Dorothy’s ruby red Wizard of Oz slippers find their way home

“Leo’s passionate leadership has helped us bring home this legendary
piece of movie history,” added academy chief executive officer Dawn
Hudson. “It’s a wonderful gift to the Academy museum project, and a
perfect representation of the work we do year-round to preserve and share
our film heritage.”

Di Caprio, star of “Titanic” and “Inception”, donated
money from his own foundation. Other donors included Spielberg and former
Warner Bros and Yahoo! Chairman Terry Semel.

The shoes, marked £7 Judy Garland, are said to be the most pristine of the
four pairs of slippers known to exist. They are known as the “Witch’s
Shoes” because they are also thought to be the pair seen on the feet of
the Wicked Witch of the East after Dorothy’s house falls on the witch.

Another pair of the sparkly red shoes is in the Smithsonian Museum in
Washington DC, one is in private hands and another was stolen from the Judy
Garland museum in Minnesota.

The academy and the Los Angeles County Museum of Arts announced plans in
October to establish a museum to display movie-related treasures.

Source: agencies

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