Eisner 2.0 | Palestinian hospitalized after IOF soldiers beat him on his head

Remember Col. Eisner? He also hit a man on the head. A Danish men on a cycle tour in the West Bank… read it here

And it happened again:
[ PIC 30/05/2012 – 10:30 AM ]

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) assaulted and battered a Palestinian man at Kharsa crossing, south of Al-Khalil, on Wednesday, local sources said.

They said that 30-year-old Fahd Al-Awawda was taken to Al-Khalil government hospital after the soldiers beat him on his head with their rifle butts. His injuries were diagnosed as moderate.

Meanwhile, IOF troops stormed Kharsa and Karsa villages in Al-Khalil province and Al-Salam street in the city and searched vehicles and checked IDs.

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