English Professor: “Climate Denial” In US a “Major Problem That’s Got To Be Addressed”

Jurriaan Maessen
April 13, 2012

At a January 25 2011 lecture titled Stabilising the global population: Where next for the Millennium Development Goals for health and nutrition professor Anthony Costello of the Institute of Global Health told his audience that “climate denialism” in the US is “a major problem”, both culturally and politically, “that’s got to be addressed.”

Preceding these remarks Costello stressed that the phrase “climate skeptics” needs to be removed from the vocabulary when describing those not willing to go along with the disproved and debunked “climate change” hoax. Rather, Costello argues, the phrase should be replaced by “climate denialists”

In the following clip (from 38 minutes onward) the professor can be seen and heard spouting his dangerous views:

I think America is deeply depressing”, Costello stated, “because they are 49 out of 50 of the latest republicans elected to whichever chamber it was were kind of skeptics. I mean… (inaudible).. I think we should remove the word “skeptics”, as Chris Rapley says, climate denialists. They don’t just don’t accept…. and there’s a major cultural problem I think in the United States politically, and that’s got to be addressed.”

This was not the first time Costello said that denying the politically driven voodoo-science of global warming equals a “major problem”. During a 2010 Policy Symposium on the Connection between Population Dynamics, Reproductive Health and Rights and Climate Change (page 5), the professor stated outright thatclimate skepticism kills.”

Of course Costello’s comments are by no means incidental ravings by some overzealous demographer. They represent views held by a large bulk of the scientific community. The professor’s words also tie in with those written down by professor Karo Norgaard who called for the “cultural resistance” to the concept of man-made climate change to be recognized and treated” as abnormal behavior.

There is also the case of a University of Amsterdam philosopher named Marc Davidson who in 2007 wrote that those who are skeptic about global warming equal those who defended slavery.

Another scholar joining the sickening choir is Andrew J. Hofman of the University of Michigan, who in his paper “Climate change as a cultural and behavioral issue: Addressing barriers and implementing solutions” wrote that “(…) the magnitude of the cultural and moral shift around climate change is as large as that which accompanied the abolition of slavery.”

In his paper Hofman also stressed that “humankind has grown to such numbers and our technologies have grown to such a capacity that we can, and do, alter the Earth’s ecological systems on a planetary scale. It is a fundamental shift in the physical order – one never before seen, and one that alters the ethics and morals by which we judge our behavior as it relates to the environment around us and to the rest of humanity that depends on that environment.

Altering our ethics, altering our morals- and altering these to more “environmentally friendly” ones. This, as we have learned, has nothing to do with the environment these professors profess to care about. It is just the most elaborate and sophisticated excuse they can come up with to sell a population reduction agenda that’s been long in the making.

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83 Responses to “English Professor: “Climate Denial” In US a “Major Problem That’s Got To Be Addressed””

  1. I repeat:
    Right now I’m more worried about the biological, chemical and nuclear WMD’s the US is storing and why they are stockpiling WMD’s and food while building HUGE underground bases, bunkers and cities for govt people only. Enough to wipe out the entire human race 1000 times over.
    I have some news too. Climate change has been going on for 5 billion years. Why suddenly do the pee-ons have to pay a fee because the climate changes? Guess! Banksters?

    Bring on the heat, the hotter the better!

    But check out the Vostok Ice Core Data for the last 420,000 Years. Un-manipulated data shows we are definitely entering the next ice age. The planet has already warmed and the warming trend triggers and is ALWAYS followed by a severe ice age complete with miles thick glaciers and mass extinctions.

    What needs to happen is to keep the planet WARMED. Trying to cool it down only speeds up the transition to the next ice age. Look at the data, it does not lies like scientists do! CO2 rise always follows warming by 800 years!

    If you are worried about eugenics, don’t. The planet is self cleansing and ice ages last for tens of thousands of years.

    Have a nice day.

    • Exactly. WE humans cannot affect the planet long-term. Period. The Earth laughs at us and will easily recover, repair, and rebuild itself once we dumb as fuck idiots are all gone.

  2. FCUK climate change….Costello is a cartoon character that needs to be ignored….

    This is John Connor and YOU are the resistance!

  3. FCUK Costello and his climate garbage….He’s a cartoon character….

    This is John Connor and YOU are the resistance!

