Egypt election: results show Islamists taking two thirds of seats

The hardline Islamist Al-Nour Party won 29 percent of list seats. The liberal
New Wafd and Egyptian Bloc coalition came third and fourth respectively.

The Revolution Continues coalition, dominated by youth groups at the forefront
of the protests that toppled Mubarak, attracted less than a million votes
and took just seven of the 498 seats up for grabs in the lower house.

The elections committee did not give results for individual seats, but the
FJP’s alliance said on Saturday it now expected to take more than 47 percent
of all seats in the lower house.

Having secured the biggest bloc, the FJP named Saad al-Katatni, a leading
Brotherhood official who sat in the old parliament as an independent, as
speaker of the assembly.

While the strong Islamist performance has alarmed liberal Egyptians and
Western governments who had close ties to Mubarak, it is unclear if rival
Islamists will team up in the assembly.

The FJP expressed its “confidence that Katatni will be at the same distance
from all representatives, either those of the FJP or other parties”.

This would “uphold the principle of democracy and consolidate the rules of
political participation”, the party said in a statement.

The rise of the Islamists in Egypt’s first election since Mubarak’s overthrow
in February last year marks a monumental shift from the past when parliament
was a compliant body stuffed with members of his National Democratic Party
and the Muslim Brotherhood was officially banned but tolerated.

The arrival of a new generation of politicians with a genuine popular mandate
suggests parliament will seek to temper the power of the ruling military
council, which has pledged to step aside at the end of June.

Katatni, who sat on the Brotherhood’s policy committee, told Reuters the new
assembly would be “reconciliatory”.

“The priorities are meeting the demands of the revolution, including the
rights of the injured and those killed in the uprising,” he said.

The ruling military council, which took over Mubarak’s duties after he was
ousted in February, also named its choices on Saturday for the 10
parliamentary seats reserved for presidential appointees.

Only two women were among the appointees which is likely to further disappoint
feminist groups after women won only a handful of seats in the elections.
Mubarak had traditionally used the quota to boost the representation of
women and Coptic Christians.

Five of the appointees belonged to the Coptic community, which comprises some
10 percent of the population.

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