaganda machine. He has an excellent chance of winning – and that’s why the corporate media is ignoring him.

Simon’s own publication deliberately failed to mention Paul when it reported on the results of the Iowa poll. “Michele Bachmann wins Ames Straw Poll, Tim Pawlenty gets third,” the headline read.

Pawlenty dropped out of the race the same day.

The ruling elite that stage manages national elections and enters its hand-picked horses in what amounts to a fixed race is determined to make sure Ron Paul remains more or less invisible to a blindsided public. They will trot out talking heads like Roger Simon who will claim Ron Paul is being ignored because he doesn’t stand a bat’s chance in hell of taking the nomination.

It’s just the opposite. He stands a damn good chance. That’s why they are ignoring him.

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113 Responses to “Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Ron Paul by Ignoring Him”

  1. If illegal obama isn’t going to get questioned about his 100% fake b.c. I think we should know by that, that they must be destroyed. I mean DESTROYED. Look what they’re doing to us. Now they give fake birth cert and then just snub us. have you people noticed just how WASTED obama is in most of his pictures and appearances. I mean he is grey eyes and huge pupils and looks exhausted. DRUG exhausted. People, this NWO wants us dead. You better wake your dumb asses up.

    • The best way to destroy the media circus control machine is to turn off the media circus control machine… in other words, just ignore it.

      If people ignored the media you would see a rapid change for the better in this country.

      There is no rebellion needed, no civil war needed, no mass murder of people versus the government. All the change needed in this country could simply be accomplished by one simple act; turn off the mainstream media (all of it, news, shows, movies, music, etc…) and just flat out ignore all the talking heads who spout out rubbish and lies 24/7.

      Just ignore the rubbish and trash… and watch yourself and the country change without having to lift a finger.

  2. Hay simon what happened to your mouth did a truck hit you your a puss bag oozing scum Paul is gonna remember you when your made to leave this country your a huge looser and a sissy.

  3. If it’s true and verifiable what Bachmann did, Paul should look her straight in the eye and refer to her as “The Votebuyer” in their next debate.

  4. cnn fox abc cnbc ect. you guy’s are the puppets for the glothe sold out mainstream media talking heads sock puppets. bet your kids are so proud of you. teaching thm good morrel high ground like not telling the truth ,hurting people ,aiding and abeding the enemy which starts all of these unconstitutional wars (excuse me a connetic bal elites the new world order. action )were in.the old false flag attacks . cause the crisis offer the solution. get real i know my history .yes so many things to be proud of .but i can understand why you have been not reporting the truth on the ron paul issue. after looking at his application you see right off. he doesnt have the normal requirements for the president of the usa. matter of fact looks more like a application for sainthood 20 some years airforce serving his country. 35 plus years serving the citizens of the usa as a senator and congressman with a allmost not real looking track record never voted on a tax increase never voted on anything that would violate are constitutional rights. married for 50 years yes 50 and to the same woman wow. oh yea and he’s a doctor imagine this. so be very easy to think he dropped his application off for sainthood in the wrong b box cause clearly has way more experience than required for this position.-

    • Stop dithering and get this guy elected.

  5. Ron Paul won a poll only to be followed a few days later by coming in second in another poll. In the meantime, there was all this hype and nonsense by media “experts” such as Limbaugh saying that Paul “can’t win”. That struck me as a slap in the face and I think that this fraudulent onslaught by the media likely influenced the second vote; and add to that media subliminals that the voters were no doubt UNWITTINGLY forced to endure. Furthermore, the opponent who beat him, Michele Bachmann according to Alex, admittedly bought several thousand votes.

    Because of that Paul must seize the initiative in combating all this fraud. Unlike all the other candidates, Paul can’t reach vast portions of the American population because of obvious media bias against him. The windows of opportunity in which he can do so are very precious and few indeed and so he must take quick advantage of each and every one of them to get his message through – irregardless of what anyone may think.

    His windows of opportunity are invariably events where he and the other candidates have to follow what seems to be a strict set of rules on when and how to speak. But because of the unrelenting bias against him – HE HAS A RIGHT TO SAY WHAT HE NEEDS TO SAY and to offer the obvious explanations why – in order to remain competitive.

    Also his supporters, whenever they happen to be in front of a mike, must make similar observations so there is a constant drumbeat from the Paul camp in order to straighten out this mess and to constantly remind the public. His supporters should find ways to gain access to microphones and other media whenever possible.

    These crimes cannot go unaddressed. Paul is getting ripped off and so there must be outrage among the voters if they want to save the Constitution and get many more to the polls in order to do so.