  4. To summarize: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Banker speculation drives food staple prices up as anti-trust laws are wiped. And Monsanto is there to help kill the people. Since the 70′s the IQ of leadership has continued to fall. CO2 is now an agenda and not a science. And of courses there will be no talk about chem-trails or weather modification by the global establishment. They are merely there to set agenda and dare not talk real science. Important issues get swept under the table.
    No globalist will criticize the destruction of the Libya water project.

    As you see they are all but a fraud. The world longs to be free of the private central bank — it is the source and funding of all evils. Prepare your nooses for the bankers’ heads. All wars are started by these banker money junkies.

  5. “Da’ Bears!!!” From Chicago(stinky onion)!!! Y’all have a goodin’!!!

    “All ‘HAIL’ Thermal Expansion!!!”

    HillbillyJihad TheBubbaLiberationFront

  6. I understand there is a lot of money in the “climate change” scenario for certain professors who want their research funded. But even reading this very WEBSITE you get a sense of the large scale impact humans have on the environment, much of which is very negative.

    Never mind global warming, we are dealing with an unprecedented media blackout in the wake of the Fukushima disaster and its widespread effects, not to mention a military industrial complex which could unleash a disastrous chemical or biological attack on a whim…

    If anyone says our current rate of population growth and food/oil/water consumption is in any way sustainable, you’re fooling yourself. Nations throughout the globe are already arming their militaries to the teat for the upcoming resource wars, which will be more devastating than WWs 1 and 2, combined.

  7. Costello should be worried about what his handlers aren’t telling him — the USA will be the first major country to end due to the earth changes.

    Costello is a stupid fool.

  8. I actually do find Communism and Nazism to be both evil just like racism, hatred of others, rape, torture, genocide, opression, tyranny, wars, greed, etc.

    Yeah I’m white and I’m against evil and I find Communism, Nazism, racism, hatred of others, rape, torture, genocide, opression, tyranny, wars, greed, etc to be evil, stupid and morally wrong.

    And if people hate me because of me being being white and against these evils then so be it because it is evil people who get eventually get destroyed sooner or later by their own evil.

    Well what do you think?

    • I think you should throw open your doors, welcome your brothers of other races into your home and neighborhood. Just let the love in your heart fix things, and destroy your life and neighborhood — you might find you like it!

    • You might wanna’ add on an extra bedroom, invite a couple of new black pansies (err, new black panthers) to come and live with you!

      • There are no new black panthers here in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada due to the town where I live is kinda small compared to other cities.

        I have invited people of all races, cultures, religions, genders, sexual preferences into my home and none of us got into arguments or fights.

        Tell me Winston Court have you invited people of all races, cultures, religions, genders, sexual preferences into you’re home?


        • Uh, I am choosey, Trayvon Martin would NOT have been welcome, in my home, in my neighborhood, in my world … having been married to a wonderful Asian women, and my best friend mike, a negro … yeah, I would! ROFLOL

          I can send up some “nice” white europeans, from here, you might not like them though … what the fook does angry-human-swine have to do with race?

  9. When I volunteered to be a chaperone for my grandsons nature field trip, they insinuated that the environment was for wildlife and people shouldnt mess with it. At the end of it, they had a “de-briefing” and this was for a class of 7 and 8 year olds. Is’nt de-briefing a military tactic? Why would they have to re-iterate the point that wildlife comes first, and people second? Its these subtle tactics that train kids into thinking they are a problem rather than a solution.

    • There is a balance here, as in everything else. We should NOT cut the rain forests, or destroy all the natural lands here. There should be an area where the buffalo and wild horses rein free. Where the dark and mysterious Amazon still exist.

      But, we have a place here, also. One thing we can no longer do is take in more immigrants! We have enough Americans to supply the need for new ones. Those coming here already have a country, let them stay there and fix the problems they have allowed to exist. The same as we must fix the one here.

      All we are doing is importing problems and cheap goods, and that at the expense of destroying American families and a respectable standard of living.

    • We are part of the ‘environ-ment’, not separate from it. The words ‘environment’ and ‘eco-logy’ (like ‘eco-nomy’) are actually New Age, NWO words recently created for their Agenda 21.

      If ‘Govern-ment’ means Control of the MindSurroundings of the Mind? That is, wherever we choose to live? If we are city dwellers our environment is concrete and plastic and Wifi. If we are rural it is more natural.

      The NWO controllers insinuate that the Environment is all natural and we are trespassers. By their language they have declared us illegal to live on the planet. When they talk about sterilizing a person, they insinuate that people are an infection to the planet. This Green cult needs to be outed.

