‘Craigslist Joe’ Movie: Man Lives Off Craigslist Ads For A Month (VIDEO)

What happens when a 20-something man decides to ditch all his friends and possessions in exchange for living off the generosity and goodwill of people on Craigslist?

That’s the narrative for “Craigslist Joe,” a new documentary set to be released next month.

The film follows Joe Allan across America where complete strangers offer transportation, food, shelter and companionship during his 31-day social media experiment.

Armed with only a laptop, cell phone, toothbrush, and the clothes on his back, Allan has a series of bizarre, entertaining and heartwarming encounters that will no doubt spark a range of emotions in viewers. And some of those events are previewed in the newly released trailer for the film.

Serving as executive producer, “The Hangover” star Zack Galifianakis took to Twitter to promote the film.

zach galifianakis

“Craigslist Joe” will be released in theaters and via iTunes on Aug. 2, 2012.

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