    • Here’s a post someone here entered a couple of hours ago — Couldn’t have said it better…

      “I supported Ron Paul in the last election, he’s got to speak up and get noticed!!! If your weak the devils will gobble you up. he’s got a lot to say, he needs to step up and be heard, and his team should be beating down the media for not covering him better!!!!! a lion roars……”

  6. i went to the straw poll in ames, and voted for ron. i noticed something kinda weird on the back of the ticket…it’s a map of where all the candidates tents are located…ron’s area was first (EVERYONE had to go through his section to get to the others…genius!) his area was MUCH bigger than anyone elses, however, according to the map his are was SMALLER than the others including HERMAN CAIN who got 35 votes! i was there, and i don’t believe for a second that ron came in 2nd, we outnumbered bachman’s zombies at least 2 to 1! we are bigger and louder and this scares the establishment to the core! keep on fighting.

    RON PAUL 2012

    • I also find it hard to believe that all the other Establishment candidates had such few votes compared to Bachmann. I even heard some of the Mainstream media saying that Ron Paul will probably win the Straw Poll based on the crowd response in the Debates the day before. There was little talk of Bachmann possibly winning.

      Not saying it was rigged but they have rigged just about everything else, so you just start assuming after awhile lol.


  8. RON PAUL 2012

  9. Right now top story on Google, Perry, Bachmann, Romney separate themselves from the GOP pack! Sound familiar? MCB

  10. I supported Ron Paul in the last election, he’s got to speak up and get noticed!!! If your weak the devils will gobble you up. he’s got a lot to say, he needs to step up and be heard, and his team should be beating down the media for not covering him better!!!!! a lion roars……

  11. Go to, and news and try to find a single article about Ron Paul. I just did, and there’s not a single mention of Ron Paul on the politics page or the elections page. How’s that possible?

    It’s more than an omission (even an intentional one)! There is intentional corruption of the news at the highest levels, with complicity of all the “public” news personnel.

    I honestly don’t know how this is possible; it must be supernatural. I guessing Satan doesn’t like Ron Paul, and he’s told all his followers to ignore him.

  12. Incredible nerve and corruption …

    P.S. The media is a trailer trash 5$ crackwhore …

  13. The Rick Perry crap has already begun too. The media is pushing for him as if he’s already the elected candidate.

  14. Who the HELL does the media or these MONKEYS THINK they are. If the election is supposed to be the PEOPLES choice then who do they think they are DECIDING FOR US who is electable or not and who deserves to be seen or “ignored”.

    Since WHEN does Donald rump decide for me.

    What we have here is the media EXPOSING THEMSELVES! THEY decide who is the winner and then FEED it to us.

    • Answer: Cha-ching. Moola runs the game and if you ain’t got none, like me, then your opinion means nadda. Buy you a lobbyist and send him up to Capital Hill. Whoops. Can’t afford. They belong to the rich and the rich are who decide what is what. In their eyes Ron Paul is definitely not what is what.

  15. Ron paul for president,he’s our man.

  16. Ron Paul has no chance in hell is what they tell me, so like a good American I believe them. Doesn’t matter that the majority of us want him as our next president because Michelle Bachman kicked the sh** outta Pawlenty during the debate. Pay attention to that. Not which way the wind is blowing. Not to what the American people want. Just what the mainstream joke wants you to believe. Believe them, because what your neighbor believes is them, regardless of what they want to believe. We all believe what we are told to. Now be a good American and buy into the new reality. Everybody is doing it … Come on now …

  17. Stop letting the media and your part choose your candidate. Use your vote! Drop out of your party and ignore the media game. Use Your VOTE!

    • Agreed. To all who were like me and wanted to see the end of the Bush era and the republican reign after what was done remember that an Obama vote is worth just as much as a McCain vote. Step up and call your conscience. And if the next pile of crap comes from the pile of crap we’ve got to choose from remember the first line of the CONSTITUTION and stand behind it.

  18. This is definitely true. Our local news doesn’t even bring him up at all. What a crock of crap!

  19. this is ALL THEY DO. i just saw an article after i signed out from my email, “GOP: It’s ROMNEY VS. PERRY.”

    not based on any numbers or anything, they just pull crap out of the ether. they can’t operate on a level playing field or they would be obliterated. they have to be a a bunch of degenerate sleaze, it’s their only option.

  20. Flood Facebook and all MSM networks through Facebook with your comments. Take up the fight directly to corporate media readers. Become a Info Warrior.

    • That is what you have to do to. Bring the Info war to them if they will not address the reality…

      I have stopped using the term conspirathy theorist as well… I now refer to myself as a Conspriacy realist. One the reality of the fact that there are conspiracies then we will finally be able to deal with the conspirators.

      Conspiracy realist!

      • Or conspiracy researcher.

        • watch on youtube if you can, MOSSAD CAUGHT IN VAN ON 9-11 “FILLED WITH EXPLOSIVES” GW BRIDGE.

  21. It truely sadenss me to know that Ron Paul is being basically punked! by the liberal nwo owned media! we need true leadership in this country! he is the only one left that can fix this country! we need to PRAY for this man.

    • yes pray for Ron Paul, but vote for Chuck Baldwin

      • divide and conquer

        • order out of chaos

    • Not only pray but get creative and do something.