  10. OMG! Did you see that picture of the poor Polar Bear clinging on for dear life? The cute little thing was terrified of drowning. And we humans did it to him. Shame, shame, shame on us all. (sarcasm off now)

    • I love this site and all the articles, the thorough examination of things that most sites dont dare divulge in or are even warned off of…. I agree with most everyones sentiment on almost all topics… there is 1 that I find disturbing when it comes to the general responses and Alex how alex tries to really drill his own opinion into you on. That is: Global Warming/Eco destruction/our non-sustainable way of life.

      The exponential growth of our population combined with our growing demand for products/consumerism is undoubtedly running our planet into the ground… Chemtrails, oil spills, GMO’s… these are all biproducts of overpopulation and just to satisfy you guys I’ll admit ok maybe the arctic ice caps arent melting and the polar bears will be ok yea yea yea but everything else is piling up, we are shitting in our own kitchen on an everyday basis… How do you deny that? We are going to run out of resources but not before we fuck up the planet.

      • One thing for damn sure, global warming is NOT causing population to increase, or is it the result of increases of the element Carbon.

        We should be focused on robotics and seeking to expand our races into space, other planets. Our wealth, work and efforts being expended there — in those directions.

        Instead, war and the rich seeking increased wealth consume the resources and hold us in our current situations …

        Like an African chief, obama is killing money to those programs and increasing homeland security, FEMA CAMPS, TSA, etc., it is all about tyranny — 1984, George Orwell had it right!

      • tjaxcity: we do NOT have exponential population growth. It is slowing down quite quickly and will be in decline in only a couple of generations, that’s globally. In the Western world it is already in decline, roughly 50% drop per generation with only ~1 child per family. Do you got it? As Alex would say. It’s only immigrants streaming in from the Third World that hide the fact that we are in quick decline.

        • Yes but it has been exponential for the past 150 years. We went form 1billion to 7billion…. Almost all figures that I’ve seen online say our maximum long term sustainable world population is really somewhere around 1 billion. Look at the world population chart: bit.ly/ImJfVd

          Its atrocious, and even if we did start curbing the birth rate with a 1child rule, it would take so long for that to really get us back down to those sustainable numbers…. depleted resource problems are knocking on our front door right now. We all know the impending economic collapse is going to have dire consequences, but the worst of those will be resource distribution. The problem is that these densely populated areas will not have the amount of workspace needed to produce their own food, people will have to spread out very evenly across the united states (and europe/china/etc for that matter) but the problem with that is people have become so out of touch with reality and how to produce their own food they could never grow their own food even under ideal circumstances. If population and resources werent going to be a real problem, there would be no Agenda 21, soft kill, or global sterilization programs in progress. The world planners and their think tanks have researched this issue thoroughly and I’m sure they sleep at night telling themselves that they are saving the planet or the human population but even these people with all the resources in the world at their fingertips will not be able to execute a plan fast enough to save the planet.

        • When you go up in an airplane, in many parts of the world, you see no traces of human life at all. Our population increased because it could, it is now levelling off. Life all around us, be it plant, animal or insect is always expanding beyond some ideal limit then there is a natural correction. It has to be that way, IT IS NATURAL.

          If there’s some disaster, easily 90% of any life form can and does get wiped out and the survivors carry on. Artificially lowering your population sets any life form up for extinction. Historically Ice Ages have wiped out a vast majority of many life forms. We can’t micro manage the future, that’s a fallacy.

          8 Billion divided by 2 = 4
          4 Billion divided by 2 = 2
          2 Billion divided by 2 = 1

          Three generations – the time when a child of today becomes a grandparent, and rapidly approaching extinction… you really want to buy the overpopulation myth?

      • HEy dummy! THe planet will shake us off like a bad cold. Do you REALLY believe that we affect the planet long term?? HAHAHAHA! Get over yourself. WE are NOT gods.

  11. A Return to the Primitive, no thanks

  12. No. The professors and universities are looking for grant money based upon the derivatives spun off of an global carbon tax. Lots of money riding on this one …

    • The way I see it, as my opinion, is that it is the greed and the love of money and excessive profit gained upon the back of the poor and the tax-payer. Money is not the problem, we all use money to buy what we need, currently, to survive. The problem is the love of money, and as an completely different thing. It depends upon the focus and attention …

      Someone else spoke of this also:


      Uploaded by ellaround on Mar 15, 2008

      – It is a House of prayer and you want to make it a den of thieves! – Jesus shouts down. Everyone flies filled with fear and dismay.
      Judas is upset and bewildered too.


