ECO visual art festival opens in Almaty

The event was opened during a ceremony attended by ECO Cultural Institute (ECI) Director Hojjatollah Ayyoubi, Iranian cultural attaché in Kazakhstan Asghar Saberi, and a number of cultural officials, university professors and students.

The exhibition displays photographs, paintings, graphic works and caricatures by artists of 30 countries.

Workshops and meetings are set to be held on the sidelines of the event to provide an opportunity for the participating countries to exchange their experiences and boost their cultural cooperation.

ECO’s first exhibition of artworks was held in September, 2011, in Iran showcasing sculptures, potteries, paintings, calligraphy works and jewelries.

ECO member states also held a calligraphy exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey in August 2011.

ECO’s 1st International Visual Arts Festival which kicked off on April 29, 2012, will run until May 6.


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