  22. BTW, isn’t Nimmo that orange movie star cartoon fishes name?

    We wouldn’t have the demoncratic repukelicrats to worry about!
    Blind morons,you voted for change but you can’t take the change,
    I mean real change,
    not bouncing back and forth
    from repuke to demoncrap over and over again!
    60 years is long enough to convince any NORMAL human being with half his brain tied behind his back that these two parties, have caused us to participate in mass murder and infantcide (1973)
    for most of the last century, And are thus one single criminal enterprise that must be abolished!

    The living leaders of these two criminal gangs(CLINTON,BUSH) should be brought to swift justice and a warning sent out to all new political parties:

    • Good points. I’ll be voting for Chuck Baldwin this time around. He’s the only candidate that opposes ongoing national infanticide and the wholesale endorsement of open sodomy in our military.

      Ron Paul, for all his good points regarding fiscal responsibility and ending wars for profit, has compromised on a number of key areas; abortion on demand a State decision vs. categorically opposing it, voting to repeal DADT because he thinks it’s “a waste of money to train military personnel and then kick them out because they’re practicing homosexuals (sodomites)”.

      Ron Paul won’t win anyway – the GOP machine and MSM won’t let him. Even if he somehow won the GOP nomination (after hell froze over), he’d go the way of Bobby Kennedy before you could say “Sirhan Sirhan”.

      It ain’t gonna happen.

      • I won’t be voting at all any more, now that I know what is really going on. This political circus is being carried on for our benefit and distraction. It’s like we’re an anthill and the NWO has kicked it repeatedly to watch the ants go crazy. Eventually they will pour gasoline on it and set it on fire. The rabbit hole goes too deep to explain in detail, but the more digging I do, the more it stinks to high heaven.

        Whoever the NWO wants in the WH, the House and the Senate, will be in there, whether they bamboozle the people into voting for someone they THINK will make a difference, or whether the “elections” are rigged or stolen. This country’s corrupt government has taught the world’s dictators how to seize power and tyrannize their own people. I’m taking my ball and bat and going home. They can play without me.

        • Rigged

      • You just shot yourself in the foot Semper

    • The two party system, for that matter politics in general is perhaps the single greatest indoctrination and enslavement tool the oligarchs and international banking cartel have at their disposal. The propaganda machine, otherwise known as the left-versus-right paradigm, has completely hypnotized the public trust and effectively dismantled the intellectual capacity of most to objectively and rationally see through the lies and half truths. The agenda is all too transparent. If you are willing to suspend disbelief long enough to see that the system is DESIGNED to keep the focus off of the corporate oligarchy and on the politicians as scapegoats, then you will understand that NO SOLUTION can come though the electoral process. It’s a giant Ponzi scheme. At the level of the presidency and the legislative bodies, the elections are all rigged, and the nightmare continues unabated…

      • So true. This is a tag-team match between the democrats and republicans, and the american people are the patsy being beaten to a bloody pulp, while the managers (globalists) are revelling in our blood and choreographing the whole damned match.

      • Yep, the political establishment is a theater, the audience is the people, and outside the globalists are barring the doors and setting the theater on fire

  24. Sleeping Bags/Bed Linens


    Bath and Hand Towels

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    • all you need at KOA

      • (or the FEMA camp)

  25. Ron Paul is a friend of Alex Jones thats why the main street is ignoring him! Alex Jones tells the story in truth for justice, They squirm from him. Ron Paul, good luck. MCB

  26. Ron Paul is the best chance we have at restoring democracy.

    Washington is making up the stories for the media to report in an effort to suppress this story.

    What is the new world order? From what I can tell it’s when the richest people in the world take over the government of the most powerful nation in the world, the United States of America. It appears their goal is to implement socialism, monopolize their industries, and collapse the dollar in an effort to create a one world currency. It sounds like science fiction, but from what I discovered, they came close to achieving it with the election of Obama.

    Here are some straight facts. You should really follow up on this and draw your own conclusions.

    There is an enormous organization online behind an endless number of work-at-home opportunities, affiliate marketing, and get-rich-quick schemes. This group is positioned to cash in with a tanking economy. Let me tell you about just a few of them and the code they created.

    Lorrie Morgan Ferrero is posing online as a copywriter. On her sites “Red Hot Copy” a play on words, there are several look a likes of people involved with the current administration, CEO’s, and some media moguls.
    Here’s a few;
    Cathy Goodwin a look a like for Du Pont CEO Ellen Kuffman
    Denise Wakeman a look a like for Anne Duncan the Secretary of Education
    John Childers a look a like for SEIU Andy Stern
    Mari Smith a possible look a like for Carly Fiorina who ran in Caly fornia for Senate
    Terry Dean a look like Michael Dell
    Tom Beal a look a like for Time Warner CEO Jeffery L Bewkes
    Jay Conrad Levinson a look a like for George Soros

    These are just a few people that Lorrie Morgan Ferrero has on her sites. She can also be seen with relatives of 72 Virgin records Richard Branson’s family and The Whitehouse party crashers the Salahi’s. A search on Salahi reveals a picture of her in a Washington “Red”skins jersey posing next to a much younger Jill Biden. Jill, or a look a like, also appears on the cover of a product called The Super Affiliate Handbook.