      * = p

      PS: Same with ‘science’. It is supposed to be logic and reason, but you have made it into a den of thieves.







    On Oct.13, 2011 I had a first time ever possible “PROPHETIC” dream that said; “For every 5,000 Christian Martyr’s killed, a city shall be destroyed. The First, Pittsburgh.”

    I have just made and uploaded two videos to youtube.com. “Save Pittsburgh and Yourself” (45 min.) and “2 Saving Pittsburgh Bible Code Proof” (52 min.) under the moniker chicagomiracle.

    The first video sets up the context of everything regarding the second video. In the second video, you can see the evidence for yourself that the Bible Code computer program that looks for hidden codes in the Bible supports my contention that Pittsburgh is under threat. And you’ll see it is the Bible Code that suggests the possible dates. In the video I show the Bible Code at work as I look at words surrounding the main term “5,000 killed”.

    I had wanted to march to Pittsburgh, fasting and praying to raise awareness of this threat but I was prevented from doing so by the same physical ailment that occurred the day before I tried to start fasting on March 1st and then again on March 20th. I looked at the Bible Code to see if God was behind this and what did God want me to do. It seems from the Code that God was strongly opposed to me fasting (perhaps for my protection) and that God wanted me to, perhaps metaphorically, “escape”. From what or how, I don’t know.

    I have had a few “spiritual experiences” in my life and have used the Bible Code program since 2002. It is my strong belief that if my dream is true, then the destruction of Pittsburgh could be the key pivotal event that leads to some kind of worldwide calamity and catastrophe. Billions may die, including you and me. And that’s what I mean when I say “Save Pittsburgh and Yourself”. This event may lead to the return of Jesus and Judgement Day. But it says in the Bible God does not want to bring Judgement. God is always warning us to change before it’s too late. I take my dream to be a warning.

    If you watch the video as I work the Bible Code, you will see the truth within the Code. In Sept. 2010 I had what I believe was a sign from God that suggests I can RAPIDLY (within a year) find a cure for paralysis and spinal injuries by using clues found within the Bible Code. If you watch the videos you’ll see a connection between curing spinal injuries and breaking down the word Pittsburgh in Bible Code terms. Look up “pithing” or “to pith”. Think PITH-BURG.

    Jesus proved He has authority to forgive sins on Earth by healing a paralyzed man.

    I want to meet with the “Elites”, the men with the power to start and stop wars, and get them to help me find the cure for spinal injuries and paralysis in less than a year’s time by using the Bible Code. And when that happens they will know there is a God and that if they change their ways from destroying Mankind to loving one another instead, they will be forgiven of all past offenses by believing in Jesus and following God’s way. Then hopefully there shall be love, peace and prosperity for Mankind. Hopefully, we can put off the Judgement Day God does not want to bring.





    • You are shit-slinging crazy.

  14. My hope is that one day Anthropomorphic Climate Change denial will be classified as a mental disorder along the lines of schizophrenia.

    Conservatism has been linked with low IQ, so that explains why a certain segment of our population is so willfully ignorant of Science.

    In large part, they’re the same folks who believe there’s an invisible man in the clouds that talks to them.

    • Why do you people call yourselves “free thinkers” when all you are able to do is regurgitate the talking points of your elitist leaders?

    • As long as we’re talking facts and not Disney or fairy tales, the term is “Anthropogenic”. The Earth’s climate does change, just as it does on other planets, we all admit that. The Sun’s output also changes. There is also a well established carbon cycle on this planet, and plants really like CO2. CO2 is heavier than air, it’s mostly at ground level where it feeds the plants, who give us Oxygen in return. CO2 is absolutely pathetic at trapping heat, which is why ‘dry ice’ (CO2) is so cold.

      Deaf people can believe in music even if they can’t hear or see it. Atheists however are pretty arrogant to believe they’ve figured out the Universe just because their eyes and ears can’t see the Creator… Pinko.

      • Anthropogenic, my mistake.

        • Pinko, a mistake PERIOD.

    • Pinko’s opinions and support of obvious ‘junk’ science are something that civilized people don’t bother answering to anymore. We recently presented an array of NASA scientists. Where’s yours? Can’t do it? Didn’t think so.

      Pinko’s hopes will be dashed.

