Cyclists protesting against Olympic restrictions arrested after scuffles with police

  • Protest group Critical Mass riding in formation close to the Olympic Park

Daily Mail Reporter

18:21 EST, 27 July 2012


18:27 EST, 27 July 2012

Police on guard outside the Olympic Stadium acted quickly to stop a cycle group holding an unauthorised protest just as the opening ceremony was getting underway.

Several dozen police vans raced to the outskirts of the Olympic Park on one of the main thoroughfares to the venue where members of protest group Critcal Mass were riding in formation.

Police said the protesters had permission to hold a demonstration in south London, but on condition they do not cross north of the River Thames.

Police moved quickly to stop a protest outside the Olympic Stadium by cycle group Critical Mass

Police moved quickly to stop a protest outside the Olympic Stadium by cycle group Critical Mass

A cyclist scuffles with police officers outside the Olympic Stadium

A cyclist scuffles with police officers outside the Olympic Stadium

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said officers intervened when participants breached regulations restricting their route.

Officers blocked off their route and some were forcibly removed from their bikes as others tried to break through a cordon.

The spokesman for Scotland Yard said:
“A number of people in breach of regulations imposed on a monthly
cycling event have been arrested.”

He said police would confirm the exact number detained later.

The arrested cyclists have been detained under Section 12 of the Public Order Act.

Several dozen police vans raced to the outskirts of the Olympic Park where members of protest group Critcal Mass were riding in formation

Several dozen police vans raced to the outskirts of the Olympic Park where members of protest group Critcal Mass were riding in formation

An officer arrests a cyclist from protest group Critical Mass outside the Olympic Park

An officer arrests a cyclist from protest group Critical Mass outside the Olympic Park

An officer loads the bicycles of arrested cyclists bicycles into a bus after the Critical Mass bike protest

An officer loads the bicycles of arrested cyclists bicycles into a bus after the Critical Mass bike protest

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As an ex cop I would say this was a storm in a teacup and overly heavy handed!

So the cyclists are reduced to third class citizens whilst the toffs glide past in their gas guzzling and CO2 belching expensive cars.
I didn’t realise the Olympics was for motor sports!!
VIP lanes but no bicycle lanes, sums it up.

OMG its for 2 weeks you losers, you had 7 years notice, if you cant cope then go on holiday, assuming you have jobs to take holidays from!

There will always be a few.

The stupidity and selfishness of youth.

There are always some mindless idiots that have to spoil it for everyone else. This time it was the police again..

just deal with them. There are helicopters buzzing overhead and some aggro for ordinary londoners due to the Olympics. We get on with it. Why do cyclist have this “holier than thou” attitude about their rights?

I wish they (and all other deadbeat protesters) would just cycle off into the sunset or get a job!!

Typical… Some people have to spoil an evening of national celebration, and let the country down

“Cyclists protesting against Olympic restrictions…”
They’re protesting against Olympic restrictions? What’s the matter, they had to take a bit of a detour???
On Box Hill, the only road through, in, and out of the village will be closed for two days – Saturday and Sunday, because… of the Olympic CYCLING road race. And no one’s protesting about it.
I bet these particular yobs think it’s totally justified to confine over 1,000 households for two days to their homes – or out of them.

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