    Lorrie Morgan Ferrero claims her husband is John Ferrero. John appears to be FBI Wanted Terrorist Ramadan Shallah. Lorrie is also seen with Stephen Pierce who I believe is supposed to represent radical Van Jones. Also appearing with Lorrie is a guy who interviews other online marketers, Armand Morin. Armand appears to be FBI Wanted Terrorist Noordin M Top. He’s wanted for the financing of Al-Qaeda and since cracking this code has been removed from the FBI’s site.

    There’s a site online called the Rich Jerk. First he was a cartoon character, and later in the videos released on Youtube, the Rich Jerk appears to be Billionaire Mark Cuba(n) of the Dallas Mavericks. Another person on Youtube claiming to be Robert Johnson Rich Jerk is in fact Tony Rezko, the guy who sold Obama some property in Chicago. The first testimonial on the Rich Jerk website is from Mark Joyner. Joyner claims to be the godfather of internet marketing. Joyner also appears to be FBI Wanted Terrorist Saif or Seif al-Adel. After collecting email addresses for years at the Rich Jerk site, his first email he sent out was about Stompernet. Stompernet was selling an $800 a month program teaching you how to optimize in search engines for anything.

    These online marketers operating in code are masters at deception and search engine optimization. Like they do for their products, it appears they controlled the conversation, the feedback, the headlines, and the finance of the last presidential election with the most optimized site in Google search, Youtube.

    Several of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists posing as internet marketers, are wanted for US embassy bombings in Kenya and Indonesia. These are 2 places that Obama also has ties to as well.

    In my strongest opinion, Osama Bin Laden isn’t only a name, it’s a code, a riddle. I believe that Osama represents Obama and Biden (Bi)n la(den.)

    Here’s what Obama, Osama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last presidential election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search ElectNoMoreSpys.blogspot

    • Nearly every single day I get these scam emails from the UK, china, nigeria, etc. Everything from sympathy for a “dying” rich person who wants me to manage their estate, to low interest loans, to people claiming to be from the FBI wanting me to pay money to release my “package”. If anyone falls for any of these things, they will lose what little money they have. for awhile I was spared, now they’re flooding in. I just hit “delete”, and so should everyone else. I wonder if your online bad guys could be part of that? Just when I think it can’t get any worse, it does.

  27. In Germany the media also ignores Ron Paul, but my friends and myself are trying the best, to spread the truth, and inform the people about Ron Paul´s victory.
    Ron Paul for 2012!
    Greetings from Germany to America!

    • Thank you, Sascha! You are kind! Hope you all don’t have to bail out Italy….things look crazy in “your neck of the woods”, as we say here in rural America. I am of strong German roots. Would love to travel there soon, but things are too crazy here now….trying to prepare for survival!

      I have kind of a weird question: My German relatives all have dark hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. Can you tell me about the sector of Germans that have these physical characteristics and the history on that? Just wondering….

      • I think it´s nothing special.
        We have many Turkish, Irans, Arabs here.
        I also have dark hair, but blue eyes.
        I also will hope, that we have not to bail out Italy and other Country´s, but insane Merkel is building a transfer union (Versailler Vertrag 2.0). It´s cooking very hot here in Germany.
        I hope, one fine day, i can travel to the US, and see a free Land again. The same i wish for us here in Germany. It´s one of my biggest dreams.
        I was talking with my father, he was a german soldier in WWII, and he said, the situation here is most the same like in 1932. He fear´s a new war. I hope he is wrong.
        But i am an optimist, and i say we can change the system peacefull!

        • We are not free, my friend. That is the picture the NWO is “painting” for you.

        • I did not say we´re free, FreedomLover.
          I said, i wish we will be, in the furure!
          I know about the NWO, and i am also against this tyranny!
          I am doing my best, to inform other people, but mostly they laugh and say, i am paranoid.
          But that cares me a blimp, i will go on.

  28. This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave

    • This nation also will become what it was always pretending to be if it can hold onto the brotherly love plan and stop hating so damn much.
      Nothing else will do any good. You can try everything but you will eventually have to come back to this idea.
      There is no other way but you can deny I am right and go along your merry way.

  29. Even my wife has noticed they are completely ignoring him. The night of the straw poll she couldn’t overlook the fact that after coming in very close second his name was hardly mentioned at all and he wasn’t even interviewed afterward, unlike many of the others who came in after him in the poll. ‘Why is he being completely ignored?’ she kept asking. All I could say was ‘I know, I know. I really don’t know.’

  30. When are we going to stop talking and start walking? Ron Paul can’t win this country by himself, damnit.

    • Donate soem money to his campaign, and sign in to make phone calls or visit people door to door when is required.

