Doctors suspended in the furore over abortion by gender


Consultant Prabha Sivaraman booked a patient in for an abortion under instructions that ‘no questions were asked’

Daily Mail
24th February 2012
Two doctors have been suspended after being filmed granting women illegal abortions based on the gender of their baby.

An undercover investigation found consultants apparently agreed to terminate a pregnancy based only on the baby’s sex, with ‘no questions asked’.

Some were recorded admitting they were prepared to falsify paperwork to arrange the abortions, it is claimed.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said he was ‘extremely concerned’ about the allegations and that the abortion clinics have been referred to police to investigate whether an offence has been committed.

One of the consultants, Prabha Sivaraman, who works for private clinics and NHS hospitals in Manchester, told a young woman who wanted to abort a female foetus: ‘I don’t ask questions. If you want a termination, you want a termination.’

Read more: Doctors suspended in the furore over abortion by gender


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