Customers of NatWest still struggling

Many NatWest customers faced with another day deprived of accessing their accounts despite claims from the bank that the IT glitch had been fixed on July 26.

Customers reported that their debit cards had been rejected in stores, their wage payments had bounced and that they had problems accessing their accounts on the internet with the online banking service.

However, NatWest claimed that the problem had been solved, saying, “Online banking is now fully operational and debit card transactions are processing as normal. We continue to monitor our systems closely and will keep you fully informed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

Jonathan Drummond, a NatWest customer on Twitter wrote, “So if Natwest have fixed all their problems, why does my account still show available funds £0.00?”

Moreover, on July 28, Britain’s Nationwide Building Society faced an error resulting in over 700,000 card users being double charged on purchases and 50,000 holders of the building society being pushed into debt.


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