      • His campaign is also selling for VERY little money these great packages of info cards (100 for $5) on RP’s stances on different issues. Great to pass out or put under windshields!

    • They don’t give a shit unless someone is going to save them.
      Waiting is the name of the game my friend. Just look around you and watch the ppl. Are they asleep or not. You make the call.
      Ask them what they are waiting for and they will tell you.
      Listen and ppl will tell you who they are, but you must accept listening as the main objective, and not trying to figure out something.
      Americans are not very good at listening. Especially when it is something they are not used to and does not fit into the American dream theory. Anybody for going to disneyland this weekend. Michael Jordan will be there. Isn’t that more appealing than being concerned over the president who we all must trust no matter what because he was elected by the ppl.
      What a joke the conversations going around here, and all over the ppl are as dumb as the year is long. Examine what you say before you say it and think what we are all doing is the answer.
      Most of Pauls followers are waiting on a savior. He has been chosen by them to lead the flock. If he wins they will pray to him as if he were a god. If he losses many will go into a deep depression and commit horrible things against themselves and others. These same patterns are played out everyday all over america. Seeing with your eyes leaves you blind for only the spirit can truly see. It does not require feeling or hearing anything because it trancends all of what we hear, feel, think, say, and do, as just what it is. Nothing if not given by the creator. The spirit is here always and around always, and can clear any distortion we may have. It does not use descernment because it already knows the truth and everything else is not real. Man chose to stay and live in the dark and his visio9n is blurred. We all already know what it is we must do but risist it for material gain. The creator made us all the same and we are all his children.
      Call him god if you want but they also called satan, zeus, osiris, ra, and many more god. I draw the line in the sand right there and was not created by some god but by my creator who is all loving and without any idea except for the children are deceiving themselves but he will not kill us to prove anything to us. He will not abbandone us, He will not forsake us. He and the spirit know full well that we can either accept the truth or we can live in an illusion. which is our choice. If he interferd then it would be not right to stop us from having free will. Think for 5 minutes about how it would be to stopo hanging on to the old truths and get some new ones that are relevant to the spirit and the creator. Don’t you feel it I know you can.

  31. The “TEA PARTY” looks to be warming up to Ron Paul. This is great news! I have done my best to show the Tea Party through news articles who Ron Pauls opponents really are. Get into the Tea Party movement if your not there right now. And, EXPOSE the NWO NEOCONS. Keep up the great work Alex. The “TEA PARTY” is not a movement. It is Americans sick of corruption in Government. They just don’t know how corrupt it really is. Wake them up people. We can all do it.

    • Fool the Tea Party is a bunch of losers.
      They lost their whole entire party to the Koch brothers who are Retarded Republicrapers. More blood sucking leaches is what you are asking for and are so dense it is pitiful to being this stupid. Did you sleep under a rock for the last 20 years or what.
      If the many bloodsuckers cant answer this question WHY do we have deficits? Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation.
      Learn to think and not just regurgitate info you learned in some high school civics class.



        • You guys just don’t believe that there is a global oligarchy that is steering this whole political circus. It doesn’t matter WHAT we believe, or what we do, they will not listen. They’re enjoying their self-imposed “godhood”, playing cosmic chess with our lives. If the “voting” isn’t going their way, they will rig elections, pay people to vote for one candidate or another or simply nullify or do whatever they want to get their person of the hour in whatever spot they are supposed to occupy. Everything the NWO does is to further their agenda. Ignore Ron Paul, and people focus on him. Exactly what the NWO maggots want. I’m tired of trying to figure them out.

        • Great, another party, as if the problem is that people are not picking the right national party

  32. FACEBOOK BOMB. Info Warriors take action today. You can post comments to every one of these major news outlets through facebook. Log on, like Huffpost, NYTimes, NPR, Politico, etc. and blast them. Stay after these outlets, spread the message.

  33. Click on my name 9-11truth to got to website and please sign the Hemp Petition on second page. If you watch the video you will see why it’s urgent and the way to SAVE OUR ECONOMY AGAIN!

    •We invite you to cosponsor legislation similar to the Industrial Hemp Farming Act. Please see Ron Paul and Barney Franks bill -H.R. 1866. This proposed legislation would allow farmers in America to grow an important crop again on the US soil.

    Hemp is a viable even important crop to American farmers. Some studies estimate that the United States currently imports over 400 hundred million dollars worth of hemp oil, seed, resin, fiber annually, and the number is only going higher.

    Hemp is also used in ropes, wallets, energy, renewable biomass, concrete, fiberboard, sails, salad oils, paper, soap, backpacks, butter, insulation, diapers, biodiesel fuel, paint, lip balm, hats, milk, clothing, natural plastic, shampoo, upholstery. In fact, Popular Mechanics estimated that hemp could be used in over 25,000 consumer products.
    How it is that hemp is grown legally in over 32 industrialized nations with the U.S. being the only side liner?

