‘Disillusioned’ Tory MEP will defect to UKIP after 40 years in the party because of row with Baroness Warsi

  • Staunch eurosceptic quits after row over succession

Kirsty Walker

Last updated at 12:09 AM on 3rd March 2012

Defection: Roger Helmer, Tory MEP for the East Midlands, is switching his allegiance to UKIP

Defection: Roger Helmer, Tory MEP for the East Midlands, is switching his allegiance to UKIP

A Conservative MEP will today announce his defection to the UK Independence Party following a furious row with Tory party Chairman Baroness Warsi.

In a ferocious attack, Roger Helmer blamed Lady Warsi’s ‘obstinancy’ for his decision to quit the Tories after 40 years.

Mr Helmer, who has been an MEP since 1999, added that he had grown increasingly disillusioned with David Cameron’s policies.

The outspoken eurosceptic MEP will announce his defection at UKIP’s spring conference in Skegness today.

Mr Helmer, 68, revealed that he wanted to stand down as an East Midlands Tory MEP last year after growing ‘disillusioned’ with his party.

But he has grown increasingly angry over Lady Warsi’s refusal to confirm that Rupert Matthews, who is the ‘next in line’ candidate, would succeed him.

Mr Helmer said he had been left with ‘no choice’ but to defect. Instead of stepping down, he will now carry on as an MEP for UKIP until the next European elections.

Tory MPs have accused Lady Warsi of wanting to block Mr Matthew’s appointment so she could parachute an approved A list candidate – preferably a woman – into the seat.

Tory officials are said to have been concerned about Mr Matthews’s suitability after it emerged that golliwog dolls featured on a book published by one of his companies.

Mr Matthews, a staunch eurosceptic, has also published numerous books on ghosts, UFOs and aliens and teaches a university course on the paranormal.

Senior Tory: Mr Helmer blamed Baroness Warsi's 'obstinacy' for his decision to quit the Conservatives after 40 years

Senior Tory: Mr Helmer blamed Baroness Warsi’s ‘obstinacy’ for his decision to quit the Conservatives after 40 years

A former businessman, Mr Helmer has been a Conservative MEP since 1999 and is regarded as a popular figure among grass root Tories.

Mr Helmer said: ‘After decades with the Conservative Party, this has been a tough decision to take. I well understand that many of my friends and colleagues in the Party will greet the news with dismay, and I greatly regret that.

'He is hard working, driven and commands respect': UKIP leader Nigel Farage welcomed Mr Helmer

‘He is hard working, driven and commands respect’: UKIP leader Nigel Farage welcomed Mr Helmer

‘I sought in good faith to do the honourable thing, and to resign in favour of the next-in-line Conservative, Rupert Matthews. Indeed in October I announced my intention to resign at the end of 2011. But that plan was frustrated by the deliberate obstinacy and recalcitrance of the Party Chairman.’

He added: ‘She has brought this on herself. I couldn’t make her do the right thing, but I can make her regret doing the wrong thing.’

Mr Helmer added: “The fact is that UKIP represents the values and interests of East Midlands Conservatives much better than Cameron’s Tory Party does.

‘I believe I can do a better job representing those views and interests as a member of UKIP than I could in the Tory Party.

‘The European project is collapsing before our eyes, yet the three main parties remain wedded to the Brussels dream.’

UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: ‘Roger Helmer is going to be a very popular addition to our party. He is hard working, driven and commands respect among the Tory grassroots.’

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I’m going to be happy to vote UKIP at the next election, provided I get the choice on the ballot sheet. Prior to the next election I can see plenty of MPs doing a Roger Helmer and jumping ship; for far too long the main two parties have had power and this last effort at coalition has been a painful tail-wagging-the-dog fiasco. UKIP surely can’t do any worse….but Labour did. I think we need to remember that when we decide where to put the X on the form.

Anybody but LibLabCON.

The honourable thing to do would be to resign his seat and fight a bi-election. Did those who voted for him want somebody under the UKIP whip? I very much doubt it.

Asa woman, can the tories PLEASE dump this schoolgirl from any influence over their affairs? She is dense – does NOT represent working women at all, and proves herself to be useless whenever she opens her mouth on TV, and the sparse contents of her mind fall out. She is single handedly losing them the female AND male vote – we don’t actually need positive discrimination – she does though.

Well done Roger. Now we neeed all the disillusioned Tory MP-s to defect to UKIP and maybe cameron will take notice. It is heartbreaking to see the mess that UK has descended into,without any sign that Cameron even notices.
Roger Helmer is an asset to UKIP and his judgement is a stinging indictment of Cameron.

We can’t afford to loose a mature politician as we have too many boys and girls from the triplet party vandalising our way of life and country. Let’s rid ourselves of the child liberals and replace them with people of all round experience and maturity.

Warsi has never been elected, why does she have so much clout? Personally i can’t stnad the woman and i do not trust her at all. But that’s just my feeling about her.

We’ve all had enough of LibLabCon lies, cast-iron guarantees and manifesto pledges (in 2005) to hold a referendum. We don’t want to be ruled and dictated to from Brussels, Berlin or Paris. Time to VOTE FOR UKIP!

Great news, all we now have running the country is toffs and wimps,
Nigel Farage would make a superb prime minister.

Warsi? Occupies a seat in the upper Chamber of the British Parliament. Unelected by anybody (like the rest of ’em in that place) to her cushy job for life. No constituency and therefore no accountability. Nice club with several bars to drop into whenever she’s in town, and all at your expense. Mugs.

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