Euro 2012 should be investigated for corruption, says Yulia Tymoshenko

Mrs Tymoshenko, who suffers from a suspected herniated spinal disc, was left
spotted with bruises and thinking “these were the last moments of my
life” after allegedly being punched in the stomach by the deputy head
of the penal colony in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, 16 days ago.

Yevgeniya Tymoshenko said yesterday that her mother was “very thin and
weak” but strong in spirit. “They crossed the final line, and
decided to use violence against my mother,” she said. “Now she has
a lot pain in her back and she moves with difficulty.”

Ms Tymoshenko, 32, said one of her mother’s two cell-mates who refused to sign
a statement saying the politician inflicted her own injuries had been
removed and replaced by a woman who appeared to be spying on the former
prime minister.

“They follow her every move in the cell with a video camera which is
totally illegal. She is allowed to make phone calls by law but the telephone
is far away from her cell, and the guards told her, ‘You can call if you can
crawl there.'”

In the message passed to The Sunday Telegraph, Mrs Tymoshenko thanked
foreign leaders for “showing solidarity with the Ukrainian opposition
today and our struggle for freedom, justice and human rights, and for trying
to save the lives of political prisoners and my life.”

She called on the Financial Action Task Force, an intergovernmental
anti-corruption body, to “initiate public investigations into the
corrupt schemes used by the present government of Ukraine to embezzle public
money, including during the construction of infrastructure for Euro 2012.”

Mrs Tymoshenko, 51, the former leader of the 2004 Orange Revolution, was
sentenced to seven years in jail last year on abuse of office charges which
supporters say were trumped up by her political rival, President Viktor

The United States and European governments condemned her sentencing in
October, but criticism grew last month when photographs of her with bruises
on her arm and stomach were published online after the alleged April 20

Seven European presidents have since declined to travel to a summit in Ukraine
this week. The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, says whether or not she
will travel to Euro 2012 depends on Mrs Tymoshenko getting adequate medical

Sergei Vlasenko, the former prime minister’s lawyer, urged European
governments to go further. “The authorities here treat political
prisoners as if they are serfs or beasts,” he told The Sunday
in Kiev.

“Yanukovych is like a dog which keeps Tymoshenko’s cage door closed with
one paw, while waving to Europe with another and demanding meat.

“But European leaders must not bargain with this man. Saying they are
very concerned about Yulia Tymoshenko is not enough. The only thing bandits
care about is family and money. European countries need to freeze their
foreign bank accounts.”

Mrs Tymoshenko’s team have not called for an all-out boycott of Euro 2012, but
are expressing thanks to foreign leaders who show support by snubbing the
tournament, where protocol would probably demand a meeting with Mr

Asked if Princes William and Harry should abstain from attending the
tournament, Mr Vlasenko said: “That would be helpful.”

Prince William has frequently supported the England team in person. During the
2010 World Cup finals in South Africa, he attended their group match against
Algeria in Cape Town during a tour of southern Africa with Prince Harry,
where he also campaigned for England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

In 2006 the Prince travelled to Frankfurt, Germany, for England’s first World
Cup game against Paraguay, and in 2007 he attended England’s Euro 2008
qualifying match against Croatia at Wembley Stadium.

Royal sources said the Duke’s decision to miss the Euro 2012 tournament was
not connected to the political situation in the Ukraine.

A royal aide said: “There are no plans for Prince William to go. He went
to South Africa, specifically because it was in the run-up to the 2018 bid,
in his capacity as president of the bid. But he doesn’t normally attend
World Cups and European Cups unless there is a specific role for the
president to play or unless he wishes to attend in a personal capacity.

“He will follow it with interest as a fan back home and obviously in his
capacity as president of the FA he is continually in touch with the board
and is kept updated on all important issues.”

Mrs Tymoshenko’s ordeal marks a dramatic dip in fortunes for the former gas
trader, who made headlines worldwide in 2004 when she and her allies led
hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians on to the streets of Kiev to force a
re-run of rigged elections.

Two German doctors who visited her on Friday have secured provisional
agreement by the Ukrainian authorities for the politician will be treated
this week at a clinic in Kharkiv, under their supervision.

Miss Tymoshenko said her mother had so far refused care for her spinal problem
by government-appointed doctors because she was afraid that she might be “slipped
a strange tablet, or injected with something”.

Another political prisoner, Yury Lutsenko, the former interior minister, has
reportedly contracted hepatitis in prison and the former president of
Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, was almost killed by dioxin poisoning that
disfigured his face.

The Euro tournament is rapidly turning into a public relations disaster for Mr
Yanukovych, who had hoped to use the tournament to polish his tarnished
image both inside and outside the country.

The 61-year-old was governor of the Russian-dominated eastern Donetsk region
in the late 1990s and became prime minister in 2002.

Two years later he lost out on a bid for the presidency when his supporters
tried to rig the election in his favour. The attempt caused mass protests,
led by Mrs Tymoshenko and her “Orange” ally Mr Yushchenko, who was
voted in as president in the rerun.

Mr Yanukovych later exacted revenge, reclaiming the premiership and then
narrowly beating Mrs Tymoshenko in the 2010 presidential election. But his
leadership has been mired by a faltering economy and persistent accusations
of corruption.

Residents of Kiev complain of expensive follies such as a large helicopter pad
for the president being built in the middle of a much-loved park.

The prosecution of Mrs Tymoshenko and three members of her former cabinet also
exuded a strong whiff of political retaliation by Mr Yanukovych’s government.

Mrs Tymoshenko was indicted in 2010 for signing a controversial deal a year
earlier for import of natural gas from Russia, which prosecutors said
exceeded her powers and betrayed Ukraine’s interests. When she was jailed
last autumn she compared her prosecution to Joseph Stalin’s purges, saying “the
year 1937 is back again”.

Mr Yanukovych denies any interference in the legal process and government
officials stepped up their efforts last week to discredit claims of his
rival’s maltreatment.

Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Pshonka, said on Friday that the pictures
of Mrs Tymoshenko’s bruises were fake, while the deputy head of the
Kachanovskaya penal colony said she had “a large amount of food”
in a fridge in her cell and he was unaware of her being on hunger strike.

The foreign ministry also condemned European governments shunning the Euro as “destructive
attempts to politicise sporting events.” But Mrs Tymoshenko’s
supporters said yesterday that Mr Yanukovich’s government was to blame for
the boycott.

“They don’t think about the criticism and the shame in front of the world
because they are gangsters,” said Alexander Briginets, 50, one of a
handful of Tymoshenko supporters who was hunger striking in solidarity with
her at a tented camp in central Kiev.

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