    We believe that hemp is a critical resource that will stimulate our economy, and provide important jobs to many including our great American farmers. Therefore we encourage our elected officials, and our representatives, and the American people as a whole to stand up and allow our American farmers to once again grow our National economy.



  35. 5 words for the establishment media…we will not forget it.

    • 3 MORE WORDS

  36. Take it to them People!! Great New Ron Paul Video!! Send it everywhere



    • Thank you for posting this link. I really do like the information sharing.

  37. Nimmo,

    Please try and NOT spin the clip for those lazy people that wont watch it for themselves. Roger is a columnist at Politico and doesn’t run everything they do. He was speaking in the third person when he said that “we”, the media doesn’t think Ron Paul has a chance in hell. They are all ignoring him because he makes to much sense, that is true, but when you end your story with: “They will trot out talking heads like Roger Simon who will claim Ron Paul is being ignored because he doesn’t stand a bat’s chance in hell of taking the nomination.” You are guilty of the same spin doctoring, he was pointing this out as a problem with mainstream media, not as a reason. We as a group lose ground when we start twisting the story to fit our cause. There are plenty of opportunities to point out the NWO game without trying to sensationalize trivial comments. Thanks of your work and passion.

  38. I still don’t get why people here think paul can win.

    Wake the fuck up! Is he or is he not running as a republican?

    They nominate their ‘boy’ idependent of the populace votes and/or desires!

    Why delude yourselves?

    We all hope he wins, we all need a real and honest president, but shit, its IMPOSSIBLE that he gets their as a damn republican! Why the fuck is this so hard to undrstand? Stop being foolish, the president is not where it gets solved.

    • Yes he can win, just needs enough of us to vote for him! He is the best candidate and people are waking up, He will win because he is correct!

      • my friend i hope you are right, i supported paul last go around and i still do, with money time and vote, but do you not see what the media has done in the last couple of days, do you recall last go around when paul was getting up to 30 percent in polls and overnight those numbers changed and he droped to 2 to 3 percent? “they ” control the election, lets hope somehow he does win but do you have a back up plan , this seems our last hope before the deep stuff starts,
        by all means continue to fight for and support paul, at lease it sends them a clear message, and his message is coming thru, but do check on diebold voting machines and be ready

        • Yes, those machines can alter the elections, but we ca’t run before we walk. Take one step at a time, first the 2012, then whatever comes. keep repeating to yourself , that Ron paul will win, and spread it to everyone who asks you who do youthink will win. Do not give up, do not even mention anybody else name, not even Obama, focus on only one, and sound confident that he is going win! We will deal with whatever comes after 2012 election. Does not even matter if runs for the republicans or as an idependent. Ron Paul is going to win.

    • He can win if we all vote for him. And if we all vote for him, and he doesn’t win….well then we’d have to rethink our form of government, wouldn’t we?

      • Yes, but lets focus on the election of 2012 that he will win

      • The difference this time that maybe many haven’t thought about is this:

        In 08, the youth and the independents were enamored with Obama. THIS TIME THEY ARE LEAVING O IN DROVES! Who do you think they would be likely to vote for this time instead of Barry? Certainly not the neocons!!!

        Thus, they will break for Paul. If the youth and indep’s will get their butts out and vote for Paul like they did for barry in 08, then he really DOES have a chance!

        Maybe this is what is making the establishment and the MSM so nervous!

        • I work in the public sector. VERY few are talking about politics. We think just because we’re here and vocal, that everyone is. Most are taking the “wait and see” attitude.

  39. Turn off your TV’s and magically the corporate media degenerates disappear. Stop buying anything that is connected to them and let them know you have done so. Ignore the Old Media and starve their supply lines. They will never offer you anything of value and will reduce your IQ by the second. I want to know their names no more.

    ——- click on my name for more about the other components we need to ignore into oblivion

  40. RON PAUL= WINNING!!!!!!

  41. It is going to be a real hoot to watch the Neo-Cons back war bucks Obama against Paul, and still loose to the American People.

    The next phase of the NWO will be when they watch us dismantle their military Empire, restore the Constitution send the owners of the Federal Reserve back to England and Israel.


    • I think, brother Glorified, that the argument will go toward “vote-splitting.” That is their usual game. They’ll say that Ron Paul will split votes from the Republican candidate and therefore cause Obama to be re-elected by default.

      Don’t buy it. Don’t fall for the tired “voting for the lesser of two evils” garbage. If something doesn’t happen to change things in this upcoming election, the economic situation will not recover for decades – if it ever does at all.

      There are some patriots here, like brother Roaddog, who think that we’re already beyond repair. He may be right, but it is my hope that the awakening will dominate the establishment before it really is too late. We’ll see.

      • And Alex Jones just now made the same prediction regarding the vote-splitting strategy. Seems pretty obvious.

