Dozens under arrest in China in connection with Bo Xilai scandal

“However, the Beijing public security bureau came to Chongqing and took
him directly to Beijing, which is odd,” he added. Mr Wang’s claims
about the arrests could not be independently verified.

Yesterday the 350-man Communist Party Central Committee, the body made up of
the leading figures among China’s government, army and party, said it had
made a “resolute decision to thoroughly investigate” the web of
intrigue around Mr Bo’s family.

It said that an attempted defection to the United States by Wang Lijun,
Chongqing’s police chief, was a “serious political event that has
created an adverse influence both at home and abroad” while the death
of Mr Heywood, a 41-year-old British businessman and friend of the Bo
family, was a “serious criminal case involving the kin and aides of a
party and state leader”. It added that Mr Bo had “seriously
violated party discipline”.

Mr Wang fled to the US consulate in Chengdu after discovering that Mr Bo’s
wife, Gu Kailai, may have been involved in Mr Heywood’s death. Mr Bo
stripped the police chief of his badge two days after being told the news
about his wife. At the time, Mr Wang was suffering from “very obvious
psychological problems”, according to one inside source.

Allegations that Mr Heywood had been romantically involved, at some point,
with Mrs Gu remain unclear. Mr Wang said that the same source that told him
about a quarrel between Mr Bo and his police chief, Wang Lijun, also said
there “had been a relationship” between Mr Bo’s wife and Mr
Heywood. However, other sources in Chongqing, close to the police
investigation, told Reuters that the relationship was platonic.

Until the drama ended the careers of Mr Bo and Mr Wang, the pair had run
Chongqing as a personal fief, spending lavishly and, on occasion, ignoring

Mr Wang, for example, began construction on an enormous monument to “Police
Martyrs”, ordering the top of one of Chongqing’s mountains, Geleshan,
to be closed off and rebuilt. Yesterday, construction had been halted on the
£590,000 project, but the area was still closed off. Workers inside
confirmed that it was Mr Wang’s decision to build the monument.

One source with knowledge of the planned monument, comprising a “Wall of
Heroes” and a series of columns rising to the top of the mountain, said
the area was a protected national forest park and that Mr Wang had not
obtained any permits from either the National Forestry Bureau or the Bureau
of Parks and Woods. “He simply ordered it to be built,” the source

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