Dykstra agrees to plead guilty to bankruptcy fraud

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Former New York Mets outfielder Lenny Dykstra faces up to 20 years in prison after agreeing to plead guilty to three counts stemming from a bankruptcy fraud case in Los Angeles.

U.S. attorney’s spokesman Thom Mrozek said Thursday that Dykstra will plead guilty to one count each of bankruptcy fraud, concealment of assets and money laundering.

It was unclear when Dykstra will next appear in court. A phone message left for Dykstra’s deputy federal public defender was not immediately returned.

Prosecutors said that after filing for bankruptcy, Dykstra hid, sold or destroyed more than $400,000 worth of items without permission of a bankruptcy trustee.

Dykstra is currently serving a three-year prison sentence after pleading no contest to grand theft auto and providing a false financial statement.

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