      • i agree with roaddog, sadly deep in my heart, BUT i will still suport paul, if only because ” they ” know the real numbers of people behind Paul and it sends a message to them, and it scares them.
        but i feel free elections are no more, but you never know perhaps some free american someplace will have acess to diebold and stop them

      • I also believe we’ve crossed the line. We’ve slid too far down the slippery slope. The NWO has the upper hand and they are trying very hard to slam the lid down on all of us before too many wake up. The problem is even we who think we have a chance, aren’t aware of their superior technology.

        I want to make everyone here aware of just how much we need divine intervention. Technology has been increased exponentially and we are not benefitting from it. On the contrary, it is being used against us.
        Our homes were GPS’ed in the last census. For what purpose? Remember, they lie about everything. Easy to eliminate an entire household by a space laser, carpet bomb areas of known dissidents or take out a home with a helicopter missile. Their agenda is depopulation, and what are we able to do against something like that?
        Natural disasters, most likely caused by HAARP, scalar weapons. Nearly impossible to pin down any man-made cause.
        Biological and chemical warfare, including fluoride. Exponential increase in incidences of conditions like diabetes, MS, alzheimer’s, autism.
        Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and other dangers deliberately being unreported by MSM.

        I’m only citing a few examples of their stealth and evil intentions. No one person, elected or otherwise, is going to be our Saviour. We already have one, but very few want Him. So rejecting the ONE TRUE Saviour leaves people open to the false saviour, the antichrist and they will welcome him as the answer to all the world’s problems. This charismatic man, whoever he turns out to be, will bring on suffering and death to untold billions, but it will be too late. These should be valid concerns in days like these. But most, even on this website, are still asleep to it.

        • we need a lot of things, brother FreedomLover. That’s why I get irritated when people imply that all of our eggs are being put into Ron Paul’s basket. Having a non-establishment, Libertarian President is a MAJOR spoke in the wheel, but it’s still a spoke.

          Other spokes like the alternative media and the OathKeepers will be just as important if things will really turn around. The technology is only a problem if people agree to use it. My hope is that there are enough people in the military that will stand up to unconstitutional orders and stop things before they begin.

          My faith in local law enforcement, save for a couple of sheriffs, is nonexistent.

        • Wakeup, I spent some time in the military, and I can tell you a policy exists called “need to know”. The top “brass” are all in on the military industrial complex, taking their orders from the NWO, and they already know what they’re doing. Those who might be of help to us and disagree with the depopulation agenda have resigned and in some cases blew the whistle. Most don’t live very long after that. From the first day of boot camp, soldiers are indoctrinated not to question orders, just to obey them. They don’t “need to know” why. I would venture to say that less than 1% are aware of the globalist agenda. The schools are full of globalist propaganda, and these young people are just following along. There is a reason that soldiers are quarantined from their families. Now I see that it’s not that some man might divulge a “military secret” to his girlfriend, but that his girlfriend might have some inside information that would wake him up and protect him from the globalist manipulation that WANTS him in harm’s way! I’m not even going to address the way we were guinea pigs for all kinds of vaccines.

          People need to wake up to the fact that the US political system is run by globalists. No politician, fledgling or career, gets anywhere in govt unless they are cooperating with the NWO. Therefore, any rising party or candidate has to have their stamp of approval. The reason a third-party candidate always loses is because the people believe that supporting him or her would lessen the effectiveness of their favored party and “take away votes” from the lesser of two evils, if that makes any sense. Why do they believe that? Because the NWO wants it that way. My opting out of this corruption and keeping my focus on what’s right in front of me will not make a dent in the world’s problems, but it will help those with whom I’m directly involved. That is my personal conviction.

    • No dont send him back to England. We already have too many of our own. Thanks.

  42. Yellow Journalism, like we r experiencing today goes back to J.P.Morgan, the American Broker for the English (Jewish) Rothchild Family…J.P.Morgan Purchased the 12 Major Newspapers in the U.S. started the 1st World War at the request of the Rothchild’s…

    Ref: The Creature from Jekyl Island.

    Wake-Up America, the Jews hate all White Christian Gentiles have hated us for 2,000 years….They do however, have a love affair going with the Black African Slave Negro.

  43. Ron Paul is one of the very few who stand a chance against Obama.

    Scratch that.

    Ron Paul would be one of the only candidates to stand a chance against Obama if elections were still clean (fair). And that’s exactly why the Republican/Democrat Party will do everything they can to keep him from being nominated.

    Besides, the NWO has way too much invested in Obama. He is their messiah, their CIA creation, the chosen one. Obama will be at least a two term president. And he may even go on to UN leadership, or other world government leadership.

    Good article, Nimmo.

    • The 100% Jewish owned managed Media, will never go against the Jewish Federal Reserve Board.

