Ecclestone aide offered Conservatives a ¿serious donation¿ to make Max Mosley an MP

Daily Mail Reporter

20:08 EST, 20 May 2012


20:10 EST, 20 May 2012

The Conservative Party was offered a ‘serious’ donation from an envoy of billionaire Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone in return for Max Mosley becoming an MP, it emerged yesterday.

According to senior Tory figures, millionaire Sir Alan Curtis offered cash on behalf of Mr Ecclestone if a safe parliamentary seat was secured for Mr Mosley.

Senior backbencher David Davis said Sir Alan, 85, former chairman of Lotus cars, made the offer in 2001 or 2002 as the Tories were choosing candidates for the 2005 election.

MP bid: Bernie Ecclestones offered the Tories a donation if Max Mosley became an MP, says Tory MP David Davis

MP bid: Bernie Ecclestones offered the Tories a donation if Max Mosley became an MP, says Tory MP David Davis

Mr Davis, 63, who was the ­Conservative Party chairman at the time, said: ‘Sir Alan asked for a meeting with me in Westminster.

‘He said Mr Ecclestone wanted to help Mr Mosley obtain a safe Conservative seat and that if we delivered, we could expect a serious contribution from Mr Ecclestone.

‘I told him, “We simply don’t do that sort of thing”.’

Mr Ecclestone, 81, made a ­£1million donation to Labour in 1997 which the party repaid amid claims Tony Blair had agreed to exempt F1 from a ban on tobacco advertising.

Mr Mosley, 72, ex-president of motor sport’s governing body, said the claims involving him had ‘no connection with the truth’.

Mr Ecclestone admitted trying to help his friend Mr Mosley become a Tory MP during the Thatcher years.

But although he confirmed discussing Mr Mosley’s political ambitions with Sir Alan before the 2005 election, he denied offering money in return for a seat.

Sir Alan said he may have said Mr Ecclestone would support Mr Mosley financially ‘but I can’t believe I said he would support the party’.

Mr Davis, 63, who was Conservative Party chairman between 2001 and 2002, said: ‘Sir Alan asked for a meeting with me in Westminster.

‘He said Mr Ecclestone wanted to help Mr Mosley obtain a safe Conservative parliamentary seat and that if we delivered, we could expect a serious contribution from Mr Ecclestone.

‘I told him we simply don’t do that sort of thing. After that, I heard nothing from him.’

Allegation: Tory backbencher David Davis says F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone offered the Tories a donation if Max Mosley became an MP

Allegation: Tory backbencher David Davis says F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone offered the Tories a donation if Max Mosley became an MP

Mr Mosley, 72, the ex-president of motorsport’s governing body, the Federation Internationale de L’Automobile, has denied the claims, adding: ‘It’s a lovely idea but it’s got no connection with the truth as far as I am concerned.’

Billionaire Mr Ecclestone, the father of socialite and model daughters Petra, 23 and Tamara, 27, admitted to trying to help Mr Mosley become a Tory MP during the Thatcher years.

He said: ‘I spoke to Mrs Thatcher about it. She seemed quite content with the idea. He would be a good politician.’

But although he confirmed discussing Mr Mosley’s political ambitions with Sir Alan before the 2005 election, he denied offering money in return for a seat.

He told the Mail on Sunday: ‘I don’t imagine that is what happened. We don’t know Mr Davis is saying the truth do we?’

The controversy follows the resignation of Tory treasurer Peter Cruddas in March over allegations he offered businessmen access to Prime Minister David Cameron for money.

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If elected Mr Mosely would have made a first class Whip !!

‘ Power corrupts, absolute Power corrupts Absolutely ‘ enough said !

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