      Pinko’s limited range of thought is linked to His low IQ

      Pinko’s “invisible man” is a devil worshipper named Maurice Strong.

  15. Delusion’s Mr. Costelo delusions, your a bug, nothing more than a crawling insect, an ugly miss formed little creature that has no purpose no meaning. Your a con artist Mr. Costello, your a dealer in graphs and charts with taxes and fines, you sit behind close doors in the musty insides of a language factory that spews out meaningless words on an assembly line. Words Mr. Costello words, they have no substance, no dimension like the air and the winds, like a vacuum you make believe has an exsistance by sprinkling index numbers on little cards. evil mind in a corrupt head with a dream based on lie and deceit, your a bug Mr. Costello Here’s all the proof I need, Costello and his crooked colleges can can provide all the graphs and bar charts they want, they can talk about this fabricated nonsense until their blue in the face, nothing will ever erase the fact that if global warming was a man made problem then why did manufacturing move from country’s with a built up infrastructure already in place with the highest technology and the strictest air quality standards including the proper disposal of toxic waste and hazardous materials and move everything to country’s with little to no infrastructure, low technology and absolutely no air quality standards or any regard or care in the world about dumping toxic and hazardous waste including directly into their water supply. What; the air over China’s different than over the US, I thought this was global and according to the fact that all the fallout over the US from China it is indeed global. The most damaging change to this nation both financially and environmentally was started under Clinton/Gore with the dismantling of the infrastructure, company’s literally driven out, stay in America deal with fines and strict standards and restriction or move to China or India and be free of are oppression (for now). Yes Mr. Carbon credits the green weenie himself has done more damage to “our” bright blue marble than if everyone held their breath and stopped breathing forever and under your power trip Costello this is your agenda, your bottom line, power, control, and the authority to tax one for breathing. There was never any way possible that the US and other developed western nations could ever compete with communist slave labor and third world economies without becoming the same. The cabal of environmentalist, globalist and bankers have a very rude awakening coming the people are waking up, the crust is being wiped from their eyes and like a bear after hibernating their hungry and pissed off.
    No Costello, we see that slave labor is far more important to your ilk than global warming, destroying nations, dragging down economy’s and creating slaves in those nations destroyed is your true goal under the guise of global warming. You got one thing right Costello, this will be addressed and the days coming when psychopathic control freaks like your self are going to be locked up, your going to wish for some global warming where your going in your cold dank cell.
    If you want to do something good for the planet Costello get on a boat and go clean up that radioactive waste dump floating in the Pacific ocean poisoning everything.
    Yesterday was sunny, today it’s rainy, 10 minutes ago the sun came out, climate change go figure. How in the world did the planet ever survive Costello the last half dozen times it warmed cooled without you? It did but will we.

    • prove it please! i need evidence

      • You need to dis-prove the argument, don’t be so lazy.

  16. To be fair, or even generous, the people who think CO2 is causing the Earth to heat up aren’t that much different than we are. They’ve just been ‘edjumacated’ by the school system – and passed with flying colors. The school system as Gatto says, is meant to churn out “thoughtless” individuals whose main attributes are that they follow orders and are punctual. The higher up the educational system a person goes, the less contact they have with any holistic reality of planet Earth and what is happening on it.

    Most of the ‘warmists’ fall for their belief not only because the full weight of the system is guilting them to, but they truly can’t think original thoughts and consider the issue ‘objectively’ for themselves. They take a whole bunch of suppositions as FACT, and then come to predictable conclusions. This includes scientists who believe the Greenhouse Effect Theory as being a fact.

    They take their fearful and angry positions because they really believe the propaganda that we are burning up, even when we are cooler than in Medieval times. But we take a similar stance against the encroaching tyranny, but our fear and anger is based on obvious fact and stated intent.

    They believe in AUTHORITY figures, we believe in basic common sense.

    • Well said. Same is true for Evolution and Naziism or even monarchy vs tyranny.

  17. The Rothschild family which is behind the global carbon tax and carbon trading market is a terrible offender. The Rothschild hypocrites live in huge mansions with enormous carbon footprints. They sail in gas guzzling party yachts. They fly private jets. Their mining operations use more gas than America each year. Give me a break! These are the people pushing “climate change,” which is actually part of a solar cycle.

  18. English Professor is an oxymoron!

    • No, it’s not!

