‘Dark Knight Rises’ Dominates Already, With 91% of Fandango Sales

The Dark Knight Rises hasn’t opened yet, but the third installation in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy is already killing it at the box office, representing 91% of all ticket sales on Fandango Thursday.

Batman fanboys and fangirls attacked online pre-sales, racking up a $25 million take for the film before it hits a single silver screen.

Fandango polled more than a thousand ticket-buyers earlier this week, and discovered why they’re crawling out of their pleather Batsuits with excitement over the midnight opening.

SEE ALSO: Fanboys Rage Over Negative ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Reviews

Among ticket-buyers surveyed, 97% say the darker tone of the film makes them more interested in seeking the last chapter of the trilogy. Another 89% say they were drawn in by the latest villain, Bane.

That statistic bodes well for the filmmakers and for actor Tom Hardy, who will be playing Gotham’s newest threat — Heath Ledger’s immortal turn as The Joker in The Dark Knight made for a tough act to follow. It seems audiences think Hardy (and Bane) are up to the task.

Some 58% of fans polled say Christian Bale is their preferred actor to be at the helm of the Batmobile, 72% call themselves Nolan fans and another 62% say they’re excited by the hour of the film shot in IMAX.

Other summer tentpoles are currently in theaters, but it looks like they can kiss ticket sales goodbye, at least for The Dark Knight Rises’s first week in theaters. According to Fandango, the second-best performing movie for ticket sales is Ice Age: Continental Drift, claiming just 2% of ticket sales. Ted, The Amazing Spider-Man and Magic Mike each currently hold 1% of the ticket pie.

Now only one question remains: Can The Dark Knight Rises duel it out with The Avengers for box office records? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Photo by Ron Phillips courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

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