‘Do I like to swear? F*** yeah’: Meet the drinking, smoking and cursing Australian backpacker nanny hired by SamCam

  • Sammi Strange, 24, won over the PM and his wife after a series of long-distance Skype interviews
  • The Camerons picked out her CV from a nanny agency
  • Her father is hoping she meets eligible Prince Harry

Graham Smith

07:27 EST, 26 April 2012


12:07 EST, 26 April 2012

An Australian backpacker has been appointed by David and Samantha Cameron as a nanny for their three children.

Sammi Strange, 24, won over the Prime Minister and his wife after a series of long-distance Skype interviews after her CV was picked out from an au pair agency.

She previously worked as an advertising sales assistant for Channel Seven TV in Melbourne before quitting her job to go travelling last month.

The Camerons enjoy a day out at the Harvest food and music festival in Oxfordshire last September with their children Nancy (left), baby Florence and Arthur

The Camerons enjoy a day out at the Harvest food and music festival in Oxfordshire last September with their children Nancy (left), baby Florence and Arthur

Despite limited experience, the ex-Melbourne Girls Grammar School pupil registered with a nanny agency before leaving.

She was later told that she was being considered for a ‘high-profile’ family and was left ‘shaking’ when she learned it was the PM’s family, relatives said.

In an online survey on a social networking site, Ms Strange said her dream job is to be an events manager. She also reveals a love for sushi and longed to visit Europe.

Interestingly for the Camerons, she also admitted to shoplifting, smoking and drinking, but denied taking drugs ‘in the past month’. When asked if she swears, she replied: ‘F*** yeah.’

Her father David Strange, a former vice-president of St Kilda Football Club who now runs a barge business, said she loved looking after the Camerons’s three children Nancy, eight, Arthur, six, and Florence, 19 months.

Miss Strange is understood to be introducing the children to Australian culture and has already passed on a gift from her
father – a rugby-shaped Aussie rules football.

Eligible batchelor: Miss Strange's father hopes his daughter gets to meet Prince Harry, pictured with Lady Louise Windsor at his brother's wedding last year

Eligible batchelor: Miss Strange’s father hopes his daughter gets to meet Prince Harry, pictured with Lady Louise Windsor at his brother’s wedding last year

But he but added he is concerned about the publicity after news of her appointment broke in Australia today.

He said: ‘She was shaking when she found out it who it was. She was very excited and nervous.’

Mr Strange is unsure how long the job will last as the Camerons’s usual nanny is overseas.

He did note that her new job is likely to put her in the path of some VIPs.

He joked: ‘I’m hoping she might marry Prince Harry, but I couldn’t afford the wedding.’

There was no comment from Downing Street.

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Government support for British workers?? yeah right “just call me Dave”

Another home goal for the gaff prone Mr Cameron, bravo!

One hand he is talking about the royalty to our country and on the other hand hiring Nanny from Australia…hahahaha What a Patriotic Prime Minister…He let us down!!!!!!!

Why is everyone giving an opinion on who the Cameron’s want as a nanny? It’s upto them, and having a foreign one gives kids access to different cultures. I do wish sometimes people did not make everything so political.

So much for the country being safe in his hands, he says employment is an important issue but when they need a Nanny for their children he employs an ..Australian.Surely there must have been someone in this country who had the necessary qualifications.

Is there not an English girl he could have employed?

it’s a real shame we don’t treat foul language (it’s not strong language as it’s used by people who do not have sufficient vocabulary to articulate their thoughts, so it’s rather weak language) the same as smoking. It’s just as offensive, destroys our social fabric and demeans everyone within earshot.

British jobs for British people? really.

This is probably Cameron’s attempt to portray himself as an average working class person

hahaha my mum had 3 kids had a job and did not need a nanny his wife doesnt work so why does she not look after her kids her self

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