  19. Notice that all of the global warmista carbonazis are of the non producing parasite class; academic and government bureaucrats. And yes it’s all about taxing us to death. I am currently re-reading 1984. The last time was in high school back in the late sixties. The scary thing is that George Orwell’s dystopic future is indeed happening now. Perpetual war with no economic benefit for the people and suck us dry with endless taxes.

    • Nazis were all workers or soldiers. Hitler himself was a worker, he painted classical motive pictures; during WW1, he was a high decorated front soldier. Please study the issue. Marxists, on the other hand, were the chicken neck academics.

  20. if this guy knew what was really in the atmosphere that is altering our climate, he’d be wearing a breathing aparatus
    or maybe he strapped one on after he gave his bullshit speech

    • For what reasons do you disagree with him?

      • For what reasons do you agree with him?

        other than your paycheck per post.

        shoo troll.

        • Martha, i wish i was being paid for this. I am just honestly curious about this stuff. Skepitcal about all of it.

          I agree with him not because of the argument he makes. But the berth of data that supports it. And he sites his sources in the slides!

          He is talking about the poor, malnutrition, economic predation on 3rd world women. Poor attendance rates and the quality of education in the rest of the world. Gender disparity in Africa, the downward trend of child mortality, and how they dropped child mortality in 7 villages with nothing but education.

          This man is talking about bettering humanity. Fucking sites like this like to clip and cut topics to incite hate and fear, and instead of providing solutions. Its buy seeds, buy our drinks, build a bomb shelter and cut yourself off from the world.

          This clip is a prime example! If you watch the whole video, you can see what he is talking about. This man has helped more people than AJ could ever dream of. The writer of this article thinks you are stupid. And taunts you by saying, “Here is the full clip, i don’t need to edit it because you lot are too stupid to watch it…just skip to min 38 where he calls Americans stupid.”


          I am not trolling you my friend. The writer of this article is.

        • Probably more damage has been done to the Third World by our ‘help’ than we’d like to admit. How did they live all those years till we came along? The reality today is that Africa wants to modernize but the UN won’t let them. The excuse is carbon footprints, a fairy tale.

        • Yea fiat,and just as importantly,how did WE live all those years till they came along.

  21. Climate may be changing,but what man can do about it has not,and that is nothing.

    • Like Richard Pryor once said “Ain’t no nigguh gawn hol’ back no watuh when it wanna go.

  22. The video got me wondering.. conspiracy theory for now… but I’d like to see more debate about it. Do you suppose they’re lying about the population being 7 Billion? You might ask, what’s their motive for doing so? AGENDA 21! Yes I know, conspiracy theory, but I think it deserves some attention.

    I keep seeing a pattern.. all these scientists, past presidents, green groups, climate criers and yes… actual Agenda 21 pushers all keep referring to their “crown jewel”… the Population Number! Without that magic number, their whole infrastructure falls apart… quite literally… on it’s @$$. Since no actual “average joe” can go out and count… we’re apparently supposed to take their word for it. No questions asked.

    • Hmmm….its a model. thats all. Lots of people a truely suffering. How can you deny our population? You can look at the data yourself. Thats the beauty of science…it doesnt try and trick you or make it just out of reach. Intellectual Honesty is the currancy, you are nothing if you dont have it.

      You conduct your research, and present it, how you did it, your process to peer review. So they can try and call your bullshit. And if they cant it is valid.

      Science has evidence that is falsifiable. Meaning it can be tested to see if it is correct.

      You are skeptical of science. Thats good!!!! But why cant people be that way about the baseless conspiracys?

      • Is that the same peer review situation like when the regulator of the bank also happens to work for the bank?

  23. All you need do is ask just one question: “Where’s the certifiable, undeniable proof of your contentions?”

    As the good Lord Monckton has pointed out severally, even the warmists propagandists at the Hadley CRU have stated without reservation, that there has been ~no~ statistically significant warming in the last 15 years, and in fact there has been a slight cooling trend. Gee, imagine that: Even with a rise in that dastardly CO2, it’s actually getting cooler!

  24. When these idiot psychopathic global warming alarmists say that these global warming deniers need to be re-educated and addressed they actually do really mean the people to be tortured and horribly murdered since the ones pushing the whole global warming lie are nothing but a bunch of psychopathic mass murdering control freaks.

    The real danger to humanity and all life itself are those who are pushing the whole global warming lie who are in fact forcing their bullshit genocidal brainwashing agenda onto people and their children.

