Do the bomb Iran shuffle

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Pepe Escobar
Asia Times
November 14, 2011

Get ready for a flurry of fuzzy satellite ”intelligence” of generic warehouses all across Iran frantically described as segments of a nuclear bomb assembly line (Remember a famous ”secret nuclear facility” in Syria not long ago? It was a textile factory.)

Get ready for a flurry of crude diagrams depicting suspect devices, or the containers that hide them, all capable of reaching Europe in 45 minutes.

Get ready for a flurry of ”experts” on Fox, CNN and the BBC endlessly dissecting all this extended black ops dressed up as ”evidence”. For instance, former UN weapons inspector David Albright, now at the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), has already pulled his return of the living dead stunt, displaying his ”bomb Iran” credentials complete with diagrams and satellite intel.

Forget Iraq – it’s sooo 2003. Hit the new groove; hyping overdrive for the war on Iran.

Turning Japanese
First of all, ditch common sense.

If Iran were developing a nuclear weapon, it would be diverting uranium for it. The report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) this week – as politicized as it may be – flatly denies it.

If Iran were developing a nuclear weapon, UN inspectors working for the IAEA would have been thrown out of the country.

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  • Do the bomb Iran shuffle

Iraq did not have a nuclear weapons program in 2002. And yet it was shocked and awed. The same rationale applies to Iran.

What Tehran may have conducted – if the compromised intel used in the IAEA report is to be believed – is a bunch of experiments and computer simulations. Everybody does it – for instance countries which have renounced the bomb, such as Brazil and South Africa.

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4 Responses to “Do the bomb Iran shuffle”

  1. http: //…r-attack-ploy/ Iran and Israel in Bed Together – Iranian President Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah Khameni, met counterparts in Israel, Russia and Turkey, to finalize plans for an attack on Iran by Israel, that will have the full blessing of key groups within the Iranian Government, and the Mullahs who oversee them. #

    ​Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the President of Iran is a Jew, he is complicit in the planned attack, that will both reduce the indigenous population of Iran, as well as give his Zionist armed and equipped legions, a real reason to nuke the USA in just retaliation, all for greater Yisrael!

    Gadaffi, who is also a Jew, and Ahmadinejad, are major players in the secret genocidal nuclear war, that Jews are waging against everyone else! Both have maintained deafening silence, in the face of the volumes of evidence linking Jews, thence Mossad and the CIA, to the attacks of 11 September 2001, which have been used to justify continuous war ever since!

    http: //…layer_embedded .. 23 September 2010, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tells the UN, that most blame the US Government for 9/11..

    Too little too late, Ahmadinejad’s was a kinda limp wristed approach, considering the warlike noises that are being directed at his country, by the very same elements that committed the crimes of 911, in the first place.

    Mossad agents filming the drama amid “evident Jewbilation,” put options deals that made hundred$ of millions, traced to Mossad HQ in Yisrael, and 60,000 or so Jews absent from their workstations at the WTC on the day, says Jews did it!

    His overlong intro, with unnecessary quotations from the Koran, and references to the Prophet and his family, is blasphemous, in the light of his refusal to “cast truth at falsehood,” as per the following passage in the Koran!

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    Cast truth against falsehood

    The Koran: Chapter 21, verse 18

    His silence and lack of effort indicts him, not only as a false Moslem, but also as an integral part of the Zionist plan, it would have been small beer, for him to have requested Tehran University to produce a scholarly account, that considers all of the evidence, including missile strikes at the Pentagon, and at the WTC on 911.

    He should be ranting and roaring to the high heavens, that it was a Zionist plot, like the Holocaust was, like both world wars, and the activities of Napoleon Bonapart and Oliver Cromwell.

    That Julius Caesar, had a similar modus operandi as the last two, so there is every reason to believe that he too, was a tool of the Jews!

    The Zionists intend to nuke Iran back to the stone age, while the weapons the same Zionists have supplied Iran, are gonna sink the US battle fleets, and level US cities, in justified response.

    After the Zionist sponsored first strike .. For the fact that occupied Palestine is to be nuked, is because the Z’s have already gone, and left Russian-Askenazi-crypto-Jews minding the shop, with Ethopian true Jews.

    Who the Z’s don’t like for that reason, and because they are black while they lit out for Australia and New Zealand .. they intend to return to the US, and establish a false homeland in Texas, under the aegis of a false Messiah.

  2. Bad logic throughout Pepe. Try again but this time start with analysis from multiple sides and multiple sources that you can cite. Who, what, when, where, how, and why Pepe. Example, just because the IAEA is in country does not mean that they have access to all areas.

  3. @ martintimothy,

    Why don’t you cut paste somewhere else buddy.

    Gadaffi IS dead, yet you refer to him in the present.

    Go to your nazi homepage and post your zionist thriller there.

    Or better yet, go back to Al-jizzhere and write some more fantasy about iran.

  4. Millions of Israeli Jews with managerial skills are locked in a small nation with a lack of opportunity. Many would be willing to travel to Iran to open up businesses, but they are not welcome.

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