  44. ron paul won.. they ripped up the last few hundred vote for ron so they didn’t have to talk about him for the next few months

  45. All politicians want to rob us, rape us and kill us. Thats what they’re doing right now and have been doing for decades. They are all bought off by the globalists and the u.n. and are pushing their agendas willingly. All of them have been bringing this country down slowly but surely over time. Most can’t or won’t see it and believe that there is a hero in d.c. that will ride in any day now and save the day. Its not going to happen. Thats not in the cards. The establishment will put in power the one that will jump when they say jump and ask how high.

    • I believe you are right! Get out of Amerika and go Mobile elsewhere! Amerika has had it! –e

      • There IS nowhere else to go. The rest of the world has already been stomped. This WAS the last bastion of freedom, but it slipped away like sands out of the hourglass. We didn’t even notice it go until it was too late. And those who were aware stood by and let it happen.

    • sad to say but i agree dog, and most can not see this

  46. Hope doesn’t reside in the office of president, it resides in a nuclear holocaust and the thousand year cool off period. That will be what “fixes” the stupid, religious, vengeful, violent human race and nothing else. Peaceful and awake people like us will always be rare, and the stupid masses will always handcuff “us” to the world of shit.

  47. This is 100% accurate as far as I can see as well. The guy almost WON the Iowa Straw Poll, and it is amazing that all MSM just won’t even say his name. Personally, I believe our country is beyond just a mere course-correction. Ron Paul is, at the very least, worth a shot! My wife I are doing what we can to support Paul’s run. We are having horrific fiscal issues, mostly due to my health over the last couple of years (I’ve lost my job – because I’m sick cuz, ya know, I love feeling like shit 24/7 She lost her’s as well but that was simply due to corporate greed (she made too much $)). But, we talk to our family, friends, neighbors, and I try to open people I interact with online to at least give Paul a listen, look at his record, and see if you could honestly believe the man – which I do. Paul seems to be the only person who will absolutely do what he promises, or he will try to do what he says. Our nation NEEDS RON PAUL! Go Ron! †

    • Our nation needs to fall to its knees and repent of corporate and personal sins. Christians (in name only) need to get off the fence and get real. Ron Paul may be a good man, or he may be a pawn in the NWO game. I don’t know. What I do know is that Jesus is our only hope. A mere human like RP isn’t going to change the evil going on in this world, and even if he had that kind of power, the wicked people aren’t likely to follow him anyway. We’ve come under God’s divine judgment and now we’re complaining because we don’t like what’s happening. I believe God’s wrath is being poured out on this world and it’s deserved.

  48. One reason they’re ignoring Ron Paul is that the 100 year charter of the Federal Reserve will expire in 2012 without an affirmative vote from Congress and the President’s signature. It’s the first time in 100 years that the citizens of the U.S. can get rid of the Federal Reserve once and for all. The operations of the Federal Reserve would revert to the U.S. Treasury. Infowarers ask the mainstream media, post on their discussion boards, why they haven’t mentioned that the Federal Reserve needs to be reauthorized by Congress in 2012.

    • Good point!

      • The original Federal Reserve Act of 1913 did indeed provide for expiration of the corporate “power” of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks to exist in 20 years from the banks’ organization (not the adoption of the Act).

        Sec. 4 … the said Federal reserve bank shall become a body corporate and as such … shall have power: … Second. To have succession for a period of twenty years from its organization unless it is sooner dissolved by an Act of Congress, or unless its franchise becomes forfeited by some violation of law. Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (P.L. 63-43, 38 STAT. 251, 12 USC 221).

        However, this 20-year corporate life was changed to perpetual in 1927 by Act of Feb. 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1234) as follows:

        Second. To have succession after February 25, 1927, until dissolved by Act of Congress or until forfeiture of franchise for violation of law.

        This is codified in the United States Code, 12 U.S.C. § 341. See law dot cornell dot edu / uscode / us…1—-000-.html

        This is where it stands today. Each of the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks can only be dissolved by an act of Congress or “forfeiture of franchise for violation of law.”

        So it looks like the FED got a 20 year charter on 23 Dec. 1913 and on 25 Feb. 1927, this was changed to perpetual..

        The URL of Cornell looks very original.

        So the charter is perpetual, or there must be some other change after 1927.

        Only an act of Congress can end the FED.

        *I’d like to make it clear that all of the above was cut and paste from another site and aren’t my words, facts, or links. From what I’ve briefly looked at, it is correct information. I was forced to dismantle the link due to the fact that WordPress seems to not allow the links to be posted – I replaced the dots and put spaces in, so the pertinent information is still there.* †

        • Ironically, Calvin Coolidge was the 13th president.

        • TPTB are going to do whatever they want, flaunt it in our faces and dare us to rise up and do anything about it. Because if we do, they’ll nail martial law and extermination on us so fast we won’t know what hit us.

  49. This is the same thing that happened four years ago. All the Ron Paul supporters have had four years to make arrangements for this and to affect going back to paper ballots. What have they been doing all this time?

  50. First, they laugh
    Second, they ignore.
    Then they fight.
    And at last, they will lose.

    • no…at last they JFK him


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