Egypt, India sign MoU on water cooperation

TCP : Egypt and India have signed a memorandum of understanding in field of water resources, announced Egypt’s Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation in a statement Thursday.

Renaissance Dam_Blue NIle Hydroelectric Dam project 2013Both sides also prepared a draft for another MoU concerning usage of solar power in pumping underground water, operating ground wells and irrigation plants, and conducting researchers concerning scientific studies on the climate change, the statement added.

The signature came on the sideline of the 4th African Regional Conference of International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage in Egypt.

Egyptian government is seeking alternatives water resources for development and expanding the urban communities to the desert lands, amid controversy aroused between Egypt and Ethiopia over the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD.)

Egypt has voiced its concerns over the dam’s impact on Egypt’s 55billion-cubic meters share of the Nile Water, while Addis Ababa said the dam aims at development of Africa and meet the Ethiopians’ need of the electricity.

The Minister of Water Resources, in cooperation with the concerned bodies, are digging hundreds of wells for underground water required for reclaiming 4 million feddans nationwide.

In his speech at Egypt’s Vision 2030 Conference on Feb. 24, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi said that government would be able to compensate for any water losses caused by the GERD.

The Cairo Post

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