    • See that’s the difference between Communism and Naziism.

      Communists came up with their BS to push it further West into Europe. Nazis just adressed these thugs with FULL power. Why didn’t France, Britain and the USA join Germany but attacked her?

      The West allies fought a 50 year cold war after WW2 against the Soviet Union. Why didn’t the West support Hitler and get it done with?

      • The bankers came up with Communism to create the fake opposition to the Robber Barron version of Capitalism. The artifical choice then for restless people at home was Dictatorship by the state or Dictatorship by the Oligarchs, who actually run both systems.

        National Socialism copied Communism, and then blended in a little Western cash. The Cold War was used to hide the technological upgrades being unveiled today for the global police state, satellites and microships etc. Always for Oligarch control.

        • Exterminating Communism was the Nazis’ #1 issue. The Western allies of the Soviet Union clearly had a problem with that and declared war on Germany.

    • youngearthcreationist

      I actually do find Communism and Nazism to be both evil just like racism, hatred of others, rape, torture, genocide, opression, tyranny, wars, greed, etc.

      Yeah I’m white and I’m against evil and I find Communism, Nazism, racism, hatred of others, rape, torture, genocide, opression, tyranny, wars, greed, etc to be evil, stupid and morally wrong.

      And if people hate me because of me being being white and against these evils then so be it because it is evil people who get eventually get destroyed sooner or later by their own evil.

      • Thenwo,
        I hate those things as well. I’m only pointing out that Nazis only addressed those issues and encountered them with force. Just like a raped woman should freak out and utilize all her energy to deal with the rapist.

        • Yeah I had a feeling that is what you meant.

          Have you noticed that there are a lot of trolls commenting on here who are either Communists, Neo Nazis (white supremists), racists spreading their stupid hatred of others, genocide (mass murder) supporters and government paid trolls on this website.

          The best thing we can do is expose these bastards to the world by revealing their real names and warn people of these evil bastards who support murdering people, etc.

          Please watch my video on Youtube called:

          Beware Of Government Paid Trolls On Youtube And On The Internet

          Here is the link below:


  25. Well we got to add this guys name to the list.

  26. The environment that he is concerned about is the environment of the self appointed self annointed elite. They do not need the human support structure anymore because computers can and have no problem being their slaves. The masses of humans who have virtually slaved for them for millenia have now become useless eaters and are an unnecessary stress on the environment. It is for the good of mankind (the enlightened ones…themselves), that the human population must be drastically reduced.

    25 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. (Pro 16:25 NKJ)

    The Creator will turn the tables on these arrogant self-righteous pigs (sorry I don’t intend to insult pigs.).

  27. I swear, sometimes people just need to pull there head out of there asses to see they have been feed shit there whole lives. Why is this inbreed fool breathing?

  28. Climate Change denial is like Holocaust denial. Both stories are made up, have an agenda and Holocaust denial is already punishable by law in many countries.

    The Nuremburg Laws were in favor of the Jewish Question:

    In September 1935, the German government enacted the “Nuremberg Laws,” which prohibited marriages and sexual relations between Jews and Germans and, in effect, proclaimed the country’s Jews an alien minority group. / 11 A few days after the Nuremberg Laws were enacted, the main German Zionist newspaper, the Jüdische Rundschau, editorially welcomed the new measures. It explained to readers: / 12

    “Germany … is meeting the demands of the World Zionist Congress when it declares the Jews now living in Germany to be a national minority. Once the Jews have been stamped a national minority it is again possible to establish normal relations between the German nation and Jewry. The new laws give the Jewish minority in Germany its own cultural life, its own national life. In future it will be able to shape its own schools, its own theater, and its own sports associations. In short, it can create its own future in all aspects of national life …”

  29. It is good to see so many of us are like minded at least on this topic…….. Man Made Global Warming is a hoax thought up by elites to fleece the sheep!

    • Yeah im glad its being exposed!

  30. What the “good” professor means is False Climatologists. C’mon and admit it you old buzzard — you’re after our money, our land, and our livelihoods right?

    You can say that this serious, serious matter needs to be addressed if you want but expect lots of laughs along the way.

  31. If English Professor says that “Climate Denial” In US a “Major Problem That’s Got To Be Addressed, then he should start by convincing the NWO governements to withdraw their Depopulation Agenda, and to dismantle their H.A.A.R.P.S. that they secretely installed in many countries including the Antartica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because PEOPLE are not fools.

