eBay-hating bully eBayisajoke exposed in Canton, Michigan

After years of abusing eBay sellers, Charles Fitch of Canton, Michigan has been exposed. The eBay-hating eBay buyer writes the blog ebayblows.org, is reported to be the man wearing a Guy Fawkes mask on the YouTube channel “eBayisajoke.” In his videos, this individual speaks using software to alter his voice, accuses sellers of shady business practices, bashes eBay and Paypal, and otherwise harasses sellers. The YouTube channel has been shut down with a notice stating, “This account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines and / or claims of copyright infringement.”

According to MyFoxDetroit, Fitch’s main target is a successful eBay seller named Joe DeMarco, locally known as HubCap Joe, who sells hubcaps online. DeMarco also shares his success tips online with others. After Fitch ordered items from DeMarco and intentionally abused eBay’s policy about receiving items not as described, DeMarco teamed up with My Fox Detroit’s investigative reporter, Rob Wolchek, hoping to expose Fitch’s public abuse and harassment of eBay sellers in general.

Wolchek found Fitch in an apartment in Canton, Michigan. He appears to be a reclusive bachelor living alone, only leaving the apartment to visit a nearby Subway, WalMart, and CVS. Fitch did not deny his online harassment, he claimed that nothing he was doing was illegal. Read the full story on My Fox Detroit.

Source Article from http://www.examiner.com/article/ebay-hating-bully-ebayisajoke-exposed-canton-michigan?cid=rss

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One Response to “eBay-hating bully eBayisajoke exposed in Canton, Michigan”

  1. Dale says:

    this story was fake, he sued fox 2 news and won they had to remove it off their website. might wanna remove this from yours he may sue you.

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