Disarm Israel for Mideast to be nuke free

“In accordance with authentic reports, Israel has at least 200 nuclear warheads and hundreds of other weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), and is thus regarded as the greatest threat against regional peace and stability”, Andrew Murray told IRNA in an exclusive interview.

“It has now been years that talks about need for clearing the Middle East of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction have been held at various international organizations, but I think the first practical step in that direction is urging Israel to destroy its nuclear weapons”, Andrew said.

The anti-war activist referred to western powers’ appetite for war, saying that the public in those countries are opposed to military confrontations.

“The British public is opposed to the military interventions of their government in foreign countries, including Afghanistan, and they are by no means in favor of their country’s involvement in another war in the Middle East”, said Andrew Murray.

Britain, the United States as well as the Israeli regime have always been united in the hegemonic stances against the independent nations of the world, the most tangible example of which is the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose resistance against those hegemonies has developed animosity towards it.

“The international community does not support the wave of sanctions and threats against Iran and what the west refers to as the international community is actually comprised of merely a few countries, such as the United States, Britain and Israel”, said the British anti-war activist.


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