    • That is, it is THEM, the government, that he needs to convince them of this problem with Global Warming existing, rather than us who are NOT responsible for it, and to get them to cease manipulating the weather by dismantling their H.A.A.R.P.S. This way, it will:-

      (a) Stop them from forcing Ice to melt in the Antartic.

      (b) Stop them from producing “excessive high snow fall” in countries where it normally snows, such
      as Italy where recently PEOPLE could not leave their homes and had no electriciticy and gas
      etc.,for many weeks if not months, and some people died trapped in the vehicles.

      (c) Stop them from producing snow in countries where it “never snowed before,” like they did in
      Australia back at around 2004 or 2005 when they first secretly tried out their H.A.A.R.P.S to
      see if they worked in that country.

      (d) Stop them from producing all these EARTHQUAKES, SUNAMI’S, TORNADO’S, FLOODS etc.,
      and risking the lives of PEOPLE, and adversely affecting the crops like they did with the
      bananas in the last few years, whereby their price rose from $2.00 per kilo to $9.00 per kilo,
      and only recently did they drop back to $2.00 per kilo.

      Also, it would help if he could convince them of:-

      (e) Stopping these WARS and cease dropping BOMBS everywhere.

      (f) Stopping them from blowing up NUCLEAR PLANTS since its radiation kills both PEOPLE and the
      PLANET i.e. air, soil, water etc.,

      (g) Stopping them from retaining knowledge from the PEOPLE about NATURAL ENERGY, so that we
      will not have to use PETROL and get penalized with CARBORN TAXES; when this is not of our

      Therefore, if there is such as thing as Global Warming, then these are the issues that this English Professor should start addressing. That is, he needs to address his concerns at “root cause” of this problem, rather than the outward symptoms, because killing PEOPLE and Depopulating is not the answer to this. And, if there is no such thing as Global Warming yet, it will certainly develop in the near future if this world government continues to inflict and abuse both the PEOPLE and the PLANET, with their evil intentions and wicknedness that is behind this destruction that is taking place these days.

  32. I never listen to scientists.

    • Remember when the tabloids said that the streets would turn to goo and all the fields would dry up? Remember how the seas were supposed to rise? Didn’t happen. Im not too far from the ocean yet i’ve heard no person cite this except for the obvious propagandists.

      And nobody; but NOBODY has any info about what goes on at the poles except for… the propagandists.

  33. They have yet to show us how serious this climate problem is by doing the responsible, honorable thing and going first.

  34. Shut up and teach!

  35. Yanno’?

    Since the dawn of man, the EXACT SAME AMOUNT AND QUANTITY OF CARBON HAS BEEN PRESENT ON THE EARTH! THAT IS SIMPLY FACT. However, passing meteorites, comets, etc. may have deposited some inconsequential amounts, since the rein of man.

    Since there is no one creating more carbon, indeed, at the present time, this would be impossible!, they are simply arguing against changing the form of the carbon in our environment — a totally ridiculous notion!

    Unless someone starts grabbing carbon from other planets and bringing it here, we are not going to increase the element carbon on this earth!

    It is like DUH!, people!

    • So how do you measure carbon during an ice age?

      Veterans for Ron Paul

      • Ice core sampling.

  36. I am waiting for these climate change idiots to set the example and off themselves.

  37. It really pisses me off that these so-called “scientists” refuse to address solar activity, north magnetic pole shift, plate tectonics and their impact on climate. Everything is always fucking AGW – CO2 and no further discussion is allowed. Al Gore, Kari Norgaard and the rest of their ilk sound like the ones who belong to the flat earth society.

  38. We have planetary cycles. But that aside, I think there is a much more pressing issue that needs to be addressed and that is, what good is a climate when that climate is highly radioactive?

    The Fukushima issue is going to make global warming look like a drop in the ocean.
    What good is a climate when your planet is polluted with oil and pestacides etc…?

    These are the biggest threat to our planet withou a doubt whatsoever. Its not Iran thats the threat at all as mainstream would have us believe, and its not “us” that are a threat to climate IMO. Monsanto, BP, The banksters corporations etc… Are the biggest polluters of our planet by far.

    • I agree, the worst environment problem we have right now are the nuclear reactors, the ones in Japan being the most clear and present danger! NEVER has carbon dioxide been at a lower level in our atmosphere, since probably life has existed on earth.

      This “climate warming” is all about CARBON TAXES, and that is simply about the rich getting richer …

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