Court bans arrest of Nigeria banker

A Nigerian court has issued an order forbidding security agencies from arresting Central Bank Governor Lamido Sanusi.

Justice Buba Ibrahim issued the order after Sanusi complained that his recent detention at the Lagos airport and the confiscation of his passport had violated his right to freedom of movement, Reuters reported on Saturday.

Sanusi argued that he has not yet been charged with committing the alleged financial misconduct that caused his suspension.

On February 20, President Goodluck Jonathan suspended Sanusi, who is an outspoken critic of the government’s record on corruption, citing “financial recklessness and misconduct.”

The presidency has denied that the suspension was politically motivated, but critics say the move was meant to silence Sanusi.

The top banker had been presenting evidence to a senate committee. Sanusi said the evidence showed the state oil company Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) failed to pay USD 20 billion it owed to federal government coffers.

NNPC has repeatedly denied Sanusi’s accusations, saying the allegations showed “little understanding of the technicalities of the oil industry.”

Meanwhile, the court ruling is to remain in place until a decision has been made on a case Sanusi brought, in which he alleges that his human rights were breached during his brief airport detention.


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