Costa Concordia: passengers told ‘electrical fault’ was to blame for power surge

Captain Francesco Schettino, who is accused of multiple manslaughter, is
believed to have delayed the order to evacuate for 70 minutes after the ship
ran aground .

In a second video clip, understood to have been filmed much later on, panicked
passengers are heard screaming and shouting as they are thrown against one
another during a tense evacuation.

Children were also heard shrieking in the footage, believed to have been taken
on board one of the life boats as it awaited departure.

Crew members are thought to have mutinied against the captain’s inaction and
pre-empted the order to abandon ship. Life rafts were finally launched at
around 10.50pm.

Eleven bodies have so far been found, with around 24 passengers and crew
members still missing.

Rescue crews have blasted a hole in the hull of the vessel in the hope of
finding more survivors.

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